Feast Tables (Selected Years)

Back to Biblical Feasts

26 C.E., 27 C.E., 28 C.E., 29 C.E., 30 C.E., 31 C.E., 32 C.E., 33 C.E., 34 C.E., 35 C.E., 36 C.E.

1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

The Sabbatical Cycle


The Jubilee Cycle
Calendar Principles

26 C.E.

Spring Equinox: 3/22/  26  23h:44m                                           
Fall Equinox: 9/25/  26  9h:53m                                              
             The Year is  4166 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
                  Preparation        3/23/  26 SAB                           
        Passover           3/24/  26 SUN         Julday: 1730637             
        Last High Sabbath  3/30/  26 SAB         Julday: 1730643             
        Pentecost          5/13/  26 MON         Julday: 1730687             
        Trumpets           9/ 2/  26 MON         Julday: 1730799             
        Day of Atonement   9/11/  26 WED         Julday: 1730808             
        Tabernacles        9/16/  26 MON         Julday: 1730813             
        Last High Sabbath  9/23/  26 MON         Julday: 1730820             
    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                       
1. AVIV (Nisan)          SAB  3/ 9/  26          29 days Jul: 1730622.15     
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           SUN  4/ 7/  26          29 days Jul: 1730651.17     
3. Sivan                 MON  5/ 6/  26          29 days Jul: 1730680.18     
4. Shoshana              TUE  6/ 4/  26          30 days Jul: 1730709.19     
5. Av                    THR  7/ 4/  26          29 days Jul: 1730739.20     
6. Elul                  FRI  8/ 2/  26          30 days Jul: 1730768.19     
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      SUN  9/ 1/  26          29 days Jul: 1730798.17     
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      MON  9/30/  26          30 days Jul: 1730827.15     
9. Kislev                WED 10/30/  26          30 days Jul: 1730857.12     
10. Tebeth               FRI 11/29/  26          30 days Jul: 1730887.11     
11. Shebat               SUN 12/29/  26          29 days Jul: 1730917.12     
12. Adar                 MON  1/27/  27          30 days Jul: 1730946.13     
13. Adar II              WED  2/26/  27          29 days Jul: 1730976.15     
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)         
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                 
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 24.2 AV: 22.8 AN:  4.5 D: 18.3 PR: -0.5 AMBpr        
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 20.3 AV: 18.5 AN:  7.1 D: 11.3 PR: -6.3              
3. Sivan            AL: 16.7 AV: 13.8 AN:  7.1 D:  6.7 PR: <7                
4. Shoshana         AL: 12.9 AV:  8.7 AN:  8.4 D:  0.4 PR: S>M               
5. Av               AL: 21.7 AV: 15.3 AN:  6.2 D:  9.1 PR: -6.4              
6. Elul             AL: 15.8 AV: 10.5 AN:  7.4 D:  3.1 PR: <7                
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 21.5 AV: 14.6 AN:  6.3 D:  8.3 PR: -3.5              
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 13.7 AV: 10.7 AN:  8.1 D:  2.6 PR: <7                
9. Kislev           AL: 16.1 AV: 12.8 AN:  7.3 D:  5.5 PR: <7                
10. Tebeth          AL: 17.5 AV: 14.3 AN:  6.8 D:  7.5 PR: -3.9              
11. Shebat          AL: 19.3 AV: 16.4 AN:  6.2 D: 10.2 PR: -2.9              
12. Adar            AL: 11.3 AV: 10.1 AN:  8.9 D:  1.2 PR: S>M               
13. Adar II         AL: 16.6 AV: 15.0 AN:  7.1 D:  7.9 PR: <7                
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon            
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude       
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                 
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                            
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.              
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                          
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon           
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/ 9/  26 UT: 15h:42m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:42m DT: 2.496 
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/ 7/  26 UT: 16h: 0m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 0m DT: 2.496 
3. Sivan              5/ 6/  26 UT: 16h:17m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:17m DT: 2.496 
4. Shoshana           6/ 4/  26 UT: 16h:35m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:35m DT: 2.495 
5. Av                 7/ 4/  26 UT: 16h:45m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:45m DT: 2.495 
6. Elul               8/ 2/  26 UT: 16h:34m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:34m DT: 2.495 
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/ 1/  26 UT: 16h: 5m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 5m DT: 2.495 
8. BUL (Marchesvan)   9/30/  26 UT: 15h:29m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:29m DT: 2.494 
9. Kislev            10/30/  26 UT: 14h:55m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:55m DT: 2.494 
10. Tebeth           11/29/  26 UT: 14h:38m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:38m DT: 2.494 
11. Shebat           12/29/  26 UT: 14h:47m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:47m DT: 2.494 
12. Adar              1/27/  27 UT: 15h:10m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:10m DT: 2.493 
13. Adar II           2/26/  27 UT: 15h:35m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:35m DT: 2.493 
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT          
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                     
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem           

27 C.E.

                      Spring Equinox: 3/23/  27  5h:30m                     
                      Fall Equinox: 9/25/  27  15h:43m                      
       The Year is  4167 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).           
  Preparation        4/10/  27 THR                                          
  Passover           4/11/  27 FRI         Julday: 1731020                  
  Last High Sabbath  4/17/  27 THR         Julday: 1731026                  
  Pentecost          5/31/  27 SAB         Julday: 1731070                  
  Trumpets           9/21/  27 SUN         Julday: 1731183                  
  Day of Atonement   9/30/  27 TUE         Julday: 1731192                  
  Tabernacles       10/ 5/  27 SUN         Julday: 1731197                  
  Last High Sabbath 10/12/  27 SUN         Julday: 1731204                  
Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the           
feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31          
at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                        
                         All the New Moons of the Year                      
1. AVIV (Nisan)          THR  3/27/  27          30 days Jul: 1731005.16    
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           SAB  4/26/  27          29 days Jul: 1731035.17    
3. Sivan                 SUN  5/25/  27          29 days Jul: 1731064.19    
4. Shoshana              MON  6/23/  27          30 days Jul: 1731093.20    
5. Av                    WED  7/23/  27          29 days Jul: 1731123.20    
6. Elul                  THR  8/21/  27          30 days Jul: 1731152.18    
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      SAB  9/20/  27          29 days Jul: 1731182.15    
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      SUN 10/19/  27          30 days Jul: 1731211.13    
9. Kislev                TUE 11/18/  27          30 days Jul: 1731241.11    
10. Tebeth               THR 12/18/  27          30 days Jul: 1731271.11    
11. Shebat               SAB  1/17/  28          29 days Jul: 1731301.13    
12. Adar                 SUN  2/15/  28          30 days Jul: 1731330.14    
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)        
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names              
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian              
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'         
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself        
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.      
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 11.6 AV:  9.6 AN:  8.8 D:  0.9 PR: S>M              
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 20.1 AV: 17.8 AN:  7.2 D: 10.6 PR: -6.2             
3. Sivan            AL: 16.3 AV: 13.2 AN:  7.2 D:  6.0 PR: S>M              
4. Shoshana         AL: 12.4 AV:  8.9 AN:  8.5 D:  0.4 PR: S>M              
5. Av               AL: 22.2 AV: 16.2 AN:  5.9 D: 10.3 PR: -5.1             
6. Elul             AL: 16.9 AV: 12.4 AN:  7.0 D:  5.4 PR: <7               
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 23.4 AV: 16.4 AN:  5.0 D: 11.3 PR: -1.0             
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 15.5 AV: 12.0 AN:  7.5 D:  4.5 PR: <7               
9. Kislev           AL: 18.1 AV: 13.6 AN:  6.6 D:  6.9 PR: -4.4             
10. Tebeth          AL: 19.8 AV: 15.4 AN:  6.1 D:  9.3 PR: -3.2             
11. Shebat          AL: 21.9 AV: 18.4 AN:  6.1 D: 12.3 PR: -1.1             
12. Adar            AL: 14.1 AV: 12.0 AN:  8.0 D:  4.1 PR: <7               
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon           
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude      
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                           
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.             
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                         
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon          
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/27/  27 UT: 15h:53m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:53m DT: 2.493
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/26/  27 UT: 16h:11m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:11m DT: 2.493
3. Sivan              5/25/  27 UT: 16h:29m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:29m DT: 2.492
4. Shoshana           6/23/  27 UT: 16h:43m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:43m DT: 2.492
5. Av                 7/23/  27 UT: 16h:40m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:40m DT: 2.492
6. Elul               8/21/  27 UT: 16h:18m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:18m DT: 2.492
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/20/  27 UT: 15h:42m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:42m DT: 2.491
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/19/  27 UT: 15h: 6m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 6m DT: 2.491
9. Kislev            11/18/  27 UT: 14h:42m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:42m DT: 2.491
10. Tebeth           12/18/  27 UT: 14h:41m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:41m DT: 2.491
11. Shebat            1/17/  28 UT: 15h: 1m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 1m DT: 2.490
12. Adar              2/15/  28 UT: 15h:26m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:26m DT: 2.490
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT         
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                    
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem          

