Code of Laws, Doctrines, and Halakhah of

Qehal HaNatsrim
W2241 Block Rd. Kaukauna, WI 54130

The Nazarene Messianic Congregation

The Godhead

§7.1          There is only one Elohim (God).  The Hebrew word 'Elohim' is employed because it allows for God to have a multiplicity of attributes in His nature.  It also allows him to have a multiplicity of conscious awareness (persons).  The oneness of Elohim means that He is one spiritual essence, not two or three distinct or separate spiritual beings.  All of Elohim is of the same essence.  There are no (other) like-essences that are Elohim with Elohim.
'I am Yahweh and no other; beside Me there is no Elohim' (Isaiah 45:5).
§7.2          There is only one El (God). Since God is only one spiritual essence, it is proper to speak also of all of God as 'one El' using the singular.

    'For I am El and there is no other Elohim, and none like Me' (Isaiah 46:9).

§7.3          Only Yahweh is Elohim (God).

'Hear Yisra'ayl Yahweh is our Elohim, Yahweh alone' (Deut. 6:4).

§7.4         God reveals himself as King, Redeemer, and Spirit.

        Thus says Yahweh King of Yisra'ayl, and his Redeemer Yahweh of Hosts, 'I am the first and I am the last; besides Me there is no Elohim (Isaiah 44:6).  Draw near to Me! Hear this!  I have not spoken in secret since the beginning, since the time it came to be!  I was there!  And now Lord Yahweh sends Me and His Spirit (Isaiah 48:17). 

§7.5 The Spirit of Elohim is Elohim.

        And they rebelled and grieved the Spirit of His holiness (Isaiah 63:10).

§7.5¼         Every spirit is a living entity.  In fact the spirit of a being is the essence of the personhood of the being, and the core of the conscious awareness.  It is a disgrace to equate materialistic concepts of "power," "energy," or "force," with God's Spirit.  These are created energies.  God's Spirit is uncreated and eternal.  We speak of the "power of the Spirit," but we do not say "the spirit is power."  We say "God is love," but not "love is god."
§7.6         The Son of God is God. God has a son:

        What is His Name and what is his Son's Name?  Surely you know!  (Proverbs 30:4).

        The son is God:

        For a child is born to us, a Son is given ... and one will call his name, Wonderful Counselor Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:5).

        The son's name:

        Behold, days are coming says Yahweh that I will cause to rise up for Dawid a Branch Righteous, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall do judgment and righteousness in the land; in his days Y'hudah will be saved and Yisra'ayl will dwell securely, and this is Name of him which he will be called: Yahweh our Righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6).

         The Son is not a god separate from Yahweh.  For only Yahweh is the one God.

        And Yahweh caused to rain on S'dom and on `Amorah brimstone and fire from YHWH out of the heavens (Gen. 19:24).

§7.7         Yahweh is our Father.

        For you are our Father ... You O YHWH are our Father, our Redeemer from old is your Name (Isaiah 63:16).

§7.7½     The Son is the one who makes the redemption act, but the Father redeems through the Son.  Since God has a Son, then the Son must have a Father.
§8         The Father, Son, and Spirit are distinct separate  persons1 within the one Elohim.

        And now Lord YHWH sends Me and His Spirit (Isaiah 48:17).

§8¼     Elohim is personal, but when we say He is personal we mean he is a conscious spirit, but not a singularly conscious person like you and I.  Elohim chooses to exists in multiple conscious personalities, viz. Father, Son, and Spirit.  The Son is a person.  The Father is a person, and the Spirit is a person, but it is incorrect to say God is one person.  All we can say is God is personal, and that he is one spiritual essence.  The Church of Rome pushes its doctrine overboard when it says that God is one person and three persons.  God cannot be a varying number of persons simultaneously.  The Son is the one sent.  The Father and the Spirit do the sending.
 §8½      The Father and Son are Co-eternal.  Since both are first and last, this must be so.  It must be assumed that the Spirit is also co-eternal.  For without a Spirit God would not exist, just as man cannot exist without a spirit.
§9         The Spirit himself is sevenfold.

        And I saw in the midst of the throne and of the four living ones and in the midst of the elders a Lamb standing as having been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of HaElohim having been sent into all the earth (Rev. 5:6,).

§9½         See also Zechariah 3:9, 4:2.  The eyes demonstrate the multiple awareness or consciousnesses of the Spirit.

