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Calendar Charts For AD 2025

Aviv/First Month AD 2025, link to PDF here: First Month

The Calendar For AD 2024
With Months of Historical Interest

  1. The year is defined as one circuit of the sun around the heavens, with the starting point defined as when the top of the sun first sets due west or a fraction of a degree to the north of due west in the northern hemisphere. The year is measured in days from this point to be 365 or 366 days. The day of the year is in the second chart with each month. The first day of any year is the day on which the sun first sets "west."
  2. Months are calculated to agree with new moon sightings made in Israel according to first visibility of the lunar arc shortly after sunset. The first day of the month follows the reappearance of the moon. Days are numbered 1 to 29 or 1 to 30.
  3. The first month of any year is calculated so that the 15th day of that month, the first day of Passover, does not fall into the old year. It is also calculated so that the 15th day of the last month of the old year (Adar) does not fall into the new year. This rule is the logical result of the command to keep three pilgrim feasts in one year, and the command not to delay the first ripe crops, which logically means not delaying the year so that the 15th of Adar is by mistake in the new year. If the 15th of Adar comes into the new year, then it really is not the month of Adar. It is the first month of the year.
  4. The method defined simulates an observational equinox, as opposed to a geometrically calculated equinox. It also simulates an observational sighting of the new moon, and not a theory based on conjunction. The calendar is pre-Rabbinic, dating back to the time of Messiah and Israel before the Rabbinic calendar was introduced.
  5. Most of the information in the English translations concerning the year and the beginning of it is mistranslated. You need to know Hebrew to solve the problem. But the Hebrew terms and proofs are provided in The Resurrection Day of Messiah Yeshua. Also the arguments of the barley cult are thoroughly refuted in this book.
  6. Barley always ripens to a stage in which it may be eaten by humans by the first day of the year, and therefore always by the 16th of the first month when it is legal to eat it. The barley cult manages to upset the calendar in some years by using arbitrary definitions of what ripe barley means.
  7. The Rabbinic calendar is often enough in error on the first day of a month compared to the ancient biblical observation. This is because the calculation method does not simulate the first visibility of the new moon.
  8. The Rabbinic Calendar in about 1/4 of all years is now a month late with Passover. This occurs because while correctly using the theory of the equinox, the Rabbinic calculation of the equinox has drifted foward from the true day of the equinox by more than a whole week. As a result of this error in some years, all of the Rabbinic dates are a month late.

There are two charts are listed for each month. The first is the Biblical Calendar, and the second is the Modern Gregorian Calendar (after October, AD 1582), Julian (AD 4 to October 1582, or proleptic Julian Calendar (before AD 4). Both charts correspond to each other. That is, you can overlay one on the other to find the equivalent dates. Here is a basic legend to get you started. (More complete details on the codes and format will be found near the end of this page.)

        I            I = first day of week, and so on II-VII
 ▒▒▒▒▒~~~~~▒▒▒▒▒     Dark shading ▒ = nighttime. Tilde ~ = daytime
 ↑   │   1     │     Arrow ↑ = New Moon Sighted at the beginning of night
     │new moon │     new moon = new moon calendar day, dawn to dawn.
                     Line | = dawn 
                     Day number 1 after the new moon sighting
    VI        VII            VI =  6th day of week, VII = 7th day of week
  │         │         │      Sabbaths are shaded: █████▀▀▀▀▀ (sunset to sunset)
  │         │         │      Sabbath night = █████, Sabbath day = ▀▀▀▀▀
                             Line │ marks dawn, ~~~~~ = working day 
                             Night ▒▒▒▒▒ at the end of the VII'th day 
                             is repeated on the next week of the calendar
                             Annual Sabbaths night = ██╫██ vs. regular Sabbaths night █████
                     Corresponding Roman date
   │   SUN   │       Line | = midnight, SUN = weekday, etc.
 ▒▒▒▒▒~~~~~▒▒▒▒▒     APR 3 = Roman month and day number
   │ APR  3  │       16 = day number of solar year
   │  16     │       
                         Shavuot counting:
     ▒~~~~~▒▒▒▒▒         16 = day after the new moon sighted
     │16-0-1   │         0 = number of Sabbaths counted
     │ Sheaf   │ 	      1 = number of days counted
                         (days of each shavua, and number of shavuot
                         should also be counted, but no space for it in chart