28 C.E.

                     Spring Equinox: 3/22/  28  11h:16m                     
                     Fall Equinox: 9/24/  28  21h:34m                       
            The Year is  4168 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
                Preparation        3/30/  28 TUE                            
       Passover           3/31/  28 WED         Julday: 1731375             
       Last High Sabbath  4/ 6/  28 TUE         Julday: 1731381             
       Pentecost          5/20/  28 THR         Julday: 1731425             
       Trumpets           9/ 9/  28 THR         Julday: 1731537             
       Day of Atonement   9/18/  28 SAB         Julday: 1731546             
       Tabernacles        9/23/  28 THR         Julday: 1731551             
       Last High Sabbath  9/30/  28 THR         Julday: 1731558             
   * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
     feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
     at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
                         All the New Moons of the Year                      
1. AVIV (Nisan)          TUE  3/16/  28          29 days Jul: 1731360.16    
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           WED  4/14/  28          30 days Jul: 1731389.17    
3. Sivan                 FRI  5/14/  28          29 days Jul: 1731419.18    
4. Shoshana              SAB  6/12/  28          29 days Jul: 1731448.19    
5. Av                    SUN  7/11/  28          30 days Jul: 1731477.20    
6. Elul                  TUE  8/10/  28          29 days Jul: 1731507.19    
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      WED  9/ 8/  28          30 days Jul: 1731536.16    
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      FRI 10/ 8/  28          29 days Jul: 1731566.14    
9. Kislev                SAB 11/ 6/  28          30 days Jul: 1731595.12    
10. Tebeth               MON 12/ 6/  28          30 days Jul: 1731625.11    
11. Shebat               WED  1/ 5/  29          29 days Jul: 1731655.12    
12. Adar                 THR  2/ 3/  29          30 days Jul: 1731684.14    
13. Adar II              SAB  3/ 5/  29          30 days Jul: 1731714.15    
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)        
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names              
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian              
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'         
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself        
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.      
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 18.5 AV: 16.7 AN:  6.5 D: 10.2 PR: -5.4             
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 12.8 AV: 10.8 AN:  8.4 D:  2.4 PR: S>M              
3. Sivan            AL: 20.0 AV: 17.8 AN:  6.0 D: 11.8 PR: -5.5             
4. Shoshana         AL: 15.9 AV: 13.2 AN:  7.4 D:  5.9 PR: <7               
5. Av               AL: 11.9 AV:  9.6 AN:  8.7 D:  1.0 PR: S>M              
6. Elul             AL: 22.1 AV: 16.5 AN:  5.9 D: 10.6 PR: -3.8             
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 17.0 AV: 12.9 AN:  7.0 D:  5.9 PR: <7               
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 24.0 AV: 16.1 AN:  4.7 D: 11.4 PR: -1.1             
9. Kislev           AL: 16.0 AV: 11.4 AN:  7.3 D:  4.0 PR: <7               
10. Tebeth          AL: 19.7 AV: 13.8 AN:  6.1 D:  7.7 PR: -5.2             
11. Shebat          AL: 22.6 AV: 17.5 AN:  5.6 D: 11.9 PR: -0.8 AMBpr       
12. Adar            AL: 14.4 AV: 11.6 AN:  7.9 D:  3.7 PR: <7               
13. Adar II         AL: 17.3 AV: 15.4 AN:  6.9 D:  8.5 PR: -6.2             
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon           
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude      
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                           
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.             
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                         
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon          
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/16/  28 UT: 15h:47m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:47m DT: 2.490
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/14/  28 UT: 16h: 4m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 4m DT: 2.490
3. Sivan              5/14/  28 UT: 16h:23m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:23m DT: 2.489
4. Shoshana           6/12/  28 UT: 16h:40m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:40m DT: 2.489
5. Av                 7/11/  28 UT: 16h:44m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:44m DT: 2.489
6. Elul               8/10/  28 UT: 16h:28m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:28m DT: 2.489
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/ 8/  28 UT: 15h:56m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:56m DT: 2.488
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/ 8/  28 UT: 15h:18m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:18m DT: 2.488
9. Kislev            11/ 6/  28 UT: 14h:49m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:49m DT: 2.488
10. Tebeth           12/ 6/  28 UT: 14h:38m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:38m DT: 2.488
11. Shebat            1/ 5/  29 UT: 14h:52m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:52m DT: 2.487
12. Adar              2/ 3/  29 UT: 15h:17m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:17m DT: 2.487
13. Adar II           3/ 5/  29 UT: 15h:40m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:40m DT: 2.487
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT         
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                    
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem          

29 C.E.

                     Spring Equinox: 3/22/  29  17h:11m                      
                     Fall Equinox: 9/25/  29  3h:22m                         
             The Year is  4169 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
        Preparation        4/18/  29 MON                                     
        Passover           4/19/  29 TUE         Julday: 1731759             
        Last High Sabbath  4/25/  29 MON         Julday: 1731765             
        Pentecost          6/ 8/  29 WED         Julday: 1731809             
        Trumpets           9/28/  29 WED         Julday: 1731921             
        Day of Atonement  10/ 7/  29 FRI         Julday: 1731930             
        Tabernacles       10/12/  29 WED         Julday: 1731935             
        Last High Sabbath 10/19/  29 WED         Julday: 1731942             
    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                       
1. AVIV (Nisan)          MON  4/ 4/  29          29 days Jul: 1731744.17     
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           TUE  5/ 3/  29          30 days Jul: 1731773.18     
3. Sivan                 THR  6/ 2/  29          29 days Jul: 1731803.19     
4. Shoshana              FRI  7/ 1/  29          29 days Jul: 1731832.20     
5. Av                    SAB  7/30/  29          30 days Jul: 1731861.19     
6. Elul                  MON  8/29/  29          29 days Jul: 1731891.17     
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      TUE  9/27/  29          30 days Jul: 1731920.15     
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      THR 10/27/  29          29 days Jul: 1731950.12     
9. Kislev                FRI 11/25/  29          30 days Jul: 1731979.11     
10. Tebeth               SUN 12/25/  29          29 days Jul: 1732009.11     
11. Shebat               MON  1/23/  30          30 days Jul: 1732038.13     
12. Adar                 WED  2/22/  30          30 days Jul: 1732068.15     
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)         
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names               
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian               
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'          
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself         
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.       
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                 
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 20.8 AV: 19.4 AN:  6.8 D: 12.6 PR: -1.8              
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 14.3 AV: 13.0 AN:  7.9 D:  5.1 PR: <7                
3. Sivan            AL: 20.8 AV: 18.8 AN:  6.8 D: 12.0 PR: -3.2              
4. Shoshana         AL: 16.4 AV: 14.1 AN:  7.2 D:  6.9 PR: <7                
5. Av               AL: 12.3 AV: 10.5 AN:  8.6 D:  1.9 PR: <7                
6. Elul             AL: 21.5 AV: 15.6 AN:  6.4 D:  9.2 PR: -3.4              
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 15.9 AV: 11.4 AN:  7.3 D:  4.1 PR: <7                
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 23.3 AV: 14.1 AN:  5.1 D:  9.0 PR: -3.6              
9. Kislev           AL: 15.8 AV:  9.8 AN:  7.4 D:  2.4 PR: <7                
10. Tebeth          AL: 21.3 AV: 14.7 AN:  6.5 D:  8.3 PR: -5.7              
11. Shebat          AL: 13.8 AV: 10.1 AN:  8.1 D:  2.1 PR: S>M               
12. Adar            AL: 17.4 AV: 15.3 AN:  6.9 D:  8.5 PR: -6.8              
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon            
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude       
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                 
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                            
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.              
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                          
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon           
1. AVIV (Nisan)       4/ 4/  29 UT: 15h:58m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:58m DT: 2.487 
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        5/ 3/  29 UT: 16h:16m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:16m DT: 2.486 
3. Sivan              6/ 2/  29 UT: 16h:34m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:34m DT: 2.486 
4. Shoshana           7/ 1/  29 UT: 16h:45m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:45m DT: 2.486 
5. Av                 7/30/  29 UT: 16h:36m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:36m DT: 2.486 
6. Elul               8/29/  29 UT: 16h: 8m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 8m DT: 2.485 
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/27/  29 UT: 15h:32m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:32m DT: 2.485 
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/27/  29 UT: 14h:58m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:58m DT: 2.485 
9. Kislev            11/25/  29 UT: 14h:39m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:39m DT: 2.485 
10. Tebeth           12/25/  29 UT: 14h:45m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:45m DT: 2.484 
11. Shebat            1/23/  30 UT: 15h: 7m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 7m DT: 2.484 
12. Adar              2/22/  30 UT: 15h:32m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:32m DT: 2.484 
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT          
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                     
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem           