The Nature of God
§10         The one spiritual essence of the Godhead is omnipresent.  This is a philosophically necessary consequence of an all powerful God.  For since space is infinite (in the Euclidian sense), and an omnipotent God must be able to act anywhere in space, He can never be needing to get there, which means He must already be there.
Am I Elohim near and not Elohim far off says Yahweh as if a man could hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him says Yahweh?  Do I not fill the heavens and the earth says Yahweh?! (Jer. 23:23-24).
§11         The Personal spiritual essence of Elohim that is everywhere may be consciously aware, or dormant as He wills in each part of the infinite universe.  This is necessary for an all-powerful God who simply does not wish to have certain experiences, or witness certain things.  He does know those things.  He only has to consult himself to be aware of that knowledge as He wills.  A good analogy is when our spiritual aspect goes to sleep at night.  It is still there.  It is still us, be we are dormant.  God, no doubt will not want to make His Spirit aware of the torment the wicked will suffer while being consumed in the fires of Hell, even though it is by his essence that all things consist and hold together.  The scripture teaches this in Gen. 18:20-21:

        And Yahweh said, 'The outcry against S'dom and `Amorah is great and their sin is very grave; I will go down to see whether according to the outcry which has come to me they have done altogether, and if not, I will know.'

 §11½         God did not have to go down to know, but he chose to go down because he had switched off conscious awareness of what was going on in those cities.  He'd rather hear reports from his messengers.  For sin grieves God, and he does not wish to be around it.
§12             God is completely and absolutely distinct from the physical universe he created and the other spiritual beings he created, even though he is everywhere to hold it all together.  How, this happens is mysterious.  It is not contradictory to logic though.  It is necessary to avoid pantheism (all is god), as only Yahweh is Elohim, and not his creations.
§13             God is all powerful.  He said he knows of no other god, and that there is no other god.  That takes infinite power.
§14             God is all knowing.  This requires a bit of explanation.  Firstly, each person of the Godhead knows whatever he wills, but the one spiritual essence of the Godhead collectively knows all, though such knowledge may not be consciously experienced.  Secondly, only the present is reality, or has any real existence.  The past is but a history remembered in the present, and the future is but plans made in the present.  Since only reality (the present) is the proper object of knowledge or knowing, it follows that the future can only be known through plans made in the present.  God has two types of plans.  He has absolute plans, which he has told us part of, which we call prophecies.  He knows the future through His absolute plans, because he uses his power to cause them to happen exactly as he planned.  God also has contingient plans.  The contingiency is the limited human choice that he allows, whether repentance or rebellion, viz.

        And you shall remember all the way which Yahweh your Elohim has led you these forty years in the wilderness for humbling to test you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commands or not (Deut. 8:2).

§14½         In connection with knowledge, it is often said that God is "outside of time," time being conceived of as having real existence in the past or future.  As said above, only the present has real existence.  Time is but a concept spanning the sequence of events: viz. it is the memory of past events in order, the observation of present events, and the knowledge of plans for future events.  All cognizence of 'time' is in the reality of the present.  Hence, God is not "outside time."  This does not mean that events run at the same rates in all parts of the universe.  The concept that only the present is real is a fundamental axiom like the idea of a point or line, which cannot be proved (since it is fundamental), but can only be spiritually perceived like other fundamental axioms of space and time.
§14½         The Cosmological Principle (or Copernican Principle) that man or God does not occupy a special place in the universe must be denied.
§15         The persons of the Godhead are each part of God; The Holy Spirit is part of Elohim; The Son is part of Elohim; The Father is part of Elohim.  That is to say that the Son is not all of Elohim.  For the Son is Elohim, but there is Elohim outside of the Son also, namely the Father and the Spirit.
§16         The persons of the Godhead are not to be confused; the Father is not the Son, and the Son is not the Father; the Spirit is not the Son or the Father.  The Son said that he did not know the hour or day of his return, but that the Father knew it.  This revelation demonstrates the distinctness of the Father and the Son.
§16.1         The foregoing statements on God's nature, to be more formal about it, are a rejection of the Catholic Theology based Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and its Protestant version: John Calvin.

