Tearing Down without Building
Tearing Down and Building Up
August 29b, 2018
![The Scroll of Biblical Chronology [The Scroll of Biblical Chronology]](/png/slo.png)
Why am I constantly seeing posts that tear things down, but build little or nothing up? What good is it to point out an error or a problem without having a solution? There are an endless supply of errors to point out and very few solutions. The problem is this: many more people know how to criticise a problem or error than can offer a solution. And of those offering solutions, often enough the solution is wrong! Therefore, I conclude that criticism without solution is next to useless.
Yes, bare criticism can work well if you are talking in your own sound chamber and context with people who agree with you on the solution. But to make public a criticism without putting the emphasis on the truth that is being neglected, or better making a convincing argument for the truth, well that is just useless.
I try to present the solutions that are being neglected. I try not to make a criticism of a false doctrine unless I have a positive solution, i.e. what is true and should be believed, and not just what should not be believed. I also think that some people are so bitter against lies they have been taught all their lives that they can do nothing but shoot it down without telling us where to go. The criticism is no doubt justified. It just isn’t profitable without discovering the truth that should replace the error.
How can I respond to criticism that is justified except to agree with it? If people spend their whole day making criticisms with which I must agree, but contribute nothing to actually solving the problem by telling us the truth that should replace it, then my time is equally wasted!
So please focus on the positive truths! If you got this response to your post, it is free advertising for my book, which is the positive truth on chronology. If you keep seeing this post, and don’t like it, then you have two options (1) Defriend me, and we will mutually benefit. I don’t like to see pure criticism which I agree is justified, but accomplishes nothing. I will thereby benefit by being defriended. (2) Learn to criticize and then solve, and you won’t see this post as often. I have the answers others don’t.