30 C.E.

                      Spring Equinox: 3/22/  30  22h:59m                     
                      Fall Equinox: 9/25/  30  9h:3m                         
             The Year is  4170 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
        Preparation        4/ 7/  30 FRI                                     
        Passover           4/ 8/  30 SAB         Julday: 1732113             
        Last High Sabbath  4/14/  30 FRI         Julday: 1732119             
        Pentecost          5/28/  30 SUN         Julday: 1732163             
        Trumpets           9/18/  30 MON         Julday: 1732276             
        Day of Atonement   9/27/  30 WED         Julday: 1732285             
        Tabernacles       10/ 2/  30 MON         Julday: 1732290             
        Last High Sabbath 10/ 9/  30 MON         Julday: 1732297             
    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                       
1. AVIV (Nisan)          FRI  3/24/  30          29 days Jul: 1732098.16     
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           SAB  4/22/  30          30 days Jul: 1732127.17     
3. Sivan                 MON  5/22/  30          29 days Jul: 1732157.19     
4. Shoshana              TUE  6/20/  30          30 days Jul: 1732186.20     
5. Av                    THR  7/20/  30          29 days Jul: 1732216.20     
6. Elul                  FRI  8/18/  30          30 days Jul: 1732245.18     
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      SUN  9/17/  30          29 days Jul: 1732275.16     
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      MON 10/16/  30          30 days Jul: 1732304.13     
9. Kislev                WED 11/15/  30          29 days Jul: 1732334.11     
10. Tebeth               THR 12/14/  30          30 days Jul: 1732363.11     
11. Shebat               SAB  1/13/  31          29 days Jul: 1732393.12     
12. Adar                 SUN  2/11/  31          30 days Jul: 1732422.14     
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)         
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names               
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian               
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'          
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself         
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.       
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                 
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 20.4 AV: 19.3 AN:  7.1 D: 12.2 PR: -1.9              
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 12.9 AV: 12.1 AN:  8.4 D:  3.7 PR: <7                
3. Sivan            AL: 17.0 AV: 16.2 AN:  7.0 D:  9.2 PR: <7                
4. Shoshana         AL: 11.2 AV: 10.6 AN:  8.9 D:  1.6 PR: <7                
5. Av               AL: 17.8 AV: 15.1 AN:  6.7 D:  8.4 PR: <7                
6. Elul             AL: 12.7 AV: 10.6 AN:  8.4 D:  2.2 PR: <7                
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 20.1 AV: 13.2 AN:  7.3 D:  5.9 PR: -4.7              
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 14.0 AV:  8.6 AN:  8.0 D:  0.6 PR: <7                
9. Kislev           AL: 21.9 AV: 11.9 AN:  6.1 D:  5.8 PR: -7.1              
10. Tebeth          AL: 15.4 AV:  8.7 AN:  7.5 D:  1.2 PR: S>M               
11. Shebat          AL: 22.3 AV: 16.9 AN:  5.8 D: 11.1 PR: -5.4              
12. Adar            AL: 15.3 AV: 12.8 AN:  7.6 D:  5.2 PR: <7                
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon            
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude       
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                 
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                            
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.              
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                          
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon           
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/24/  30 UT: 15h:51m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:51m DT: 2.484 
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/22/  30 UT: 16h: 9m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 9m DT: 2.483 
3. Sivan              5/22/  30 UT: 16h:28m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:28m DT: 2.483 
4. Shoshana           6/20/  30 UT: 16h:42m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:42m DT: 2.483 
5. Av                 7/20/  30 UT: 16h:42m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:42m DT: 2.483 
6. Elul               8/18/  30 UT: 16h:21m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:21m DT: 2.482 
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/17/  30 UT: 15h:45m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:45m DT: 2.482 
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/16/  30 UT: 15h: 9m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 9m DT: 2.482 
9. Kislev            11/15/  30 UT: 14h:43m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:43m DT: 2.482 
10. Tebeth           12/14/  30 UT: 14h:40m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:40m DT: 2.481 
11. Shebat            1/13/  31 UT: 14h:58m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:58m DT: 2.481 
12. Adar              2/11/  31 UT: 15h:23m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:23m DT: 2.481 
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT          
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                     
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem           

31 C.E.

                     Spring Equinox: 3/23/  31  4h:48m                      
                     Fall Equinox: 9/25/  31  14h:57m                       
            The Year is  4171 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
       Preparation        3/27/  31 TUE                                     
       Passover           3/28/  31 WED         Julday: 1732467             
       Last High Sabbath  4/ 3/  31 TUE         Julday: 1732473             
       Pentecost          5/17/  31 THR         Julday: 1732517             
       Trumpets           9/ 7/  31 FRI         Julday: 1732630             
       Day of Atonement   9/16/  31 SUN         Julday: 1732639             
       Tabernacles        9/21/  31 FRI         Julday: 1732644             
       Last High Sabbath  9/28/  31 FRI         Julday: 1732651             
   * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
     feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
     at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
   * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
     user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
     it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
     years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
     the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
     sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                      
1. AVIV (Nisan)          TUE  3/13/  31          29 days Jul: 1732452.16    
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           WED  4/11/  31          30 days Jul: 1732481.17    
3. Sivan                 FRI  5/11/  31          30 days Jul: 1732511.18    
4. Shoshana              SUN  6/10/  31          29 days Jul: 1732541.19    
5. Av                    MON  7/ 9/  31          30 days Jul: 1732570.20    
6. Elul                  WED  8/ 8/  31          29 days Jul: 1732600.19    
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      THR  9/ 6/  31          30 days Jul: 1732629.17    
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      SAB 10/ 6/  31          30 days Jul: 1732659.14    
9. Kislev                MON 11/ 5/  31          29 days Jul: 1732689.12    
10. Tebeth               TUE 12/ 4/  31          29 days Jul: 1732718.11    
11. Shebat               WED  1/ 2/  32          30 days Jul: 1732747.12    
12. Adar                 FRI  2/ 1/  32          29 days Jul: 1732777.14    
13. Adar II              SAB  3/ 1/  32          30 days Jul: 1732806.15    
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)        
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names              
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian              
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'         
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself        
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.      
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 19.8 AV: 18.9 AN:  6.0 D: 12.9 PR: -3.6             
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 12.5 AV: 12.1 AN:  8.5 D:  3.6 PR: <7               
3. Sivan            AL: 16.6 AV: 16.3 AN:  7.1 D:  9.2 PR: <7               
4. Shoshana         AL: 21.0 AV: 19.9 AN:  6.7 D: 13.2 PR: -0.2 AMBpr       
5. Av               AL: 14.8 AV: 13.4 AN:  7.7 D:  5.7 PR: <7               
6. Elul             AL: 19.5 AV: 15.0 AN:  6.2 D:  8.9 PR: -2.6             
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 12.9 AV:  9.3 AN:  8.4 D:  0.9 PR: <7               
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 18.8 AV: 10.1 AN:  6.4 D:  3.7 PR: <7               
9. Kislev           AL: 26.3 AV: 12.9 AN:  3.1 D:  9.7 PR: -3.0             
10. Tebeth          AL: 20.4 AV: 10.8 AN:  7.0 D:  3.8 PR: -9.8             
11. Shebat          AL: 14.7 AV:  8.9 AN:  7.8 D:  1.1 PR: S>M              
12. Adar            AL: 22.2 AV: 19.2 AN:  5.9 D: 13.4 PR: -4.7             
13. Adar II         AL: 15.7 AV: 14.8 AN:  7.4 D:  7.4 PR: <7               
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon           
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude      
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                           
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.             
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                         
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon          
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/13/  31 UT: 15h:45m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:45m DT: 2.481
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/11/  31 UT: 16h: 2m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 2m DT: 2.480
3. Sivan              5/11/  31 UT: 16h:20m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:20m DT: 2.480
4. Shoshana           6/10/  31 UT: 16h:38m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:38m DT: 2.480
5. Av                 7/ 9/  31 UT: 16h:45m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:45m DT: 2.480
6. Elul               8/ 8/  31 UT: 16h:30m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:30m DT: 2.479
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/ 6/  31 UT: 15h:59m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:59m DT: 2.479
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/ 6/  31 UT: 15h:21m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:21m DT: 2.479
9. Kislev            11/ 5/  31 UT: 14h:50m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:50m DT: 2.479
10. Tebeth           12/ 4/  31 UT: 14h:38m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:38m DT: 2.478
11. Shebat            1/ 2/  32 UT: 14h:49m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:49m DT: 2.478
12. Adar              2/ 1/  32 UT: 15h:14m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:14m DT: 2.478
13. Adar II           3/ 1/  32 UT: 15h:37m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:37m DT: 2.478
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT         
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                    
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem          

32 C.E.

                      Spring Equinox: 3/22/  32  10h:35m                     
                      Fall Equinox: 9/24/  32  20h:43m                       
             The Year is  4172 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
        Preparation        4/14/  32 MON                                     
        Passover           4/15/  32 TUE         Julday: 1732851             
        Last High Sabbath  4/21/  32 MON         Julday: 1732857             
        Pentecost          6/ 4/  32 WED         Julday: 1732901             
        Trumpets           9/26/  32 FRI         Julday: 1733015             
        Day of Atonement  10/ 5/  32 SUN         Julday: 1733024             
        Tabernacles       10/10/  32 FRI         Julday: 1733029             
        Last High Sabbath 10/17/  32 FRI         Julday: 1733036             
    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                       
1. AVIV (Nisan)          MON  3/31/  32          29 days Jul: 1732836.16     
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           TUE  4/29/  32          30 days Jul: 1732865.18     
3. Sivan                 THR  5/29/  32          29 days Jul: 1732895.19     
4. Shoshana              FRI  6/27/  32          30 days Jul: 1732924.20     
5. Av                    SUN  7/27/  32          30 days Jul: 1732954.19     
6. Elul                  TUE  8/26/  32          30 days Jul: 1732984.18     
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      THR  9/25/  32          29 days Jul: 1733014.15     
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      FRI 10/24/  32          30 days Jul: 1733043.13     
9. Kislev                SUN 11/23/  32          29 days Jul: 1733073.11     
10. Tebeth               MON 12/22/  32          29 days Jul: 1733102.11     
11. Shebat               TUE  1/20/  33          30 days Jul: 1733131.13     
12. Adar                 THR  2/19/  33          29 days Jul: 1733161.15     
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)         
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names               
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian               
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'          
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself         
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.       
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                 
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 22.0 AV: 21.9 AN:  6.0 D: 15.9 PR: -1.1              
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 15.7 AV: 15.6 AN:  7.4 D:  8.2 PR: <7                
3. Sivan            AL: 20.9 AV: 20.4 AN:  6.7 D: 13.7 PR: -0.5 AMBpr        
4. Shoshana         AL: 14.4 AV: 13.7 AN:  7.8 D:  5.8 PR: <7                
5. Av               AL: 18.0 AV: 14.5 AN:  6.7 D:  7.8 PR: -3.3              
6. Elul             AL: 21.4 AV: 13.4 AN:  6.4 D:  7.0 PR: -2.4              
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 25.5 AV: 12.5 AN:  3.7 D:  8.8 PR: -1.0 AMBpr        
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 18.6 AV:  7.7 AN:  6.5 D:  1.3 PR: <7                
9. Kislev           AL: 25.0 AV: 12.4 AN:  4.0 D:  8.4 PR: -4.6              
10. Tebeth          AL: 19.0 AV: 11.6 AN:  6.3 D:  5.3 PR: -10.6             
11. Shebat          AL: 13.2 AV:  9.8 AN:  8.3 D:  1.5 PR: S>M               
12. Adar            AL: 21.2 AV: 20.4 AN:  6.5 D: 13.8 PR: -4.7              
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon            
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude       
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                 
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                            
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.              
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                          
            Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon            
. AVIV (Nisan)       3/31/  32 UT: 15h:56m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:56m DT: 2.477  
. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/29/  32 UT: 16h:13m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:13m DT: 2.477  
. Sivan              5/29/  32 UT: 16h:32m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:32m DT: 2.477  
. Shoshana           6/27/  32 UT: 16h:44m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:44m DT: 2.477  
. Av                 7/27/  32 UT: 16h:38m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:38m DT: 2.476  
. Elul               8/26/  32 UT: 16h:12m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:12m DT: 2.476  
. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/25/  32 UT: 15h:34m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:34m DT: 2.476  
. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/24/  32 UT: 15h: 0m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 0m DT: 2.476  
. Kislev            11/23/  32 UT: 14h:40m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:40m DT: 2.475  
0. Tebeth           12/22/  32 UT: 14h:43m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:43m DT: 2.475  
1. Shebat            1/20/  33 UT: 15h: 5m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 5m DT: 2.475  
2. Adar              2/19/  33 UT: 15h:30m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:30m DT: 2.475  
     * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT           
     * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                      
     * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem            