The Names of God

§16½         The usage of the divine name, Yahweh should not be supressed, it being a commandment to remember God by His proper name.  No song or quotation of scripture should be given as 'Lord' when the original text has YHWH.  The "W" "waw" should be vocalized as a vowel, i.e. the "oo" in "boot," so that the name is pronounced Yahooway.
§16¾         The proper name of our Saviour shall be used in all congregational documents, songs, or other written material, viz. Yeshua, or Yehoshua.  The first vowel in Yeshua is a long "ay" sound as in "bay," hence it is pronounced "Yayshua".

Prohibitions Against Idolatry

§16.77         No person shall display any image of any being that is worshipped or that has been worshipped, or any copy of any image of any being that is worshipped or that has been worshipped.

        You shall not make for yourself an idol of any likeness that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth (Exodus 20:4).

        You shall not bown down to them or be caused to serve them (Exodus 20:5a).

§16.771         Images shall not include natural objects that have been worshipped such as rocks, trees, animals or people, unless said object on display is recognized as that particular rock or tree.
§16.772         In case of doubt as to whether an image of a natural object is a stylized one that is or has been worshipped, or is or has been a depictation of deity, one should inquire from reasonable sources of the meaning or origin of said picture.
§16.78         Images shall include, but not be limited to, pictures, paintings, photographs, film, video, engravings, sculpture, holographic projections or any other visual representation.
§16.781         Images shall include symbols with a known idolatrous associations, such as pentagrams, hexagrams, new age crystals, auras, halos, crystal balls, pendants, crosses of all types.  (Crosses are known to have been the objects of veneration in ancient Egypt and Babylon).
§16.79          Images shall not include verbal or written descriptions, such as the description of Yeshua in Revelation.  However, novels or other books that evoke idolatrous imagery in the mind's eyes are also prosribed.
§16.80         The issue of images, not on display, within books such as Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries might be permitted, provided that the purpose of such is merely to identify what the image is, so that the commandments against idolatry can be observed.
§16.81          All forbidden images must be destroyed.  It is permitted to cut them out of larger works of art or to paste over them only if the image cannot be reasonably recovered at the end of the destruction process.

        You shall destroy all their pictures and all their images you shall destroy, and all their high places you shall demolish (Num. 33:52).

§16.82         An image may be painted or drawn over, only if all recognizable parts of the forbidden image are removed from sight.  This usually includes all of the face in the case of images of persons meant to depict deity; however, a hand if it be making a sign such as the papal sign must also be blotted out.

§16.821        No likeness of God shall be made or displayed.  For we saw no form of God.  No likeness or image of Yeshua shall be displayed, because he is God the Son, and because no one remembers what he looked like, and because present images are probably based on the likeness of the Greek deities.

The Law

§16.83         No part of the Torah of God, called the Law of Moses has been abolished or nullified, or replaced.  All parts of the Law are in effect today just as much as they were on the day they were given (Mt. 5:17-18)..
§16.84         To whatever degree anyone teaches against the Law, to the same degree he lowers his status in the age to come (Mt. 5:19).
§16.85         When the Temple is rebuilt, the offering of sacrifices will be the proper thing for God's people to do (Ezekiel 40-48; Zechariah 14).
§16.86         It is no sin, or lack of faith, to blot out something more than once.  Yeshua indeed atoned (and atones) for all sins of the faithful.  However, the principle of redundancy is already in the Law.  For the Yom Kippur sacrifice covered again what had been atoned for by the new moon offerings, weekly offerings, daily offerings, and personal offerings.

The Nature of Death

§17         The conscious awareness of man is dormant in death. Death is like sleep (Job 14:10-12; Dan. 12:2).
§18         The dormant spirit of man returns to God. Ecclesiastes 12:7.  Just what stages of disorder the human spirit that God created goes through after death is  not known.  In the case of Yeshua, his spirit went up to God, and his spirit was part of the uncreated one essence of the Godhead.
§19         In the second death all parts of man disintigrate completely, body and spirit. In which case both body and spirit can be said to have been destroyed.  In the first death, even the body may not decay for legal death to occur.