Calendar For AD 2024, Year of Creation 61631

There is sometimes a small chance that a new moon might not be seen according to calculations and the calendar may change by 1 day.2

Month: I AVIV, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 3. Jub. Cyc: 38 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.983 A Q2: -0.895 G LG:  85m W: 0.757' AL: 17.5 AV: 17.3
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                     ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │
     AVIV/NISAN          │New Moon │         │         │         │         │
     │   6     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  13     │  14     │  15     │16-0-1   │17-0-2   │18-0-3   │19-1-4   │
     │         │Passover │Passover │ Sheaf   │         │         │         │
     │20-1-5   │21-1-6   │22-1-7   │23-1-8   │24-1-9   │25-1-10  │26-2-11  │
     │         │7thULB   │         │         │         │         │         │
     │27-2-12  │28-2-13  │29-2-14  │
     │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                       │ MAR 12  │ MAR 13  │ MAR 14  │ MAR 15  │ MAR 16  │  
                       │  359    │  360    │  361    │  362    │  363    │
   │ MAR 17  │ MAR 18  │ MAR 19  │ MAR 20  │ MAR 21  │ MAR 22  │ MAR 23  │
   │  364    │  365    │  1      │  2      │  3      │  4      │  5      │
   │ MAR 24  │ MAR 25  │ MAR 26  │ MAR 27  │ MAR 28  │ MAR 29  │ MAR 30  │
   │  6      │  7      │  8      │  9      │  10     │  11     │  12     │
   │ MAR 31  │ APR  1  │ APR  2  │ APR  3  │ APR  4  │ APR  5  │ APR  6  │
   │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │  19     │
   │ APR  7  │ APR  8  │ APR  9  │
   │  20     │  21     │  22     │
  1. The new moon was seen on March 11 this year (the day not labeled before March 12)
  2. One needs to match the first calendar with the second to find equivalent dates in the Roman Calendar. Everything is lined up, so that the row and column positions match to the same day. The day beginning and ending is marked by | bars. In the biblical calendar this means dawn. Sabbaths, however, are shown starting the night before the day. In the Roman calendar | means midnight.
  3. The seven Sabbaths and the days of the Shavuot (Pentecost) feast are counted out in the first chart, following the day of the month number. So 16-0-1 means 16th day of month, 0 Sabbaths, 1 day. And by the end of the month 29-2-14 means 29th day of the month, 2 Sabbaths, 14 days (of 50).

Month: II ZIV, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 3. Jub. Cyc: 38 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.217 A Q2: -9.000 Z LG:  60m W: 0.344' AL: 12.0 AV: 11.9
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                               ↑   │1-2-15   │2-2-16   │3-2-17   │4-3-18   │
      ZIV/IYAR                     │New Moon │         │         │         │
     │5-3-19   │6-3-20   │7-3-21   │8-3-22   │9-3-23   │10-3-24  │11-4-25  │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │12-4-26  │13-4-27  │14-4-28  │15-4-29  │16-4-30  │17-4-31  │18-5-32  │
     │         │         │2nd Pass.│         │         │         │         │
     │19-5-33  │20-5-34  │21-5-35  │22-5-36  │23-5-37  │24-5-38  │25-6-39  │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │26-6-40  │27-6-41  │28-6-42  │29-6-43  │30-6-44  │
     │         │         │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                 │ APR 10  │ APR 11  │ APR 12  │ APR 13  │  
                                 │  23     │  24     │  25     │  26     │
   │ APR 14  │ APR 15  │ APR 16  │ APR 17  │ APR 18  │ APR 19  │ APR 20  │
   │  27     │  28     │  29     │  30     │  31     │  32     │  33     │
   │ APR 21  │ APR 22  │ APR 23  │ APR 24  │ APR 25  │ APR 26  │ APR 27  │
   │  34     │  35     │  36     │  37     │  38     │  39     │  40     │
   │ APR 28  │ APR 29  │ APR 30  │ MAY  1  │ MAY  2  │ MAY  3  │ MAY  4  │
   │  41     │  42     │  43     │  44     │  45     │  46     │  47     │
   │ MAY  5  │ MAY  6  │ MAY  7  │ MAY  8  │ MAY  9  │
   │  48     │  49     │  50     │  51     │  52     │