33 C.E.

                      Spring Equinox: 3/22/  33  16h:22m                     
                      Fall Equinox: 9/25/  33  2h:22m                        
             The Year is  4173 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
        Preparation        4/ 3/  33 FRI                                     
        Passover           4/ 4/  33 SAB         Julday: 1733205             
        Last High Sabbath  4/10/  33 FRI         Julday: 1733211             
        Pentecost          5/24/  33 SUN         Julday: 1733255             
        Trumpets           9/15/  33 TUE         Julday: 1733369             
        Day of Atonement   9/24/  33 THR         Julday: 1733378             
        Tabernacles        9/29/  33 TUE         Julday: 1733383             
        Last High Sabbath 10/ 6/  33 TUE         Julday: 1733390             
    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                       
1. AVIV (Nisan)          FRI  3/20/  33          29 days Jul: 1733190.16     
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           SAB  4/18/  33          30 days Jul: 1733219.17     
3. Sivan                 MON  5/18/  33          29 days Jul: 1733249.18     
4. Shoshana              TUE  6/16/  33          30 days Jul: 1733278.20     
5. Av                    THR  7/16/  33          30 days Jul: 1733308.20     
6. Elul                  SAB  8/15/  33          30 days Jul: 1733338.18     
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      MON  9/14/  33          30 days Jul: 1733368.16     
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      WED 10/14/  33          29 days Jul: 1733398.13     
9. Kislev                THR 11/12/  33          30 days Jul: 1733427.11     
10. Tebeth               SAB 12/12/  33          29 days Jul: 1733457.11     
11. Shebat               SUN  1/10/  34          29 days Jul: 1733486.12     
12. Adar                 MON  2/ 8/  34          30 days Jul: 1733515.14     
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)         
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names               
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian               
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'          
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself         
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.       
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                 
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 15.8 AV: 15.7 AN:  7.4 D:  8.3 PR: <7                
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 10.9 AV: 10.9 AN: 10.0 D:  0.9 PR: S>M               
3. Sivan            AL: 18.8 AV: 18.7 AN:  6.4 D: 12.3 PR: <7                
4. Shoshana         AL: 13.3 AV: 13.0 AN:  8.2 D:  4.7 PR: <7                
5. Av               AL: 17.9 AV: 14.8 AN:  6.7 D:  8.1 PR: -3.8              
6. Elul             AL: 21.2 AV: 13.3 AN:  6.5 D:  6.8 PR: -2.6              
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 23.9 AV: 11.3 AN:  4.7 D:  6.5 PR: -2.1              
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 27.0 AV: 11.0 AN:  2.7 D:  8.4 PR: -1.9              
9. Kislev           AL: 19.4 AV:  7.6 AN:  6.2 D:  1.4 PR: -10.0 AMB         
10. Tebeth          AL: 24.1 AV: 14.5 AN:  4.6 D:  9.9 PR: -3.7              
11. Shebat          AL: 17.5 AV: 13.5 AN:  6.8 D:  6.7 PR: <7                
12. Adar            AL: 11.4 AV: 10.4 AN:  8.9 D:  1.5 PR: S>M               
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon            
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude       
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                 
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                            
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.              
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                          
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon           
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/20/  33 UT: 15h:49m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:49m DT: 2.474 
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/18/  33 UT: 16h: 6m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 6m DT: 2.474 
3. Sivan              5/18/  33 UT: 16h:25m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:25m DT: 2.474 
4. Shoshana           6/16/  33 UT: 16h:41m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:41m DT: 2.474 
5. Av                 7/16/  33 UT: 16h:43m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:43m DT: 2.473 
6. Elul               8/15/  33 UT: 16h:23m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:23m DT: 2.473 
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/14/  33 UT: 15h:49m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:49m DT: 2.473 
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/14/  33 UT: 15h:11m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:11m DT: 2.473 
9. Kislev            11/12/  33 UT: 14h:45m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:45m DT: 2.472 
10. Tebeth           12/12/  33 UT: 14h:39m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:39m DT: 2.472 
11. Shebat            1/10/  34 UT: 14h:56m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:56m DT: 2.472 
12. Adar              2/ 8/  34 UT: 15h:21m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:21m DT: 2.472 
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT          
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                     
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem           

34 C.E.

                      Spring Equinox: 3/22/  34  22h:13m                    
                      Fall Equinox: 9/25/  34  8h:16m                       
            The Year is  4174 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
       Preparation        3/24/  34 WED                                     
       Passover           3/25/  34 THR         Julday: 1733560             
       Last High Sabbath  3/31/  34 WED         Julday: 1733566             
       Pentecost          5/14/  34 FRI         Julday: 1733610             
       Trumpets           9/ 4/  34 SAB         Julday: 1733723             
       Day of Atonement   9/13/  34 MON         Julday: 1733732             
       Tabernacles        9/18/  34 SAB         Julday: 1733737             
       Last High Sabbath  9/25/  34 SAB         Julday: 1733744             
   * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
     feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
     at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
   * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
     user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
     it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
     years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
     the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
     sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                      
1. AVIV (Nisan)          WED  3/10/  34          29 days Jul: 1733545.16    
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           THR  4/ 8/  34          29 days Jul: 1733574.17    
3. Sivan                 FRI  5/ 7/  34          30 days Jul: 1733603.18    
4. Shoshana              SUN  6/ 6/  34          29 days Jul: 1733633.19    
5. Av                    MON  7/ 5/  34          30 days Jul: 1733662.20    
6. Elul                  WED  8/ 4/  34          30 days Jul: 1733692.19    
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      FRI  9/ 3/  34          30 days Jul: 1733722.17    
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      SUN 10/ 3/  34          30 days Jul: 1733752.14    
9. Kislev                TUE 11/ 2/  34          29 days Jul: 1733782.12    
10. Tebeth               WED 12/ 1/  34          30 days Jul: 1733811.11    
11. Shebat               FRI 12/31/  34          29 days Jul: 1733841.12    
12. Adar                 SAB  1/29/  35          29 days Jul: 1733870.13    
13. Adar II              SUN  2/27/  35          30 days Jul: 1733899.15    
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)        
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names              
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian              
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'         
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself        
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.      
                         All the New Moons of the Year                      
1. AVIV (Nisan)          WED  3/10/  34          29 days Jul: 1733545.16    
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           THR  4/ 8/  34          29 days Jul: 1733574.17    
3. Sivan                 FRI  5/ 7/  34          30 days Jul: 1733603.18    
4. Shoshana              SUN  6/ 6/  34          29 days Jul: 1733633.19    
5. Av                    MON  7/ 5/  34          30 days Jul: 1733662.20    
6. Elul                  WED  8/ 4/  34          30 days Jul: 1733692.19    
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      FRI  9/ 3/  34          30 days Jul: 1733722.17    
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      SUN 10/ 3/  34          30 days Jul: 1733752.14    
9. Kislev                TUE 11/ 2/  34          29 days Jul: 1733782.12    
10. Tebeth               WED 12/ 1/  34          30 days Jul: 1733811.11    
11. Shebat               FRI 12/31/  34          29 days Jul: 1733841.12    
12. Adar                 SAB  1/29/  35          29 days Jul: 1733870.13    
13. Adar II              SUN  2/27/  35          30 days Jul: 1733899.15    
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)        
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names              
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian              
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'         
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself        
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.      
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 20.2 AV: 20.2 AN:  7.2 D: 13.0 PR: <7               
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 16.0 AV: 16.0 AN:  7.3 D:  8.6 PR: <7               
3. Sivan            AL: 12.2 AV: 12.2 AN:  8.6 D:  3.6 PR: S>M              
4. Shoshana         AL: 21.0 AV: 20.1 AN:  6.7 D: 13.5 PR: -2.3             
5. Av               AL: 15.5 AV: 13.5 AN:  7.5 D:  6.0 PR: <7               
6. Elul             AL: 20.9 AV: 13.3 AN:  6.8 D:  6.5 PR: -3.9             
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 24.5 AV: 11.3 AN:  4.3 D:  6.9 PR: -2.3             
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 27.0 AV: 10.4 AN:  2.7 D:  7.7 PR: -2.2             
9. Kislev           AL: 29.1 AV: 12.5 AN:  1.2 D: 11.3 PR: -0.4 AMBpr       
10. Tebeth          AL: 20.5 AV: 10.6 AN:  7.0 D:  3.7 PR: -7.7             
11. Shebat          AL: 23.8 AV: 18.5 AN:  4.8 D: 13.7 PR: -0.5 AMBpr       
12. Adar            AL: 16.7 AV: 15.6 AN:  7.1 D:  8.5 PR: <7               
13. Adar II         AL: 10.8 AV: 10.8 AN: 10.1 D:  0.7 PR: S>M              
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon           
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude      
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                           
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.             
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                         
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon          
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/10/  34 UT: 15h:43m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:43m DT: 2.471
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/ 8/  34 UT: 16h: 0m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 0m DT: 2.471
3. Sivan              5/ 7/  34 UT: 16h:18m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:18m DT: 2.471
4. Shoshana           6/ 6/  34 UT: 16h:37m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:37m DT: 2.471
5. Av                 7/ 5/  34 UT: 16h:45m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:45m DT: 2.470
6. Elul               8/ 4/  34 UT: 16h:33m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:33m DT: 2.470
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/ 3/  34 UT: 16h: 3m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 3m DT: 2.470
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/ 3/  34 UT: 15h:25m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:25m DT: 2.470
9. Kislev            11/ 2/  34 UT: 14h:52m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:52m DT: 2.469
10. Tebeth           12/ 1/  34 UT: 14h:38m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:38m DT: 2.469
11. Shebat           12/31/  34 UT: 14h:48m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:48m DT: 2.469
12. Adar              1/29/  35 UT: 15h:12m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:12m DT: 2.469
13. Adar II           2/27/  35 UT: 15h:35m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:35m DT: 2.468
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT         
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                    
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem          