§20         Sin is transgression of the Law. Sin can be either inadvertant or willful.  Wilfull sin cannot be forgiven without repentance.  See Numbers 15.
§21         The penalty of sin is death. This would be at least the first death.  The penalty of unrepented willful sin is eternal death.
§22         The Son of God died in our place; He was our substitute; He took the penalty for us so that we could be forgiven our sins. Yeshua died because God's justice required our death, and he volunteered to take our place..
§23         Salvation requires faithful trust in God. This means that the faithful must repent of known sin as the Spirit convicts them of its wrongness.  A high handed sin entails a fall from grace.  Idolatry, immorality, and eating meat with blood in it must be repented of first.
§24         The penalty of sin cannot be paid by works of righteousness. Such as penance, indulgences, or prayers.  The penalty cannot be paid by any of our works whether they are good works or just man's works.
§25         Assurance of salvation is evidence that one understands the way of salvation. Assurance of salvation is invalid if one bases it on his own works, or if one is sinning with a high hand (willfully), or if one has sinned in the past with a high hand, and refused to repent of that sin.
§26         Faith without deeds is dead (James 2:26). For 'the righteous shall live by faithfulness' (Hab. 2:4), does not just mean God's faithfulness, but it also means ours.
 You see that by works is righted a man, and not by 'faith' only. (James 2:24).
§27         Intellectual 'faith', i.e. mere belief in the facts, while as the same time declining to repent, is sure evidence of a false conversion.  Such a one is not yet saved.  Neither is assent to the facts of the good news sufficient, nor is embracing the atonement adequate.  Repentence and faithfulness towards God are required.
§28         Guilt is a warning  sign of a need to repent of something. Confess the sin, and repent of the sin.  Lack of Assurance of Salvation is evidence of either continued sinning, or lack of understanding the good news.  If you cannot identify a sin, then the lack of assurance problem is unbelief in the good news.  Continued sinning always leads to lack of assurance until one rationalizes as far as searing his conscience, in which case he becomes vulnerable to having the truth taken from him.

The Atonement

§28.1         Yeshua died as a sacrifice for sin.  His death appeases the wrath of God against our sin by way of substitution, thus maintaining God's justice, and providing a way of mercy.  Yeshua's death was not just an example of love.  Yeshua's death was in no way a payment to the devil.
§28.2         Yeshua's death is only applied to the sins of the faithful.  Its atonement for the sins of the world is only potential, and does not become actual until the man of the world becomes one of the faithful.
§28.3         Yeshua's death was for the whole world, not just the elect, but the man of the world must repent and embrace the atonement to become one of the elect.

Creation  & the Flood & Genesis

§28.75         The heavens and earth were created in six literal days (Exodus 20:11).  The flood of Noah destroyed the whole world.  It was not a local flood.  The times and dates in Genesis are accurate, and the worlds root languages originated at the confusion of Babel.  There was no sin death or destruction before the fall.  Man did not evolve, but he was created.  The Stars and galaxies did not evolve over eons of earth time, but were created during creation week.

The Duties of the Faithful

§29         Consecrate yourself to God by immersion. Mt. 28:18-20.  The Law teaches the importance of ritual purity when approaching God.  That is why every adult is immersed at conversion, or at the age of understanding in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, viz. 'We witness your immersion in the name of YHWH,  the Father, Y'hoshua the Son, and the Holy Spirit.'  Immersion signifies willingness to obey God with a good conscience.  It also signifies vicarious participation in the death and resurrection of Yeshua.
§30         Learn and obey Yahweh's laws. Mt. 5:17-20; 23:1-3; 28:18-20.  Start with the ten words (commandments).
§31         Seek the truth earnestly. The apostacy at the end of the age will be led by those who fall away because they do not love the truth.  'Thy Word is Truth'.
 He who holds fast will be given more, he who does not hold fast will lose even what he has!
 He who teaches against the law lowers himself in the kingdom, and does not know God as he ought, but he who turns away from the truth he once had is in danger having even the way of salvation taken from him if he does not repent.

The Canon of Scripture

§32         We accept The Law and Prophets. Mt. 5:17-20.  This includes all the books held in common as scripture by Jews and Christians.  These books were canonized by Ezra and the Great Synagouge.
§33         We accept The writings of the Sheliakhim (Apostles). Sheliakhim and Apostles both mean 'sent ones.'  These are the books by Matthew, Mark, John, Paul, Peter, James, and Jude.  These men spoke directly with the risen Lord and so received direct revelation from Him.
§34         We accept The writings of close associates of the Sheliakhim. This would be the books by Luke.
§35         All scripture is inspired by God, and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. II Tim. 3:16 as understood in the light of vs 15: sacred writings. We consider scripture to be without error in the original manuscripts.  As a practical matter we believe that we have 99.9% the orignial manuscripts in the present critical texts, either in the body of the text or in  the variant reading apparatus, viz. Nestle-Aland, the Majority Text, or Textus Receptus, and the Massorectic Text Tradition and the Septuagint.
§36         We hold that standard translations are not without error, and that it is allowable to correct them to the Greek or Hebrew. Standard translations would be the KJV, RSV, NIV, NASB, etc.  The Sheliakhim made a regular practice of correcting the LXX (Septuagint) translation to the Hebrew original.


