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By Daniel R. Gregg


 Enter Year (-4140 to 3000):  34
Spring Equinox: 3/22/  34  22h:13m

   Extensive Astronomical Calculations in Progress ...

        * This program adjusts for the coefficient of tidal
        * acceleration which is significant for ancient dates.
        * The Equinox is computed separately for each year.
        * The new moon is never on the day of the conjunction
        * known as the ‘Molad’ in Hebrew.  Rather the new moon is
        * on the day of the ‘Hodesh,’ or first visibile crescent.
        * No rules of ‘postponement’ are needed since each new moon
        * is calculated from its precise topocentric relation to
        * the sun, i.e. the angular distance between the sun and
        * moon [AL], and amount of twilight after sunset (quantified by
        * the ‘arc of vision’ [AV] are related to determine if the
        * moon will be visible on a given evening after sunset.

  *     Copyright 1995 by Dan Gregg. All Rights Reserved.


The Calendar of Israel Version 3.1
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 Enter your choice:  1            The Year is  4174 A.M. (Anno Mundi: Year 1 = 4140 B.C.E.).

 Passover             3/25/  34 THR  Julday: 1733560
 Last High Sabbath    3/31/  34 WED  Julday: 1733566
 Pentecost            5/14/  34 FRI  Julday: 1733610
 Trumpets             9/ 4/  34 SAB  Julday: 1733723
 Day of Atonement     9/13/  34 MON  Julday: 1733732
 Tabernacles          9/18/  34 SAB  Julday: 1733737
 Last High Sabbath    9/25/  34 SAB  Julday: 1733744

    * Feast Days begin on preceeding day at sunset.  For example if the
      feast is listed as 4/1, then the feast high sabbath begins on 3/31
      at sunset and ends on 4/1 at sunset.

    * The Julday for the given feast day is listed.  This is to enable the
      user to measure the number of days between any two feasts.  For example
      it often happens that the number of days between two feasts about 3 1/2
      years apart comes to one of the prophetic time periods mentioned in
      the book of Daniel, viz. the 1335, 1290, or 1150 (2300 evening-morning
      sacrifices), or the book of Revelation, viz. 12. . .

All the New Moons of the Year

1. AVIV (Nisan)        WED   3/10/  34   29 days  Jul: 1733545.16
2. ZIV (Iyyar)         THR   4/ 8/  34   29 days  Jul: 1733574.17
3. Sivan               FRI   5/ 7/  34   30 days  Jul: 1733603.18
4. Shoshana            SUN   6/ 6/  34   29 days  Jul: 1733633.19
5. Av                  MON   7/ 5/  34   30 days  Jul: 1733662.20
6. Elul                WED   8/ 4/  34   30 days  Jul: 1733692.19
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)    FRI   9/ 3/  34   30 days  Jul: 1733722.17
8. BUL (Marchesvan)    SUN  10/ 3/  34   30 days  Jul: 1733752.14
9. Kislev              TUE  11/ 2/  34   29 days  Jul: 1733782.12
10. Tebeth             WED  12/ 1/  34   30 days  Jul: 1733811.11
11. Shebat             FRI  12/31/  34   29 days  Jul: 1733841.12
12. Adar               SAB   1/29/  35   29 days  Jul: 1733870.13
13. Adar II            SUN   2/27/  35   30 days  Jul: 1733899.15

     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian
     * I have taken the liberty to replace ‘Tammuz’ with ‘Shoshana’
     * since ‘Tammuz,’ (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself
     * the ‘Queen of Heaven,’) should not by honoured by a month name.

Astronomical Circumstances of Each New Moon

1. AVIV (Nisan)        AL: 20.2  AV: 20.2  AN:  7.2 D: 13.0   PR: <7
2. ZIV (Iyyar)         AL: 16.0  AV: 16.0  AN:  7.3  D:  8.6  PR: <7
3. Sivan               AL: 12.2  AV: 12.2  AN:  8.6  D:  3.6  PR: S>M
4. Shoshana            AL: 21.0  AV: 20.1  AN:  6.7  D: 13.5  PR: -2.3
5. Av                  AL: 15.5  AV: 13.5  AN:  7.5  D:  6.0  PR: <7
6. Elul                AL: 20.9  AV: 13.3  AN:  6.8  D:  6.5  PR: -3.9
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)    AL: 24.5  AV: 11.3  AN:  4.3  D:  6.9  PR: -2.3
8. BUL (Marchesvan)    AL: 27.0  AV: 10.4  AN:  2.7  D:  7.7  PR: -2.2
9. Kislev              AL: 29.1  AV: 12.5  AN:  1.2 D: 11.3   PR: -0.4 AMBpr
10. Tebeth             AL: 20.5  AV: 10.6  AN:  7.0  D:  3.7  PR: -7.7
11. Shebat             AL: 23.8  AV: 18.5  AN:  4.8 D: 13.7   PR: -0.5 AMBpr
12. Adar               AL: 16.7  AV: 15.6  AN:  7.1  D:  8.5  PR: <7
13. Adar II            AL: 10.8  AV: 10.8  AN: 10.1  D:  0.7  PR: S>M

      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day

             Time Data for Verification Purposes for each New Moon

1. AVIV (Nisan)          3/10/  34  UT: 15h:43m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:43m  DT: 2.471
2. ZIV (Iyyar)           4/ 8/  34  UT: 16h: 0m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 0m  DT: 2.471
3. Sivan                 5/ 7/  34  UT: 16h:18m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:18m  DT: 2.471
4. Shoshana              6/ 6/  34  UT: 16h:37m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:37m  DT: 2.471
5. Av                    7/ 5/  34  UT: 16h:45m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:45m  DT: 2.470
6. Elul                  8/ 4/  34  UT: 16h:33m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h:33m  DT: 2.470
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)      9/ 3/  34  UT: 16h: 3m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 18h: 3m  DT: 2.470
8. BUL (Marchesvan)     10/ 3/  34  UT: 15h:25m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:25m  DT: 2.470
9. Kislev               11/ 2/  34  UT: 14h:52m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:52m  DT: 2.469
10. Tebeth              12/ 1/  34  UT: 14h:38m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:38m  DT: 2.469
11. Shebat              12/31/  34  UT: 14h:48m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:48m  DT: 2.469
12. Adar                 1/29/  35  UT: 15h:12m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:12m  DT: 2.469
13. Adar II              2/27/  35  UT: 15h:35m  LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:35m  DT: 2.468

      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem

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