Month: III SIVAN, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 3. Jub. Cyc: 38 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 1.387 A Q2: -0.392 G LG: 109m W: 0.990' AL: 20.4 AV: 20.1
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                                                   ↑   │1-6-45   │2-7-46   │
        SIVAN                                          │New Moon │         │
     │3-7-47   │4-7-48   │5-7-49   │6-50th   │   7     │   8     │   9     │
     │         │         │         │Shavuot  │         │         │         │
     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │  23     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29 ↑   │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                                     │ MAY 10  │ MAY 11  │  
                                                     │  53     │  54     │
   │ MAY 12  │ MAY 13  │ MAY 14  │ MAY 15  │ MAY 16  │ MAY 17  │ MAY 18  │
   │  55     │  56     │  57     │  58     │  59     │  60     │  61     │
   │ MAY 19  │ MAY 20  │ MAY 21  │ MAY 22  │ MAY 23  │ MAY 24  │ MAY 25  │
   │  62     │  63     │  64     │  65     │  66     │  67     │  68     │
   │ MAY 26  │ MAY 27  │ MAY 28  │ MAY 29  │ MAY 30  │ MAY 31  │ JUN  1  │
   │  69     │  70     │  71     │  72     │  73     │  74     │  75     │
   │ JUN  2  │ JUN  3  │ JUN  4  │ JUN  5  │ JUN  6  │ JUN  7  │
   │  76     │  77     │  78     │  79     │  80     │  81     │

  1. The 7th of the Sabbaths (Lev. 23:15) was counted on May 11 this year. Lev. 23:16 reads, "until in the time after of the seventh Sabbath counting a fiftieth day." So the days to the feast of Shavuot continue getting counting until 50.
  2. It is mistakenly supposed that the 50th day comes right after the weekly Sabbath by many, because they do not understand that the Hebrew word for tomorrow also means hereafter or time to come.

Month: IV SHOSHANNIM, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 3. Jub. Cyc: 38 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.570 A Q2: -0.829 G LG:  81m W: 0.521' AL: 15.0 AV: 14.4
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                                                             ↑   │   1     │
     SHOSHANNIM                                                  │New Moon │
     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │   7     │   8     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  15     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  16     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │
     │         │Fast     │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  23     │  24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  30 ↑   │
     │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                                               │ JUN  8  │  
                                                               │  82     │
   │ JUN  9  │ JUN 10  │ JUN 11  │ JUN 12  │ JUN 13  │ JUN 14  │ JUN 15  │
   │  83     │  84     │  85     │  86     │  87     │  88     │  89     │
   │ JUN 16  │ JUN 17  │ JUN 18  │ JUN 19  │ JUN 20  │ JUN 21  │ JUN 22  │
   │  90     │  91     │  92     │  93     │  94     │  95     │  96     │
   │ JUN 23  │ JUN 24  │ JUN 25  │ JUN 26  │ JUN 27  │ JUN 28  │ JUN 29  │
   │  97     │  98     │  99     │  100    │  101    │  102    │  103    │
   │ JUN 30  │ JUL  1  │ JUL  2  │ JUL  3  │ JUL  4  │ JUL  5  │ JUL  6  │
   │  104    │  105    │  106    │  107    │  108    │  109    │  110    │
   │ JUL  7  │
   │  111    │