§37         Heresy is false doctrine that leads the faithful astray. Heresy is to be distinguished from 'heretic.'  One can be saved and hold to some heresies; heretic is reserved for those whose error puts them in the kingdom of darkness.
§38         It is a heresy to teach that the law is abolished in any way. Matthew 5:17-20; 23:1-3; 28:18-20.  This includes all of the Law, whether ceremonial or civil.
§39         It is heresy to teach any addition to the Law as binding. This means that tradition is not binding, though the faithful are encouraged to participate in tradition.  Only the traditions of ritual immersion (baptism), and the elements of the Passover Seder suggested by Yeshua, remembering him in the traditional cup and in the unleavened bread may be considered legal obligations.
§40         It is a heresy to encourage or teach the observance of any Roman holiday. Viz. Sunday, Christmas, Easter, Sunday Pentecost, Lent, All Saints Day.  It is hersy because of either mixture with idolatry, or because such occasions pervert the truth of the times and seasons of the Law.  Changing God's set times and mixing them with idolatry is the essence of Ba`alism, the besetting sin of Jereboam and all Israel.
§41         It is a particular heresy to change the passover seder into a format resembling the catholic eucharist. This tradition is tainted with idolatry, and must be proscribed. So you also have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:14-15).  As a practical matter, any rite called 'communion' or 'eucharist' falls under such corruption.
§42         It is a heresy to teach the repentence is unnecessary for salvation, or that the faithful may sin with a high hand and still be saved. Numbers 15.

The Resurrection of Yeshua

§43         Yeshua was in the grave three days and three nights. Mt. 12:40.  This would be days: 4th day, 5th day, 6th day; and nights: 5th  night, 6th night, 7th night.
§44         Yeshua rose from the dead on the sabbath day before sunrise.
And on the first day of the sabbaths, Miryam of Magdala came early darkness still being in the tomb, and sees the stone rolled away from the tomb (John 20:1).  And on the first day of the sabbaths, at deep dawn, they came upon the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared, and they found the stone rolled away from the tomb (Luke 24:1-2).
§45         The words 'day of the sabbaths' means the sabbath day, viz. the seventh day of the week.  The Septuagint (LXX) reads,

        'Remember the day of the sabbaths to keep it holy' (Exodus 20:8).

The End of the Age

§46         There is no pre-tribulation 'rapture' but the re-gathering to the land of Israel will be at the end of the tribulation Mt. 24:29-31; II Thes. 2:1-12; Daniel 12.  The holy ones are caught up to the throne of God, which will come down to rest on Mt. Zion.
§47         The righteous and the resurrected dwell on earth, not in some distant heaven. Ezekiel 37.

The Feast Days

§48         The Passover is eaten on the night following the 14th of Aviv, viz. the 15th of Aviv.  Currently the teaching of the Samaritan-Karaite Passover is widespread.  Yeshua taught us to follow the legal opinions of the Pharisees (Mt. 23:1-3), not the Samaritans.
§49         Shavuot (Pentecost) is 50 days after the first Passover rest day. Currently the doctrine of the Sunday Pentecost has been revived in many Messianic Assemblies.  This doctirne is Sadducean, and is disproven by the fact that the first of the Sabbaths falls immediately after Passover, and not a week later.  Also the Pharisees taught against it, and we are obligated to hold their teaching above the Sadducees (Mt. 23:1-3).
§50         The current Rabbinic fixing of the new moons and feasts is invalid. Most Messianic Assemblies follow the Rabbinic Calendar, which was introduced in ca. 359 c.e.  The current Rabbinic fixing of the new moons (and hence the feasts also) is not the way it was done in the time of Yeshua by the Pharisees, whom we are obligated to follow in legal interpretations (Mt. 23:1-3).  The New moon occurs when the first visible cresent can be seen in the district of Jerusalem (cf. Rosh Hashana).  The practice of fixing the new moon locally is only valid if it cannot be known which day was the new moon in Jerusalem.