35 C.E.

                     Spring Equinox: 3/23/  35  3h:56m                       
                     Fall Equinox: 9/25/  35  14h:3m                         
             The Year is  4175 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
        Preparation        4/12/  35 TUE                                     
        Passover           4/13/  35 WED         Julday: 1733944             
        Last High Sabbath  4/19/  35 TUE         Julday: 1733950             
        Pentecost          6/ 2/  35 THR         Julday: 1733994             
        Trumpets           9/23/  35 FRI         Julday: 1734107             
        Day of Atonement  10/ 2/  35 SUN         Julday: 1734116             
        Tabernacles       10/ 7/  35 FRI         Julday: 1734121             
        Last High Sabbath 10/14/  35 FRI         Julday: 1734128             
    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                       
1. AVIV (Nisan)          TUE  3/29/  35          29 days Jul: 1733929.16     
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           WED  4/27/  35          29 days Jul: 1733958.18     
3. Sivan                 THR  5/26/  35          30 days Jul: 1733987.19     
4. Shoshana              SAB  6/25/  35          29 days Jul: 1734017.20     
5. Av                    SUN  7/24/  35          30 days Jul: 1734046.19     
6. Elul                  TUE  8/23/  35          30 days Jul: 1734076.18     
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      THR  9/22/  35          30 days Jul: 1734106.15     
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      SAB 10/22/  35          29 days Jul: 1734136.13     
9. Kislev                SUN 11/20/  35          30 days Jul: 1734165.11     
10. Tebeth               TUE 12/20/  35          29 days Jul: 1734195.11     
11. Shebat               WED  1/18/  36          30 days Jul: 1734224.13     
12. Adar                 FRI  2/17/  36          29 days Jul: 1734254.14     
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)         
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names               
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian               
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'          
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself         
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.       
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                 
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 19.8 AV: 19.8 AN:  6.0 D: 13.7 PR: <7                
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 16.2 AV: 16.1 AN:  7.3 D:  8.9 PR: <7                
3. Sivan            AL: 12.6 AV: 12.6 AN:  8.5 D:  4.1 PR: S>M               
4. Shoshana         AL: 22.1 AV: 18.7 AN:  6.0 D: 12.7 PR: -2.5              
5. Av               AL: 16.8 AV: 11.2 AN:  7.1 D:  4.1 PR: <7                
6. Elul             AL: 23.3 AV: 10.7 AN:  5.1 D:  5.6 PR: -5.7              
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 27.6 AV: 10.3 AN:  2.3 D:  8.0 PR: -2.8              
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 30.0 AV: 12.2 AN:  0.7 D: 11.5 PR: -0.3 AMBpr        
9. Kislev           AL: 20.6 AV:  9.8 AN:  6.9 D:  2.9 PR: -7.9              
10. Tebeth          AL: 22.0 AV: 16.1 AN:  6.0 D: 10.1 PR: -2.1              
11. Shebat          AL: 13.3 AV: 12.1 AN:  8.2 D:  3.9 PR: <7                
12. Adar            AL: 17.6 AV: 17.5 AN:  6.8 D: 10.7 PR: <7                
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon            
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude       
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                 
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                            
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.              
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                          
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon           
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/29/  35 UT: 15h:54m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:54m DT: 2.468 
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/27/  35 UT: 16h:12m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:12m DT: 2.468 
3. Sivan              5/26/  35 UT: 16h:30m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:30m DT: 2.468 
4. Shoshana           6/25/  35 UT: 16h:44m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:44m DT: 2.467 
5. Av                 7/24/  35 UT: 16h:40m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:40m DT: 2.467 
6. Elul               8/23/  35 UT: 16h:16m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:16m DT: 2.467 
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/22/  35 UT: 15h:39m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:39m DT: 2.467 
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/22/  35 UT: 15h: 3m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 3m DT: 2.466 
9. Kislev            11/20/  35 UT: 14h:41m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:41m DT: 2.466 
10. Tebeth           12/20/  35 UT: 14h:42m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:42m DT: 2.466 
11. Shebat            1/18/  36 UT: 15h: 2m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 2m DT: 2.466 
12. Adar              2/17/  36 UT: 15h:28m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:28m DT: 2.465 
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT          
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                     
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem           

36 C.E.

                      Spring Equinox: 3/22/  36  9h:39m                     
                      Fall Equinox: 9/24/  36  19h:53m                      
            The Year is  4176 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
       Preparation        3/31/  36 SAB                                     
       Passover           4/ 1/  36 SUN         Julday: 1734298             
       Last High Sabbath  4/ 7/  36 SAB         Julday: 1734304             
       Pentecost          5/21/  36 MON         Julday: 1734348             
       Trumpets           9/11/  36 TUE         Julday: 1734461             
       Day of Atonement   9/20/  36 THR         Julday: 1734470             
       Tabernacles        9/25/  36 TUE         Julday: 1734475             
       Last High Sabbath 10/ 2/  36 TUE         Julday: 1734482             
   * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
     feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
     at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
   * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
     user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
     it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
     years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
     the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
     sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                      
1. AVIV (Nisan)          SAB  3/17/  36          30 days Jul: 1734283.16    
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           MON  4/16/  36          29 days Jul: 1734313.17    
3. Sivan                 TUE  5/15/  36          29 days Jul: 1734342.18    
4. Shoshana              WED  6/13/  36          30 days Jul: 1734371.19    
5. Av                    FRI  7/13/  36          29 days Jul: 1734401.20    
6. Elul                  SAB  8/11/  36          30 days Jul: 1734430.19    
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      MON  9/10/  36          30 days Jul: 1734460.16    
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      WED 10/10/  36          29 days Jul: 1734490.14    
9. Kislev                THR 11/ 8/  36          30 days Jul: 1734519.12    
10. Tebeth               SAB 12/ 8/  36          29 days Jul: 1734549.11    
11. Shebat               SUN  1/ 6/  37          30 days Jul: 1734578.12    
12. Adar                 TUE  2/ 5/  37          30 days Jul: 1734608.14    
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)        
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names              
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian              
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'         
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself        
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.      
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 12.0 AV: 11.7 AN:  8.7 D:  3.0 PR: S>M              
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 19.9 AV: 19.9 AN:  6.0 D: 13.8 PR: -4.0             
3. Sivan            AL: 16.0 AV: 15.9 AN:  7.3 D:  8.6 PR: <7               
4. Shoshana         AL: 12.1 AV: 11.2 AN:  8.6 D:  2.6 PR: S>M              
5. Av               AL: 22.3 AV: 14.8 AN:  5.8 D:  9.0 PR: -5.1             
6. Elul             AL: 17.6 AV:  7.7 AN:  6.8 D:  0.9 PR: <7               
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 25.0 AV:  8.9 AN:  4.0 D:  4.9 PR: -6.4             
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 29.8 AV: 11.7 AN:  0.8 D: 10.9 PR: -1.9             
9. Kislev           AL: 20.9 AV:  9.4 AN:  6.7 D:  2.7 PR: -8.7             
10. Tebeth          AL: 22.7 AV: 15.7 AN:  5.5 D: 10.2 PR: -2.0             
11. Shebat          AL: 13.4 AV: 11.9 AN:  8.2 D:  3.7 PR: <7               
12. Adar            AL: 16.0 AV: 15.9 AN:  7.3 D:  8.6 PR: <7               
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon           
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude      
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                           
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.             
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                         
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon          
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/17/  36 UT: 15h:48m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:48m DT: 2.465
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/16/  36 UT: 16h: 5m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 5m DT: 2.465
3. Sivan              5/15/  36 UT: 16h:24m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:24m DT: 2.465
4. Shoshana           6/13/  36 UT: 16h:40m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:40m DT: 2.464
5. Av                 7/13/  36 UT: 16h:44m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:44m DT: 2.464
6. Elul               8/11/  36 UT: 16h:27m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:27m DT: 2.464
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/10/  36 UT: 15h:53m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:53m DT: 2.464
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/10/  36 UT: 15h:16m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:16m DT: 2.463
9. Kislev            11/ 8/  36 UT: 14h:47m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:47m DT: 2.463
10. Tebeth           12/ 8/  36 UT: 14h:38m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:38m DT: 2.463
11. Shebat            1/ 6/  37 UT: 14h:53m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:53m DT: 2.463
12. Adar              2/ 5/  37 UT: 15h:19m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:19m DT: 2.462
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT         
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                    
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem          


