Even I am Yahweh your Elohim from the land
of Mistrayim, and  Elohim (G-d) besides Me, NOT you shall know,
and Saviour NOT besides Me.
Hoshea 13:4
     Here the Almighty G-d says that we are to have no Saviour besides him.   Therefore, it follows logically that Yayshua is the Almighty in human form if He is to be our Saviour.  If He were not the Almighty in human form, then he could not be the Saviour.   There are many cults in this age of unbelief that deny the deity of our Saviour.  Among them we can number the modern revival of the Ebionites, who observe Torah to one degree or another, but who accept that Yayshua is a Messiah while denying His deity.  In general these groups expand by promoting the biblical things they do, and then when they have you hooked they teach you to deny Him.  It's kind of like Sirens pulling people to their destruction.  They hide the poison until it is too late.  When researching an unknown group, or a new group, it is therefore critical to find out what they believe on the deity of Yayshua.
     It is one thing for a complete unbeliever to deny or not know of the deity of our L-rd.  It is quite another for members of these groups to pretend to be legitimate authorities, and to teach against the truth.  A study of what these groups say about the clear statements as to Yayshua's deity in the Scripture will teach you to the lengths they will go to dismiss the literal meaning of the texts, and to rationalize their way out of the plain meaning of G-d's words.
     There are many clear statements in the Scripture, viz. John 1:1; Revelation