Congregational Polity

§59         A service shall consist of prayer, songs, pslams, scripture reading, and teaching.  A traditional mixture, in keeping with the commandment to love God.

Congregational Halakhah

§60         Men and women shall dress modestly at congregational meetings.

The Sacraments

§64             There are no sacraments whereby grace or mercy are given to God's people except the actual historical death of Yeshua, and the other lawfully performed animal sacrifices taught in the Law and Prophets.  The seven sacraments of the Church of Rome, in particular, are without merit.
§64.1          The Lord's Supper is not a divine sarament, but as now taught by most Christians is a corruption of the Passover taught in Scripture.  The Lord's Supper does not make anyone more holy or less.  For this reason the congregation does not observe the "Ordinance of the Lord's Supper."  What we do observe is Passover.
§64.2         Baptism by sprinkling or pouring is not a sacrament.  Baptism by immersion makes most people holy after sunset until they become ritually impure again.  Beyond that there is no sacrament in immersion.

Concerning "Righteousness by Faith"

§70         The notion that righteousness comes by faith (meaning belief in Christ) is an error.  Righteousness comes by faithfulness toward God in doing his commandments.  Belief in intellectual facts is of no avail without repentence:
And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before Yahweh our G-d, as he hath commanded us (Deut. 6:25).
§71         The emphasis on our faith, necessary as it is, in the plan of salvation, is wholly overdone by the Churches.  The scripture emphasizes the faithfulness of Yeshua in the plan of Redemption, and the faithfulness of Christ in making Atonement for sin.
Concerning Tithing

§72         The congregation has no lawful authority to collect any tithes or offerings.  The duty of collecting tithes belongs to the Levites, and they may only collect the lawful tithes of agricultural products.
§73         A tithe is 1/10th of all the products of the land per year, excluding the sabbatical and jubilee years;  tithes are not voluntary.  Tithe is also 1/10th of all dometicated clean animals born during the year.  There is no tithe on fish or hunting wild animals of the forest.  The congregation may not accept tithes, nor may the congregation accept money which is called a tithe.
§74         An offering is a voluntary freewill gift made to whoever the giver wills for whatever purpose the giver wills.  Although the congregation has no authority to collect offerings, it may accept them.

Spiritual Manifestations
§75         Worship shall be conducted in a known language or one that is translated.

        But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the congregation (I Cor. 14:28).

§76         Speaking on tongues is prohibited in the congregations.  

        In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established (II Cor. 13:1).

§77         If anyone speaks in a tongue they are encouraged to objectively verify the source or else to cease using it if no verification is possible.  This is necessary, since many evil spirits have gone out into the world.  Evil hides under the guide of good.  The Spirit of God does not hide.

Prove all things; hold fast to that which is good (II Thess. 5:21)

§78         There shall be no slaying in the "spirit."   All prayer for healing and laying on of hands for that purpose shall be performed by the instruction of Ya'aqov [James].  We will not suffer the indignity of men and women falling on the floor into a trance.
§79         An Elder shall not lay hands on anyone  so as to give him or her his blessing for a ministry unless such a one has been examined and found sound in the faith.

Works Righteousness

§81         Whereas being righteous by doing works is often misidentified or confused with the obtaining of forgiveness, or a place in the age to come by works, we assert and believe that there is no personal righteousness without doing good works.
§82         However, said works do not atone for past sins, current sins, or future sins.  Works do not generate merits before God toward forgiveness.
§83         However, there is merit in teaching and keeping the Law (Mt. 5:19) toward position in the age to come.  Some will rule over ten cities, and some will rule over nothing.
§83.01    If we obey His commandments, that is our righteousness (Deut. 6:25).

Concerning the "Ordinance of Communion"

§84         We do not celebrate "communion" or the "Eucharist" except at the official Passover Seder on the 15th of Aviv.   It is only necessary to remember the Messianic significance of the ceremony.  It is not necessary to say any special words that would not already be found in a Jewish Seder Book.

Sabbath Observance

§85.1         This means at minimum no buying or selling (Neh. 10:31), no employment or money earning on Sabbath.  No work should be performed because it is so ordered by another person in authority.  Formal education (viz. taking tests, going to a school, or lectures are also improper sabbath activities) is also improper.
§85.2         Health Care Industry, Police Work, and Fire Protection.   (1) Your fair share of such work in no more than 1/7 sabbaths.   Workers should consider donating compensation from such work to God's work.