Month: V AV, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 3. Jub. Cyc: 38 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 1.069 A Q2: -0.159 C LG:  91m W: 0.971' AL: 20.8 AV: 17.0
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
           ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │
         AV    │New Moon │         │         │         │         │         │
     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │
     │         │         │Fast Day │         │         │         │         │
     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  21     │  22     │  23     │  24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  28     │  29 ↑   │
     │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
             │ JUL  8  │ JUL  9  │ JUL 10  │ JUL 11  │ JUL 12  │ JUL 13  │  
             │  112    │  113    │  114    │  115    │  116    │  117    │
   │ JUL 14  │ JUL 15  │ JUL 16  │ JUL 17  │ JUL 18  │ JUL 19  │ JUL 20  │
   │  118    │  119    │  120    │  121    │  122    │  123    │  124    │
   │ JUL 21  │ JUL 22  │ JUL 23  │ JUL 24  │ JUL 25  │ JUL 26  │ JUL 27  │
   │  125    │  126    │  127    │  128    │  129    │  130    │  131    │
   │ JUL 28  │ JUL 29  │ JUL 30  │ JUL 31  │ AUG  1  │ AUG  2  │ AUG  3  │
   │  132    │  133    │  134    │  135    │  136    │  137    │  138    │
   │ AUG  4  │ AUG  5  │
   │  139    │  140    │

  1. The calculation for this month is ambiguous, and will have to be confirmed by eyewitness.
  2. The code "Q1: 1.069 A Q2: -0.159 C" tells what the probability of visibility is. The C letter means that the moon could be seen one day before the calculated date, i.e. on July 6 instead of July 7. Moons rated C, however, are hardly ever seen. So if one needs to plan. Plan it according to this calendar.

Month: VI ELUL, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 3. Jub. Cyc: 38 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.100 B Q2: -0.777 G LG:  52m W: 0.413' AL: 13.7 AV: 10.3
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                     ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │
        ELUL             │New Moon │         │         │         │         │
     │   6     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │  19     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  20     │  21     │  22     │  23     │  24     │  25     │  26     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  27     │  28     │  29     │  30 ↑   │
     │         │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                       │ AUG  6  │ AUG  7  │ AUG  8  │ AUG  9  │ AUG 10  │             
                       │  141    │  142    │  143    │  144    │  145    │
   │ AUG 11  │ AUG 12  │ AUG 13  │ AUG 14  │ AUG 15  │ AUG 16  │ AUG 17  │
   │  146    │  147    │  148    │  149    │  150    │  151    │  152    │
   │ AUG 18  │ AUG 19  │ AUG 20  │ AUG 21  │ AUG 22  │ AUG 23  │ AUG 24  │
   │  153    │  154    │  155    │  156    │  157    │  158    │  159    │
   │ AUG 25  │ AUG 26  │ AUG 27  │ AUG 28  │ AUG 29  │ AUG 30  │ AUG 31  │
   │  160    │  161    │  162    │  163    │  164    │  165    │  166    │
   │ SEP  1  │ SEP  2  │ SEP  3  │ SEP  4  │
   │  167    │  168    │  169    │  170    │

  1. The code for this month is "Q1: 0.100 B Q2: -0.777 G"; The B rating means that the moon is harder to see. But it also means it will certainly be seen in fine weather (no clouds, no dust).
  2. My ruling in this case is to go by the calendar even if witness do not see it because they did not look, or because the weather was bad. That is my ruling until Israel's priests are restored and they are again sighting for the new moon day.
  3. New moon sighting in Israel has proved to be very divisive. The reasons are obvious. There are already factions, and the unbelieving Jews do not want to assist in any way the Messianic Faithful. It is either that, or they want to control them if they can.
  4. If one does not know the new moon date from Israel, then one is allowed to use a local sighting of the new moon.

