Deceived by Tradition
From One Tradition to the Next
August 30, 2018
![The Scroll of Biblical Chronology [The Scroll of Biblical Chronology]](/png/slo.png)
I keep hearing from friends that the Torah observant people they talk to or Messianic Jews will not listen because of their traditions. This is true, and it is because of basic human nature. People unlearn one deception only to attach themselves to the next deception. The majority of Messianics are not exempt from doing this, which is why when you get them into groups, the group will not listen, just as the groups they left would not listen to them when they found out the deception those groups were teaching.
Most people do not make decisions based on logic, reason, or really listening to what the Almighty said. They make them on the basis of feeling liked, wanted, or appreciated. Many people are capable of making decisions no other way. Only a very few are gifted with the ability to pursue the truth without at first seeing the emotional value in it.
In an ideal world, being loved and loving people ought to be in the same category with the truth. But this is not an ideal world. This is a world of perversion. Perversion is where good and evil are mixed together, and the good part appeals to the person and induces them to participate in the evil part. Not only that, but the good part blinds them to the evil part!
Let me give an example. Boy likes girl, and girl likes boy. Both have mutual interests and have great conversations. They decide to try each other out. It is great, man loves woman, woman loves man. Ok, so this is the good part. Where is the evil? Evil has been mixed into the relationship. They are not married. There is no permanent commitment that has been made before the Almighty through thick and thin, and for good or for worse. God intended the marriage commitment to go with the relationship. So it is evil when marriage is not entered into. There is a good part and there is an evil part. This is the definition of perversion.
Perversion is not 100% evil. Perversion is good being twisted or packaged with something that does not go with it. Perversion is when a tasty snack bar is packaged with a good and beautiful picture of enjoyment, and it tastes sweet and delicious, but it has been mixed with evil. It has too much sugar in it. It has chemicals or additives in it that can cause cancer.
So now that we know what perversion is, let me tell you that it is the devil’s number one tactic. Get people to accept evil by mixing it with good. The best advertising always puts something good with the product, and the issue of whether the product is good or bad is concealed. That is how incorrect traditions are sold. They are put with correct truths or a loving community. And convincing a whole community to reconsider the false tradition is next to impossible, because you see, like typical humans they have equivocated the good stuff with the false stuff.
Stuck on Tradition
The reason for false tradition is simple. Those who should test every matter by two or three witnesses do not do so. I mean the leaders you are following that keep mentioning the false traditions. The leaders and those who keep echoing what the leaders said. The leaders should be responsible and test everything as they should before teaching something false. And followers should demand proof by two or three witnesses before blindly repeating what is said.
- The day always begins at sunset
- The resurrection was on Sunday
- The resurrection was on Saturday afternoon
- We can trust the usual translatons
- We are declared righteous by believing
- It’s canonical because we say so
- It’s canonical because the Church says so
- The Talmud’s rules are all valid
- or, The Talmud is evil and occultic
- Waw conversive converts Hebrew imperfect to perfect.
- Greeks cannot think “Hebraically.”
- Shavuot is always on a Sunday
- The New Testament was originally in Aramaic
The list could go on and on. Actually the number of items that people can accept from false traditions is only proportional to their inability to prove everything before repeating it. Just this last week, I saw numerous posts accusing John McCain of killing his shipmates and conspiring with the Viet Cong. John McCain was a RINO republican to be sure, but none of those posts were true. Fake everything is everywhere. People had better learn to tell the majority to shut up while they figure out who is right.
Torah observant messianics should learn to follow the Torah and test every claim against it. That means testing the translations also. The problem is too few are capable of doing this. While the scholars are seriously questioning waw conversive converts an imperfect to a perfect, Hebrew teachers are still teaching it! While all the scholars know that “et” (alpeh tav) in Hebrew is a grammatical marker of the direct object, self proclaimed torah teachers are teaching it is a code for Messiah.
The reason they are in error is that new foundations were advertised as sound when they bought them. But they did not inspect the foundations before buying. The foundations are full of holes, and every once in a while they put their foot in a hole that calls for a foundation inspection. So they do not inspect the foundation even after finding a hole. They just fill the hole up with sand. Fairly soon many holes will be filed with sand and the flood will come and wash it all away and the structures built on it also.
Most of us are in the position of finding a “hole” in a foundation that seems strong and was sold to us as well made. Or we have at one time been in that position. Very few are wholly right from the start of their seeking the truth. The key is this! What are you going to do with that hole you found in your foundation? Are you going to fill it up with sand and top it off with a veneer of concrete so none can see it, or are you going to inspect the foundation's security? And then you will see that the hole you found leads to a sink hole below it threatening to swallow you and your structures.