
The pronouncement concerning Neenvæh. The book of the vision of Naɦ̣ūm the ’Elqoshee. 1:2Gŏd is jealous and avenging, Yăhwēh is avenging Yăhwēh, and is the master of wrath, avenging Yăhwēh against his adversaries, and keeping it for his enemies!

3Yăhwēh is slow to anger, and great in power, and an acquittal, Yăhwēh will not acquit. In the gale and the storm is his way, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

4He rebukes the sea and makes it dry; and all the rivers he will have dried up; Bashan and Carmel will have been withered; and the bloom of Lev̱anon will have been withered.

5The mountains will have quaked because of him, and the hills will have melted themselves, and the earth will rise up at his face, and the world and all dwelling in it.

6At the face of his indignation, who will stand? And who can rise up at the burning of his anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken down because of him.

7Yăhwēh is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knows those seeking refuge in him. 8But with a flood passing over he will make a complete end of her place, and darkness will pursue his enemies.

9What do you devise against Yăhwēh? He will have made a complete end. You will not raise up a recurrence of trouble.

10For yet as fire eats tangled thorns, and as liquor eats drunkards, they will have been fully eaten like dried chaff.

11From you will have come one plotting evil against Yăhwēh, a worthless counselor.

12Thus has said Yăhwēh, “When being at peace, and therefore great, likewise they will be cut off, and will have passed away, and I will have answered you. I will not cause you to be afflicted again. 13And now I will break his yoke from off you, and your chains I will tear away.”

14And Yăhwēh will have commanded concerning you, “Nothing will be sown in your name again. From the house of your gods, I will have cut off idol and image. I appoint you a grave, because you have become accursed.”

15(Behold, on the mountains are the feet of one bringing good news, one giving the message of peace! Keep your feasts, O Yehudah; complete your vows, for never again is worthlessness to pass through you; all of it will have been cut off.)

The scatterer has come up against your face. Guard the ramparts; watch the road; tighten the belt; strenghthen your power vastly, 2:2because Yăhwēh will have restored the majesty of Ya`ạqov̱ as the majesty of Yisra´æl, because destroyers have destroyed them and have ruined their branches.

3The shields of his mightiest men are reddened. The men of war are clad in scarlet, in fire. The reins of the chariots, on that day have been attached, and the horsemen have been reeling about.

4The chariots race madly in the streets; they rush to and fro in the plazas; their gleam like torches; they run fast like lightning.

5He remembers his officers; they stumble in their going, they hasten to the wall; and the siege tower has been set up. 6The river gates have been opened; and the palace has collapsed; 7And it has been determined: she will have been exiled; she will have been made to go up, but her maids are moaning like the sound of doves, beating on their hearts.

8And Neenvæh was as a pool of waters in her day, but they are fleeing; “Stop!, Stop!”, but none turns back.

9Plunder the silver, plunder the gold! And there is no end of the supply store, the weight of all the precious articles.

10She is emptied! And she is made to be empty! And she is made to be wasted! And hearts are melting and knees buckling; and agony is in everyone’s sides; and all of their faces have grown flushed.

11Where is the den of lions, and the feeding place, that is for the young lions, where the lion has gone? the lioness is there; a cub of a lion; and no one is causing a fright.

12The lion has torn enough for his cubs and strangled prey for his lionesses; thus, he filled his caves with prey and his dens with torn flesh.

13“Behold, I am against you,” by declaration of Yăhwēh of hosts, “And I will have burned her chariots in smoke. And the sword shall eat your young lions. And I will have cut off your prey from the earth. And the voice of your messengers will not be heard again.”

Woe, city of bloodshed. All of her is a lie. Plunder has filled her. The prey will never leave.

3:2Sounds the whip, and sounds a rumbling wheel, and a racing horse, and a bouncing chariot, horsemen going up, 3and the flash of a sword, and lightning of a spear. And a multitude have been pierced, and have made a heavy pile of corpses. And there is no end to dead bodies. They will stumble over their bodies.

4The jugdement is because of the many harlotries of the harlot, excellent of grace, the mistress of sorceries, selling nations by her harlotries, and families by her sorceries.

5Behold, I am against you, by a declaration of Yăhwēh of hosts, and will have uncovered your skirts lifting them over your face; and I will have made nations look at your nakedness and kingdoms at your dishonor. 6I will have cast detestable things upon you, and I will have treated you with contempt and I will have made you a spectacle. 7And it will have been that everyone seeing you will flee from you. And he will have said, “Neenvæh has been made to be a waste. Who will lament for her? From where shall I seek comfortors for you?”

8Are you not better than No’ ’Amon sitting by the Great River, with waters going around her, whose rampart is a sea; whose waters are her wall?

9Cūsh was her strength, also Egypt; even without limit. Pūt and Lūv̱iym had been among her allies. 10Even she was destined for exile. Into captivity even she has gone. Her infants were smashed at the head of every street; and for those worth something in her they had cast the lot. And all her great ones had been bound in chains.

11Even you will be made to be drunk. You will be hiding, even you. You will seek refuge from the enemy. 12All your fortresses are fig trees with the first ripe fruit. If they are shaken, then they will have fallen into the mouth of the eater. 13Behold, your people are women in your midst! Unto your enemies opening they are opening the gates of your land. Fire will have eaten your bars. 14Draw yourself water for the siege! Strenghthen your fortifications! Go into the clay and tread in the mortar! Seize the brick mold.

15There fire will eat you. The sword will cut you down. It will eat you like the locust. They will have made themselves heavy like the locust. Make yourself heavy like the desert cricket. 16You have multiplied your tradings more than the stars of the heavens. The locust will have stripped everything. Then it will fly away.

17Your crowned ones are like the desert cricket. And plunder accountants as a swarm of swarms camping on the walls on a cool day. When the sun has risen, then they have been chased away and their whereabouts have not been known.

18Your shepherds have become drowsy O king of ’Ashūr. Your nobles are resting. Your people have been scattered on the mountains, and no one is gathering them. 19There is no dimming down your shattering. Your wound is sickening. All those hearing the report about you will have clapped their hands over you, because over who has your continual evil not passed?