                      Spring Equinox: 3/20/1997  13h:55m                     
                      Fall Equinox: 9/22/1997  23h:54m                       
             The Year is  6137 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
        Passover           3/25/1997 TUE         Julday: 2450533             
        Last High Sabbath  3/31/1997 MON         Julday: 2450539             
        Pentecost          5/14/1997 WED         Julday: 2450583             
        Trumpets           9/ 4/1997 THR         Julday: 2450696             
        Day of Atonement   9/13/1997 SAB         Julday: 2450705             
        Tabernacles        9/18/1997 THR         Julday: 2450710             
        Last High Sabbath  9/25/1997 THR         Julday: 2450717             
    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                       
1. AVIV (Nisan)          MON  3/10/1997          29 days Jul: 2450518.16     
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           TUE  4/ 8/1997          30 days Jul: 2450547.17     
3. Sivan                 THR  5/ 8/1997          29 days Jul: 2450577.18     
4. Shoshana              FRI  6/ 6/1997          30 days Jul: 2450606.20     
5. Av                    SUN  7/ 6/1997          30 days Jul: 2450636.20     
6. Elul                  TUE  8/ 5/1997          29 days Jul: 2450666.19     
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      WED  9/ 3/1997          30 days Jul: 2450695.17     
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      FRI 10/ 3/1997          29 days Jul: 2450725.14     
9. Kislev                SAB 11/ 1/1997          30 days Jul: 2450754.12     
10. Tebeth               MON 12/ 1/1997          29 days Jul: 2450784.11     
11. Shebat               TUE 12/30/1997          30 days Jul: 2450813.11     
12. Adar                 THR  1/29/1998          29 days Jul: 2450843.13     
13. Adar II              FRI  2/27/1998          30 days Jul: 2450872.15     
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)         
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names               
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian               
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'          
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself         
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.       
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                 
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 21.5 AV: 21.0 AN:  6.3 D: 14.7 PR: -3.5              
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 15.8 AV: 14.6 AN:  7.4 D:  7.2 PR: <7                
3. Sivan            AL: 23.1 AV: 19.6 AN:  5.3 D: 14.3 PR: -2.3              
4. Shoshana         AL: 17.2 AV: 11.4 AN:  6.9 D:  4.5 PR: <7                
5. Av               AL: 21.9 AV: 13.0 AN:  6.1 D:  6.9 PR: -4.7              
6. Elul             AL: 25.4 AV: 14.5 AN:  3.7 D: 10.8 PR: -0.8 AMBpr        
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 17.6 AV: 10.3 AN:  6.8 D:  3.5 PR: <7                
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 21.1 AV: 14.1 AN:  6.6 D:  7.5 PR: -3.1              
9. Kislev           AL: 13.7 AV: 11.2 AN:  8.1 D:  3.1 PR: <7                
10. Tebeth          AL: 18.2 AV: 15.8 AN:  6.6 D:  9.2 PR: -4.0              
11. Shebat          AL: 11.3 AV: 11.1 AN:  8.9 D:  2.2 PR: <7                
12. Adar            AL: 17.8 AV: 17.2 AN:  6.7 D: 10.4 PR: <7                
13. Adar II         AL: 12.0 AV: 11.6 AN:  8.7 D:  2.9 PR: S>M               
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon            
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude       
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                 
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                            
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.              
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                          
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon           
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/10/1997 UT: 15h:43m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:43m DT: 0.027 
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/ 8/1997 UT: 16h: 3m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 3m DT: 0.027 
3. Sivan              5/ 8/1997 UT: 16h:24m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:24m DT: 0.028 
4. Shoshana           6/ 6/1997 UT: 16h:42m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:42m DT: 0.028 
5. Av                 7/ 6/1997 UT: 16h:48m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:48m DT: 0.028 
6. Elul               8/ 5/1997 UT: 16h:32m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:32m DT: 0.028 
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/ 3/1997 UT: 16h: 0m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 0m DT: 0.028 
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/ 3/1997 UT: 15h:21m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:21m DT: 0.028 
9. Kislev            11/ 1/1997 UT: 14h:49m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:49m DT: 0.028 
10. Tebeth           12/ 1/1997 UT: 14h:35m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:35m DT: 0.028 
11. Shebat           12/30/1997 UT: 14h:44m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:44m DT: 0.028 
12. Adar              1/29/1998 UT: 15h:10m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:10m DT: 0.028 
13. Adar II           2/27/1998 UT: 15h:35m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:35m DT: 0.028 
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT          
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                     
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem           


                     Spring Equinox: 3/20/1998  19h:54m                     
                     Fall Equinox: 9/23/1998  5h:37m                        
            The Year is  6138 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
       Passover           4/13/1998 MON         Julday: 2450917             
       Last High Sabbath  4/19/1998 SUN         Julday: 2450923             
       Pentecost          6/ 2/1998 TUE         Julday: 2450967             
       Trumpets           9/23/1998 WED         Julday: 2451080             
       Day of Atonement  10/ 2/1998 FRI         Julday: 2451089             
       Tabernacles       10/ 7/1998 WED         Julday: 2451094             
       Last High Sabbath 10/14/1998 WED         Julday: 2451101             
   * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
     feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
     at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
   * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
     user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
     it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
     years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
     the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
     sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                      
1. AVIV (Nisan)          SUN  3/29/1998          29 days Jul: 2450902.16    
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           MON  4/27/1998          30 days Jul: 2450931.18    
3. Sivan                 WED  5/27/1998          29 days Jul: 2450961.19    
4. Shoshana              THR  6/25/1998          30 days Jul: 2450990.20    
5. Av                    SAB  7/25/1998          29 days Jul: 2451020.20    
6. Elul                  SUN  8/23/1998          30 days Jul: 2451049.18    
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      TUE  9/22/1998          29 days Jul: 2451079.15    
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      WED 10/21/1998          30 days Jul: 2451108.13    
9. Kislev                FRI 11/20/1998          30 days Jul: 2451138.11    
10. Tebeth               SUN 12/20/1998          29 days Jul: 2451168.11    
11. Shebat               MON  1/18/1999          30 days Jul: 2451197.13    
12. Adar                 WED  2/17/1999          29 days Jul: 2451227.14    
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)        
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names              
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian              
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'         
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself        
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.      
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 21.3 AV: 19.9 AN:  6.5 D: 13.4 PR: -4.9             
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 16.7 AV: 14.0 AN:  7.1 D:  6.9 PR: <7               
3. Sivan            AL: 25.2 AV: 19.9 AN:  3.9 D: 16.0 PR: -0.7 AMBpr       
4. Shoshana         AL: 19.5 AV: 12.7 AN:  6.2 D:  6.5 PR: -8.6             
5. Av               AL: 25.0 AV: 15.8 AN:  4.0 D: 11.8 PR: -1.1             
6. Elul             AL: 17.7 AV: 11.1 AN:  6.8 D:  4.4 PR: <7               
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 21.2 AV: 14.4 AN:  6.6 D:  7.9 PR: -2.6             
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 13.2 AV: 10.8 AN:  8.3 D:  2.5 PR: <7               
9. Kislev           AL: 15.6 AV: 13.3 AN:  7.4 D:  5.9 PR: <7               
10. Tebeth          AL: 18.5 AV: 16.3 AN:  6.5 D:  9.8 PR: -3.4             
11. Shebat          AL: 10.8 AV: 10.3 AN: 10.1 D:  0.2 PR: S>M              
12. Adar            AL: 16.8 AV: 15.7 AN:  7.0 D:  8.7 PR: <7               
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon           
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude      
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                           
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.             
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                         
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon          
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/29/1998 UT: 15h:56m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:56m DT: 0.028
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/27/1998 UT: 16h:16m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:16m DT: 0.028
3. Sivan              5/27/1998 UT: 16h:36m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:36m DT: 0.028
4. Shoshana           6/25/1998 UT: 16h:48m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:48m DT: 0.028
5. Av                 7/25/1998 UT: 16h:40m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:40m DT: 0.028
6. Elul               8/23/1998 UT: 16h:14m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:14m DT: 0.028
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/22/1998 UT: 15h:36m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:36m DT: 0.028
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/21/1998 UT: 15h: 0m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 0m DT: 0.028
9. Kislev            11/20/1998 UT: 14h:37m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:37m DT: 0.028
10. Tebeth           12/20/1998 UT: 14h:38m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:38m DT: 0.028
11. Shebat            1/18/1999 UT: 15h: 0m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 0m DT: 0.028
12. Adar              2/17/1999 UT: 15h:26m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:26m DT: 0.028
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT         
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                    
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem          


