The Scroll of Biblical Chronology, Vol. I
Lesson 1: The Beginning of Messiah’s Ministry
August 23, 2018
![The Scroll of Biblical Chronology [The Scroll of Biblical Chronology]](/png/ministry_begin.jpg)
Right click on the image and select “view image.” You can then zoom in on it. It fills my entire 22" monitor, and still an image on a computer is not going to do any justice to the perspective of the real book. You will have to go back and forth between the article and the image if you do not have the book yet to follow this discussion.
No. 1: The far left column is the year AD 28, 29, and 30
No. 2: Printed next of the year 29 is “782” in red. This is the year of Rome. At the top of the page are the consuls in Rome for the year AD 29: “C. Fufius Geminus” and “L. Rubellius Geminus.”
No. 3: Note the thin 4th column. This marks the seasons: blue: winter; green: spring; yellow: summer; orange: fall.
No. 4: Going accross the columns, we have AD, Year of Creation, Sabbatical Cycle, Seasons, Jubilee Cycle, Herod Philip, Pontius Pilate, the 46 year John 2:20 Era, Tiberius' reign, Herod Antipas reign, John's age, Yeshua's age, and a repeat of Tiberius' 15th year. On the far right, the king of Nabatea Aretas IV, the Selucid Era, and finally counting by Olympiads.
No. 5: With a ruler you can find out when stated events occurred. For example, Yohanan begins preaching in the spring of AD 29. Follow the dotted lines to the markers for John's age 30, and the spring season. Align a ruler over to the first column and you see it is AD 29, and it also aligns with the 15th year of Tiberius.
No. 6: The Scripture reference imprinted (Luke 3:1-2) tells us that John began preaching in the 15th year of Tiberius.
No. 7: Many notes explain themselves, or will be understood by experts on a given topic. For example, in John 2:13 Messiah is rejected by the leaders when he presented himself. Here begins a 40 year era of odd signs in the Temple which is mentioned in the Talmud. It ends with the destruction of the Temple in AD 70. The signs were not against the Temple, but against the leadership in control of it. The legend says the doors would open at odd times, or the lots at Yom Kippur would come up in ways they interpreted as being unfavorable.
No. 8: The reader should note the complete integration of parallel passages from the four Evangelists, which is a synopsis of each event in the ministry of Messiah.