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The Abomination of Desolation
This is an outline of the video:
Daniel 9:26b-27a
Daniel 9:27b
Aug 9, 2023. 21 Av, year 6162. Daniel Gregg.
introduced vs. 26. 26a. 26b-27.
Paraphrase: 26b-27. "And the people of the coming [political] leader will corrupt the city and the holy place. And his end [will be] in the overflow [of wrath], and until the end, war is declared with great desolation. And he will have strengthened an alliance for the many one seven-period. And in the middle of the seven-period he will make cease the sacrifice and offering. And over the wings [will be] a great abomination making to be desolate, and [will be] until a complete annihilation that is decided pours out upon the desolator."
Nagid: KJV: prince vs. leader, etc. Archaic usage: president, prime minister, governor, etc. Anyone with governing power.
AM: people here refers to followers of the coming political leader, namely the seed of Satan, those who take the mark of the beast. The mark will seal the allegiance of his people, and it could very well contaminate the biological purity of the human genome with nephillim genetics or worse. Recent efforts to alter the genome of all ordinary humans on the planet were a step in this direction. Also transhumanism.
HaBa: the coming. That is coming after Messiah who was the subject the the previous part of the verse.
YASH CHEET: corrupt vs. destroy.
The Temple will be rebuilt after the restoration of Israel, probably several generations before the end, and it will fulfill its divine function justly, righteously, and with purity until the time of testing at the end.
What I believe is two attempts by the beast power to take over the world, and we are witnessing the early stages of the first attempt at this time, which in the end will fail, because it is not yet time. So the beast will be wounded and have to crawl back to the abyss to await the proper time.
Following this failed attempt, I believe the house of Israel will be restored to the land to join up with the remnant of Judah, which is already in the land, but only after many disasters and a world war. If I say I believe it, it can only mean I hope for it. The point is that the Most High has promises to fulfill for Israel in this age before the final test. And all the Gerim that join with Israel will share in the blessing.
Israel will be blessed like never before, according to the promises in Deut. 30. And we hope the ark of the covenant will be found again. Many from the nations will join themselves to Israel at that time, and Egypt and Assyria will become provinces of Israel. After this is the time of testing.
Then the nations will defile the Temple. Daniel 8:14 implies that the abomination of desolation is a moral corruption, because the Sanctuary will be "cleansed" (KJV) or "made right" at the end of the 2300 daily offering times. It appears the structure will not be destroyed. In Dan. 8:14, that taking away of the daily offering for 2300 offering times is called the transgression that makes desolate. I don't see this as the specific abomination of desolation, but associated with it. The 2300 daily offering times regard the altar in the court.
His end vs. its end, referring to the end time leader or his followers or both. I think it refers to both.
SHETEPH; overflow, as in a flood of rage or overflow of wrath. This can refer to both God's wrath on him, and his wrath and the wrath of his followers against the faithful, because they know their time is short. Satan's wrath: Rev. 12:12. The Most High's wrath: Rev. 14:10. Read Rev. 12:13-17.
War is declared. Rev. 12:7-9. Then the war comes to earth: Rev. 12:12.
Vs. 27: Reread. Hiphil "make strong,"
Alliance. Same word used with Abraham and his Amorite Allies in Gen. 14:13. The man of sin will ally and unite many nations.
Perfect, "will have made strong," because vs. 27 refers to time before the end of the NAGID in vs. 26. His coming is identified by the alliance he makes at the beginning of the 70th seven. And this is another reason for knowing where the Shemittah cycles fall, because this alliance will be made at the beginning of a Sabbatical cycle. The language implies an alliance that existed before, but has to be made strong again. I believe the obvious candidate for it is globalist aspirations of a one world empire with their woke religon. They will fail the first time around, because Satan will not be allowed to take over the nations while the sons and daughters of Israel are still in exile there. And therefore, they will be trying again a second time to make their alliance strong.
SHAVUA. Seven-period. Note the U.
It is possible they will suppose their alliance is forever. So be prepared for it to be labeled one way, and turn out to be only seven years. The text is giving the divine perspective.
Another identifying point for the start of this seven year period will be the prophecy of the two witnesses. They will begin 1260 days of prophecy with the start of the sabbatical cycle, and then the beast that possesses the man of lawlessness will come out of the Abyss and kill them.
Another criteria is the Jubilee year, when the last trumpet (1 Cor. 15:52) is sounded for the Jubilee. So Daniel's 70th seven will be the seventh sabbatic cycle in the Jubilee period. That narrows down the possible years for the man of sin to make his alliance to just the 43rd year of the Jubilee cycle.