                     Spring Equinox: 3/21/1999  1h:43m                       
                     Fall Equinox: 9/23/1999  11h:29m                        
             The Year is  6139 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
        Passover           4/ 2/1999 FRI         Julday: 2451271             
        Last High Sabbath  4/ 8/1999 THR         Julday: 2451277             
        Pentecost          5/22/1999 SAB         Julday: 2451321             
        Trumpets           9/12/1999 SUN         Julday: 2451434             
        Day of Atonement   9/21/1999 TUE         Julday: 2451443             
        Tabernacles        9/26/1999 SUN         Julday: 2451448             
        Last High Sabbath 10/ 3/1999 SUN         Julday: 2451455             
    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                       
1. AVIV (Nisan)          THR  3/18/1999          30 days Jul: 2451256.16     
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           SAB  4/17/1999          29 days Jul: 2451286.17     
3. Sivan                 SUN  5/16/1999          30 days Jul: 2451315.19     
4. Shoshana              TUE  6/15/1999          29 days Jul: 2451345.20     
5. Av                    WED  7/14/1999          29 days Jul: 2451374.20     
6. Elul                  THR  8/12/1999          30 days Jul: 2451403.19     
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      SAB  9/11/1999          29 days Jul: 2451433.16     
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      SUN 10/10/1999          30 days Jul: 2451462.13     
9. Kislev                TUE 11/ 9/1999          30 days Jul: 2451492.11     
10. Tebeth               THR 12/ 9/1999          30 days Jul: 2451522.11     
11. Shebat               SAB  1/ 8/2000          29 days Jul: 2451552.12     
12. Adar                 SUN  2/ 6/2000          30 days Jul: 2451581.14     
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)         
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names               
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian               
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'          
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself         
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.       
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                 
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 11.6 AV: 10.2 AN:  8.8 D:  1.4 PR: S>M               
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 20.9 AV: 18.6 AN:  6.7 D: 11.9 PR: -6.0              
3. Sivan            AL: 16.8 AV: 13.2 AN:  7.1 D:  6.2 PR: S>M               
4. Shoshana         AL: 26.2 AV: 20.0 AN:  3.2 D: 16.8 PR: -0.5 AMBpr        
5. Av               AL: 20.9 AV: 14.4 AN:  6.7 D:  7.7 PR: -6.8              
6. Elul             AL: 15.1 AV: 10.3 AN:  7.6 D:  2.7 PR: <7                
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 20.9 AV: 14.6 AN:  6.8 D:  7.8 PR: -3.3              
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 13.4 AV: 10.8 AN:  8.2 D:  2.6 PR: <7                
9. Kislev           AL: 15.9 AV: 12.9 AN:  7.4 D:  5.5 PR: <7                
10. Tebeth          AL: 17.5 AV: 14.5 AN:  6.8 D:  7.7 PR: -4.1              
11. Shebat          AL: 19.7 AV: 17.1 AN:  6.1 D: 11.0 PR: -2.8              
12. Adar            AL: 11.9 AV: 10.5 AN:  8.7 D:  1.8 PR: S>M               
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon            
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude       
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                 
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                            
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.              
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                          
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon           
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/18/1999 UT: 15h:48m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:48m DT: 0.028 
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/17/1999 UT: 16h: 9m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 9m DT: 0.028 
3. Sivan              5/16/1999 UT: 16h:29m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:29m DT: 0.028 
4. Shoshana           6/15/1999 UT: 16h:45m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:45m DT: 0.028 
5. Av                 7/14/1999 UT: 16h:46m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:46m DT: 0.028 
6. Elul               8/12/1999 UT: 16h:26m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:26m DT: 0.028 
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   9/11/1999 UT: 15h:51m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:51m DT: 0.028 
8. BUL (Marchesvan)  10/10/1999 UT: 15h:13m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:13m DT: 0.028 
9. Kislev            11/ 9/1999 UT: 14h:43m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:43m DT: 0.028 
10. Tebeth           12/ 9/1999 UT: 14h:35m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:35m DT: 0.028 
11. Shebat            1/ 8/2000 UT: 14h:51m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:51m DT: 0.028 
12. Adar              2/ 6/2000 UT: 15h:17m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:17m DT: 0.028 
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT          
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                     
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem           


                      Spring Equinox: 3/20/2000  7h:31m                      
                      Fall Equinox: 9/22/2000  17h:24m                       
             The Year is  6140 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).      
        Passover           3/22/2000 WED         Julday: 2451626             
        Last High Sabbath  3/28/2000 TUE         Julday: 2451632             
        Pentecost          5/11/2000 THR         Julday: 2451676             
        Trumpets           8/31/2000 THR         Julday: 2451788             
        Day of Atonement   9/ 9/2000 SAB         Julday: 2451797             
        Tabernacles        9/14/2000 THR         Julday: 2451802             
        Last High Sabbath  9/21/2000 THR         Julday: 2451809             
    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the      
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31     
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.                                   
    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the   
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in    
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning 
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 1260.                     
                         All the New Moons of the Year                       
1. AVIV (Nisan)          TUE  3/ 7/2000          29 days Jul: 2451611.15     
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           WED  4/ 5/2000          30 days Jul: 2451640.17     
3. Sivan                 FRI  5/ 5/2000          29 days Jul: 2451670.18     
4. Shoshana              SAB  6/ 3/2000          29 days Jul: 2451699.20     
5. Av                    SUN  7/ 2/2000          30 days Jul: 2451728.20     
6. Elul                  TUE  8/ 1/2000          29 days Jul: 2451758.19     
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      WED  8/30/2000          30 days Jul: 2451787.17     
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      FRI  9/29/2000          29 days Jul: 2451817.14     
9. Kislev                SAB 10/28/2000          30 days Jul: 2451846.12     
10. Tebeth               MON 11/27/2000          30 days Jul: 2451876.11     
11. Shebat               WED 12/27/2000          29 days Jul: 2451906.11     
12. Adar                 THR  1/25/2001          30 days Jul: 2451935.13     
13. Adar II              SAB  2/24/2001          30 days Jul: 2451965.15     
     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)         
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names               
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian               
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'          
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself         
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.       
                 Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon                 
1. AVIV (Nisan)     AL: 17.3 AV: 15.6 AN:  6.9 D:  8.7 PR: <7                
2. ZIV (Iyyar)      AL: 12.0 AV:  9.8 AN:  8.6 D:  1.1 PR: S>M               
3. Sivan            AL: 20.3 AV: 17.6 AN:  7.2 D: 10.4 PR: -6.5              
4. Shoshana         AL: 16.1 AV: 12.7 AN:  7.3 D:  5.4 PR: S>M               
5. Av               AL: 12.0 AV:  8.7 AN:  8.7 D:  0.0 PR: S>M               
6. Elul             AL: 21.9 AV: 15.8 AN:  6.1 D:  9.7 PR: -4.8              
7. ETHANIM (Tishri) AL: 16.7 AV: 12.5 AN:  7.1 D:  5.4 PR: <7                
8. BUL (Marchesvan) AL: 23.2 AV: 16.3 AN:  5.2 D: 11.1 PR: -0.8 AMBpr        
9. Kislev           AL: 15.4 AV: 12.0 AN:  7.5 D:  4.5 PR: <7                
10. Tebeth          AL: 18.1 AV: 13.7 AN:  6.6 D:  7.1 PR: -4.6              
11. Shebat          AL: 20.0 AV: 15.9 AN:  6.0 D:  9.9 PR: -3.2              
12. Adar            AL: 11.3 AV:  9.2 AN:  8.9 D:  0.3 PR: S>M               
13. Adar II         AL: 14.3 AV: 12.3 AN:  7.9 D:  4.4 PR: <7                
      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon            
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude       
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)                 
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).                            
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.              
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day                          
             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon           
1. AVIV (Nisan)       3/ 7/2000 UT: 15h:41m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:41m DT: 0.028 
2. ZIV (Iyyar)        4/ 5/2000 UT: 16h: 1m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 1m DT: 0.029 
3. Sivan              5/ 5/2000 UT: 16h:22m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:22m DT: 0.029 
4. Shoshana           6/ 3/2000 UT: 16h:40m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:40m DT: 0.029 
5. Av                 7/ 2/2000 UT: 16h:48m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:48m DT: 0.029 
6. Elul               8/ 1/2000 UT: 16h:35m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:35m DT: 0.029 
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)   8/30/2000 UT: 16h: 5m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 5m DT: 0.029 
8. BUL (Marchesvan)   9/29/2000 UT: 15h:26m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:26m DT: 0.029 
9. Kislev            10/28/2000 UT: 14h:53m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:53m DT: 0.029 
10. Tebeth           11/27/2000 UT: 14h:35m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:35m DT: 0.029 
11. Shebat           12/27/2000 UT: 14h:42m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:42m DT: 0.029 
12. Adar              1/25/2001 UT: 15h: 6m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 6m DT: 0.029 
13. Adar II           2/24/2001 UT: 15h:33m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:33m DT: 0.029 
      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT          
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)                     
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem           

Sabbatical Year Cycle

Year No. 1. begins:   26 c.e.      Ends:   27 c.e.                 
Year No. 2. begins:   27 c.e.      Ends:   28 c.e.                 
Year No. 3. begins:   28 c.e.      Ends:   29 c.e.                 
Year No. 4. begins:   29 c.e.      Ends:   30 c.e.                 
Year No. 5. begins:   30 c.e.      Ends:   31 c.e.                 
Year No. 6. begins:   31 c.e.      Ends:   32 c.e.                 
Year No. 7. begins:   32 c.e.      Ends:   33 c.e.  Sabbatical Year