§85.401         Baptism is properly done by immersion.
§85.402         Baptism is not a rite of conversion, but only a formal recogniztion that a conversion has taken place.


§85.41         It is a commandment to circumcise male children on the eighth day.  It is perferable to see a Jewish doctor or mohel who can perform the ceremony, as this makes the occassion more meaningful, however, for biblical purposes only circumcision is required.
§85.42         As all adult believing males are the "seed of Abraham," it is a commandment for them to be circumcised since it is a commandment to keep the covenant, and to be uncircumcised is to break the covenant.  However true this is, circumcision is not a rite of conversion.  Conversion happens upon repentence of known sin and trust in the good news.
§85.43         The status of the uncircumcised believing male, who is uncircumcised only because of ignorance, poor teaching, or erroneous beliefs on the matter, and not because of willful resistance to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, is that of an Israelite who is cut off from the community of Israel.  That is, he is cut off from his own people.  An uncircumcised believer does not revert to the status of "gentile," but only to that of separated Israelite.  However, in order to be Jewish one must be circumcised if his parents were not Jewish.
§85.44         The meaning and effect of "cut off from his people," probably depends on the willfulness of the error.  In Moses case, the Lord was about to take his life for the transgression of not circumcising his son.
§85.45         In most cases of "gentile" uncircumcision among believers, the transgression is not fatal, i.e. they are saved though uncircumcised, since they are expected to be ignorant of the law.  It will probably take extensive debunking of heretical theology just to begin to to get some of them to realize the possibility that the command still applies.

The Order of Discipleship

§85.5         This discipler should be sure that the disciple is not involved in immorality or idolatry.  In American culture the issue of meat with blood in it must be specifically addressed.  The "disciple" who dabbles in these things is in real jeapoardy.
§85.6         The disciple should be immersed and have made a confession of the faith.  These are the first positive commandment steps a disciple can take.  The disciple should understand repentence and the good news before they take this step, that they are saved, and should have assurance of salvation.
§86         The Disciple should then learn to observe Sabbath.  This may take a while, especially if the disciple's conviction on the matter is still developing, or if his occupation is a torn in the flesh.
§86.2         The disciple should have a regular prayer time each day to ask for God's aid in the cares of life, and to thank him for his help, and to ask for wisdom in solving problems.  What goes under the name of quiet time in Christian circles, viz. daily bible study is good, but not necessary.
§86.3         f male, and uncircumcised, the disciple should be circumcised.  But this step should not be taken unless the disciple is firm in the conviction of the circumcision commandment.  The disciple should understand that they are already saved before taking this step.
§86.4         The disciple should begin to observe the feast days.
§87            The disciple should wear tassels on the talit, male and female; the male style for a male, and the female style for a female.

Original Sin

§88         That version of the doctrine of original sin which says that the guilt or condemnation incurred by Adam's sin is passed on to his descendants by inheritance is denied.  Only the sin nature is passed on, not the condemnation.  Each man incurs his own condemnation when he yeilds to the sin nature and commits sin.  The son shall not die for the sin of the Father.
§89         The sin nature is the urge to do what is wrong, but it does not become sin until it is embraced in the thoughts or acted upon.  The sin nature is the propensity or pressure to sin.

The Sacrificial System

§90         The animal sacrifices offered before Christ truly atoned for the sins that they  were brought for so that the sins were forgiven.  The atonements provided were not subjective relief.  They were objective facts.
§91         The animal sacrifices after the death of Christ up to the destruction of the Temple, which were brought by Israel (believing and unbelieving) also did atone (cover the sin).  Only in the case of believers it had been previously covered by Yeshua so that the animal sacrifice only could underline the forgiveness already in effect, just as the Yom Kippur sacrifice could only underline the forgiveness derived from the many daily sacrifices before it.
§92         Animal sacrifices in the new Temple and the age to come will also atone for sin (Ezekiel 45:17).


 1. It must be understood that these are only English word's that appear to be close to the truth.  We must not press 'separate' too far, certainly not to the extent that two humans are separate.  Likewise, only in the case of the Son must it be insisted that God took the exact form of a person in the human sense of the word.
 "Separate" does not mean "separate gods."  A division in personality exists, but not in godhood.  There is only one God.  

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