EHSV Notes on First Thessalonians

by Daniel Gregg

Commentary and Notes

5:19 “Do not quench the Spĭrit.” Here the Rūăḥ (Spĭrit) himself is not meant, but his ability to work in and through people. The Rūăḥ himself cannot be quenched, but only grieved. What is not to be quenched is the Rūăḥ’s fire, i.e. his influence. Some translators put “spirit” in lower case. Most in upper case. Other commentators make the point I just made. What the text most certainly does not mean is “the spirit” in the sense of a good feeling atmosphere, or general happiness, as somehow disconnected from the Spĭrit’s influence. Therefore, in spite of the fact that some may mistakenly think the Spĭrit may be quenched, I have judged it best not render the text “spirit.” It would appear that in the age of the emmissaries that prophecies were more common, that is real ones, and not the fake prophesies common today. The prophets messages were not often about joy and good cheer. So the context clearly indicates Paul is talking about the working of the Rūăḥ HaQōdēsh, and not about the good spirit of the party as they say.