Sabbatical Year Cycle

Year No. 1. begins: 1993 c.e.      Ends: 1994 c.e.                 
Year No. 2. begins: 1994 c.e.      Ends: 1995 c.e.                 
Year No. 3. begins: 1995 c.e.      Ends: 1996 c.e.                 
Year No. 4. begins: 1996 c.e.      Ends: 1997 c.e.                 
Year No. 5. begins: 1997 c.e.      Ends: 1998 c.e.                 
Year No. 6. begins: 1998 c.e.      Ends: 1999 c.e.                 
Year No. 7. begins: 1999 c.e.      Ends: 2000 c.e.  Sabbatical Year
 * The Sabbath Year begins at the feast of trumpets.               
 * The feast of Trumpets is the new moon day of the 7th            
 * month.                                                          

Jubilee Year Cycle

         Year No.  1. begins: 1986 c.e.      Ends: 1987 c.e.             
         Year No.  2. begins: 1987 c.e.      Ends: 1988 c.e.             
         Year No.  3. begins: 1988 c.e.      Ends: 1989 c.e.             
         Year No.  4. begins: 1989 c.e.      Ends: 1990 c.e.             
         Year No.  5. begins: 1990 c.e.      Ends: 1991 c.e.             
         Year No.  6. begins: 1991 c.e.      Ends: 1992 c.e.             
         Year No.  7. begins: 1992 c.e.      Ends: 1993 c.e. Sabbath Year
         Year No.  8. begins: 1993 c.e.      Ends: 1994 c.e.             
         Year No.  9. begins: 1994 c.e.      Ends: 1995 c.e.             
         Year No. 10. begins: 1995 c.e.      Ends: 1996 c.e.             
         Year No. 11. begins: 1996 c.e.      Ends: 1997 c.e.             
         Year No. 12. begins: 1997 c.e.      Ends: 1998 c.e.             
         Year No. 13. begins: 1998 c.e.      Ends: 1999 c.e.             
         Year No. 14. begins: 1999 c.e.      Ends: 2000 c.e. Sabbath Year
         Year No. 15. begins: 2000 c.e.      Ends: 2001 c.e.             
         Year No. 16. begins: 2001 c.e.      Ends: 2002 c.e.             
         Year No. 17. begins: 2002 c.e.      Ends: 2003 c.e.             
         Year No. 18. begins: 2003 c.e.      Ends: 2004 c.e.             
         Year No. 19. begins: 2004 c.e.      Ends: 2005 c.e.             
         Year No. 20. begins: 2005 c.e.      Ends: 2006 c.e.             
         Year No. 21. begins: 2006 c.e.      Ends: 2007 c.e. Sabbath Year
         Year No. 22. begins: 2007 c.e.      Ends: 2008 c.e.             
         Year No. 23. begins: 2008 c.e.      Ends: 2009 c.e.             
         Year No. 24. begins: 2009 c.e.      Ends: 2010 c.e.             
         Year No. 25. begins: 2010 c.e.      Ends: 2011 c.e.             
         Year No. 26. begins: 2011 c.e.      Ends: 2012 c.e.             
         Year No. 27. begins: 2012 c.e.      Ends: 2013 c.e.             
         Year No. 28. begins: 2013 c.e.      Ends: 2014 c.e. Sabbath Year
         Year No. 29. begins: 2014 c.e.      Ends: 2015 c.e.             
         Year No. 30. begins: 2015 c.e.      Ends: 2016 c.e.             
         Year No. 31. begins: 2016 c.e.      Ends: 2017 c.e.             
         Year No. 32. begins: 2017 c.e.      Ends: 2018 c.e.             
         Year No. 33. begins: 2018 c.e.      Ends: 2019 c.e.             
         Year No. 34. begins: 2019 c.e.      Ends: 2020 c.e.             
         Year No. 35. begins: 2020 c.e.      Ends: 2021 c.e. Sabbath Year
         Year No. 36. begins: 2021 c.e.      Ends: 2022 c.e.             
         Year No. 37. begins: 2022 c.e.      Ends: 2023 c.e.             
         Year No. 38. begins: 2023 c.e.      Ends: 2024 c.e.             
         Year No. 39. begins: 2024 c.e.      Ends: 2025 c.e.             
         Year No. 40. begins: 2025 c.e.      Ends: 2026 c.e.             
         Year No. 41. begins: 2026 c.e.      Ends: 2027 c.e.             
         Year No. 42. begins: 2027 c.e.      Ends: 2028 c.e. Sabbath Year
         Year No. 43. begins: 2028 c.e.      Ends: 2029 c.e.             
         Year No. 44. begins: 2029 c.e.      Ends: 2030 c.e.             
         Year No. 45. begins: 2030 c.e.      Ends: 2031 c.e.             
         Year No. 46. begins: 2031 c.e.      Ends: 2032 c.e.             
         Year No. 47. begins: 2032 c.e.      Ends: 2033 c.e.             
         Year No. 48. begins: 2033 c.e.      Ends: 2034 c.e.             
         Year No. 49. begins: 2034 c.e.      Ends: 2035 c.e. Sabbath Year
         Year No. 50. begins: 2035 c.e.      Ends: 2036 c.e. Jubilee Year
         * The Jubilee Year begins on the Day of Atonement.              
         * The Day of Atonement is the 10th day of the 7th               
         * month.                                                        


     1.  The new moon nearest to the spring equinox is the first month of   
the year.  The first month will always be either the new moon just before   
the spring equinox, or it will be the new moon just after it. In the case   
of the new moon before the equinox, there must not be more than 15 days     
from the new moon day to the equinox day, i.e. the equinox must fall before 
the 16th day of the month.  In the case of the new moon after the equinox   
there must not be more than 15 days from the equinox to the new moon day.   
That is to say, in the case of a tie between the two moons, the new moon    
before the equinox is called the first month.                               
     2.  In the first century c.e., the day of the new moon was determined  
by eyewitness observation.  When two witnesses had seen the new moon in the 
west, just after sunset, that day, beginning with that sunset, would be     
declared the new moon day.  The new moon was declared when the new crescent 
was first seen in the west after the conjunction.  The Sanhedrin's calendar 
council, called the Beth Din, was responsible for cross-examining the       
witnesses.  Jerusalem was the prime location of observation, although the   
council would take testimony from witnesses who traveled to Jerusalem in    
those cases in which the seeing conditions were not good at Jerusalem.  In  
no case was the month ever made to be longer than 30 days, or shorter than  
29 days.  If there was any doubt whatever, due to poor conditions, it was   
the practice of the Jewish people to observe two new moon days, and two     
feast days for each feast day, in order to be sure of observing the correct 
     3.  This program can be considered an electronic 'eyewitness' which    
computes with utmost precision the location of the moon and sun on the day  
or days in question, and then it determines if the moon could be seen based 
upon two factors (a) the size of the lighted portion of the moon, and (b)   
the amount of twilight competing with the cresent just after sunset on the  
day or days in question.  The mathematical relationships between these two  
values can no doubt be improved with continued examination of actual docu-  
mented cases in which witnesses have seen the new moon after sunset.        
    4. The lighted portion of the moon is directly proportional to its dis- 
tance from the sun, which is quantified by a value called the 'arc of light'
herein designated as AL.  The amount of twilight working against the arc of 
light is directly proportional to the length of time the moon stays above   
the horizon after sunset.  This is quantified by a value called the 'arc of 
vision,' herein quantified by AV.  When the AV is small visibility of the   
new moon is unlikely.  When the AL is small, visibility of the moon is not  
as likely.  It was determinged by a French astronomer named Danjon that if  
the arc of light was less than 7 degrees, the moon in no case could be seen.
This is due to the fact that the lunar mountains shade out all light hitting
the moon near the terminator as viewed from the earth.  When this condition 
occurs on the day preceeding visibility, this program will post  PR: < 7.   
Many times it happends that even though the arc of light is substantial, the
moon sets before the sun.  This condition is posted as S>M, i.e. sun greater
than moon (in altitude) for the day preceeding visibility.                  
    5. The formulae relating the 'arc of vision' and the 'arc of light' are 
    (1) Arc needed (AN) = -1/4*AL + 12.75 when AL>=7 or AL < 11             
    (2)             AN  = -1/3*AL + 12.66 when AL>=11 or AL < 20            
    (3)             AN  = -1/2*AL + 17.00 when AL>=20 or AL < 22            
    (4)             AN  = -2/3*AL + 20.66 when AL>=22 or AL < 25            
    (5)             AN  = always engough  when AL>=25                       
    (7)             AL  < 7 ==> never visible                               
     6.   For example if AL = 8, then AN= 10.75.  If the AV>= 10.75   or    
AV < 12.75, the program will designate the new moon as AMB, i.e. ambiguous. 
The AMB designation is placed on any AV that is within 2 degrees of the arc 
of vision needed.   The day will be listed as the new moon day, however. It 
will be clear that the next day is to be observed also as the new moon day. 
If the designation is AMBpr, this means the previous day came within one    
degree of meeting the formulae's criteria for visibility.  In that case the 
preceeding day should be observed with the day listed as the new moon day.  
     7. The arc of light and arc of vision are computed without refraction, 
which amounts to about 33'' of arc at sunset.  Please take this into account
when using other software to check on this program.  The reason for not     
computing the atmospheric refraction is that the arc of light is used to    
measure the visible portion of the crescent, which is not changed by the    
refraction.  Refraction will reduce the arc of vision at sunset.  Refraction
will increase the arc of vision the nearer the observation time is to moon- 
set.  This effect of 33'' is within the Ambiguity parameters of the program.
which are two degrees when AV>AN and 1 degree when AV<AN.  Improvement's    
will need a better theory.