Understanding the appointed times for Israel to observe in the Torah is essential to understanding end time events.
At the beginning of the 70th 70, the man of sin will bring many into the alliance, but he will not subdue all nations until the middle of it.
He will make cease the sacrifice and offering. And at this point Israel will flee into the wilderness to be taken care of for a time, times, and half a time.
YASH BEET: make cease. Notice the similarity of this word to the previous word corrupt: YASH CHEET. This appears to me to be a play on words also connecting vs. 26 to vs. 27.
WING. Generic Hebrew words are really plural words in meaning. That is why this word in in small capitals.
The man of lawlessness will claim divinity and cause all to worship him. He will stand in the most holy place, and seat himself by the WINGS.
AL The Hebrew word AL here literally means over or upon. But you should know that it is commonly used to mean by or next to something as in Gen. 24:30, "And behold, he stood by the camels by the well." The idea is that one is in front over, or covering over an object behind in the background. According to Paul, he will have "sat down in the temple of the Almighty" (2 Thes. 2:4) "displaying himself, that 'he is god."
In Matthew 24:15 the abomination of desolation is "standing" in the holy place, and in Daniel 12:11 it appears to be treated as an object as in Daniel 11:31. These difficulties would appear to be reconciled if there is an image to the man of sin, possessed by the beast, which is "stood," and the man of sin himself who sits in the holy place, or both stands and then sits, so that the Wings of the ark are either to each side of him (or his idol) or silloutetted in back of him. The arrangement is not entirely clear, and the passages and language allow for some variation to fulfill it.
But what is clear is that the word WING implies the presence of the ark of the covenant, because the wings would be the wings of the cherubim. The commentators are baffled by the word WING, but I believe I have given the most common sense explanation of it. It may also be noted that Satan was a Herub. See Ezek. 28:14. Since he possesses the man of lawlessness, he will enter with him into the holy place. So if his wings occlude the Ark, then this is possible also. His desire is to sit between the of the Cherubim in the place of the Most High. So this will be as the idol when his man is not there, and in person when his man is there.
However it happens, I think any witnesses will need a "mind wipe" to be normal afterward.
In 1 Sam. 5:2, the Philistines set the ark of God next to Dagon. The wrath of God did not immediately come on the Philistines, but only after the warnings which they did not heed, because they kept setting up Dagon again. So it will be in the end time. The man of sin will defile the holy place until the wrath of the Most High comes on him and his kingdom in the seventh year.
SHIQ QUTSEEM: this word I have marked as an intensive plural. That's the little x that you probably can see marking the word great. The word abomination is defined in connection to Chemosh the god of Moab, associated with human sacrifice. Also Asthoreth and Milcom. It is also defined in terms of pagan sacrifice and the idols of Egypt. This is mentioned again in Daniel 11:31, where it says, "THEY will have placed the abomination of great desolation," "And they will have made turn away the continual offering." This implies that it is an object, an idol. I would say an image to the beast with an AI possessed by Satan. In Daniel 11:31 the term is singular
So this will happen for 2300 daily offering times, for two offerings per day, making 1150 days. And then the man of lawlessness (or sin) will be annihilated, and come to his end when the Most High pours out his wrath on the desolator.
TITTAKH: the verb here is treated as a passive, 'it-pours-out" pointing back to the word KALAH, an end, an annihilation. The word is feminine, and so is the subject pronoun with the verb.
But allow me a little speculation here. It could also be SHE will pour out in an active sense, and the word CALAH would become the object of the verb. So the antecedent to SHE could be the RUACH of God, his Spirit. And Paul indeed says that the breath of the mouth of Messiah, which is the Spirit of God, will slay the man of lawlessness. See 2 Thess. 2:8. The presence of Messiah in the Spirit will return to its place between the wings of the Cherubim. If this is the case then at the end of 2300 daily offerings Messiah's own spiritual presence will cleanse the sanctuary. And this is probably the case, because the abominations committed there will not be cleansable by human procedure, since it will have been desecrated by non-human powers. The Sanctuary will certainly be reconsecrated by the Levites, but his will be after Messiah cleanses it.
Also, I should point out that in 1 Samuel 4:17 that the ark is treated as an object with feminine gender,
Then the holy place will be restored.
Here is the nearest illustration I can make about what happens.
Raiders of the lost Ark clip
But when the real cleansing occurs no one will remember this tale.
Thank you for listening, Daniel Gregg over and out.
And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.