Month: VII ETHANIM, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 4. Jub. Cyc: 39 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.142 B Q2: -0.715 G LG:  46m W: 0.624' AL: 16.9 AV: 9.6
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                                         ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │
       ETHANIM                               │New Moon │         │         │
     │   4     │   5     │   6     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │
     │Fast Ged.│         │         │         │         │         │Y. Kippur│
     │  11     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │
     │         │         │         │         │Sukkot   │         │         │
     │  18     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │  23     │  24     │
     │         │         │         │         │8th Day  │         │         │
     │  25     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29     │  30 ↑   │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                           │ SEP  5  │ SEP  6  │ SEP  7  │  
                                           │  171    │  172    │  173    │
   │ SEP  8  │ SEP  9  │ SEP 10  │ SEP 11  │ SEP 12  │ SEP 13  │ SEP 14  │
   │  174    │  175    │  176    │  177    │  178    │  179    │  180    │
   │ SEP 15  │ SEP 16  │ SEP 17  │ SEP 18  │ SEP 19  │ SEP 20  │ SEP 21  │
   │  181    │  182    │  183    │  184    │  185    │  186    │  187    │
   │ SEP 22  │ SEP 23  │ SEP 24  │ SEP 25  │ SEP 26  │ SEP 27  │ SEP 28  │
   │  188    │  189    │  190    │  191    │  192    │  193    │  194    │
   │ SEP 29  │ SEP 30  │ OCT  1  │ OCT  2  │ OCT  3  │ OCT  4  │
   │  195    │  196    │  197    │  198    │  199    │  200    │

  1. The code for this month is "Q1: 0.142 B Q2: -0.715 G"; The B rating means that the moon is harder to see. But it also means it will certainly be seen in fine weather (no clouds, no dust).
  2. See remarks on month VI above as they apply to this month also.

Month: VIII BUL, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 4. Jub. Cyc: 39 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.217 A Q2: -0.731 F LG:  44m W: 0.866' AL: 19.9 AV: 9.0
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                                                             ↑   │   1     │
         BUL                                                     │New Moon │
     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │   7     │   8     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  15     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  16     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  23     │  24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  30 ↑   │
     │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                                               │ OCT  5  │  
                                                               │  201    │
   │ OCT  6  │ OCT  7  │ OCT  8  │ OCT  9  │ OCT 10  │ OCT 11  │ OCT 12  │
   │  202    │  203    │  204    │  205    │  206    │  207    │  208    │
   │ OCT 13  │ OCT 14  │ OCT 15  │ OCT 16  │ OCT 17  │ OCT 18  │ OCT 19  │
   │  209    │  210    │  211    │  212    │  213    │  214    │  215    │
   │ OCT 20  │ OCT 21  │ OCT 22  │ OCT 23  │ OCT 24  │ OCT 25  │ OCT 26  │
   │  216    │  217    │  218    │  219    │  220    │  221    │  222    │
   │ OCT 27  │ OCT 28  │ OCT 29  │ OCT 30  │ OCT 31  │ NOV  1  │ NOV  2  │
   │  223    │  224    │  225    │  226    │  227    │  228    │  229    │
   │ NOV  3  │
   │  230    │

Month: IX KISLEV, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 4. Jub. Cyc: 39 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.589 A Q2: -0.598 F LG:  60m W: 1.205' AL: 23.3 AV: 11.0
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
           ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │
       KISLEV  │New Moon │         │         │         │         │         │
     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  21     │  22     │  23     │  24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │
     │         │         │         │         │Hanukah  │Hanukah  │Hanukah  │
     │  28     │  29     │  30 ↑   │
     │Hanukah  │Hanukah  │Hanukah  │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
             │ NOV  4  │ NOV  5  │ NOV  6  │ NOV  7  │ NOV  8  │ NOV  9  │  
             │  231    │  232    │  233    │  234    │  235    │  236    │
   │ NOV 10  │ NOV 11  │ NOV 12  │ NOV 13  │ NOV 14  │ NOV 15  │ NOV 16  │
   │  237    │  238    │  239    │  240    │  241    │  242    │  243    │
   │ NOV 17  │ NOV 18  │ NOV 19  │ NOV 20  │ NOV 21  │ NOV 22  │ NOV 23  │
   │  244    │  245    │  246    │  247    │  248    │  249    │  250    │
   │ NOV 24  │ NOV 25  │ NOV 26  │ NOV 27  │ NOV 28  │ NOV 29  │ NOV 30  │
   │  251    │  252    │  253    │  254    │  255    │  256    │  257    │
   │ DEC  1  │ DEC  2  │ DEC  3  │
   │  258    │  259    │  260    │

Month: X TEBETH, AD 2024  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 4. Jub. Cyc: 39 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 1.536 A Q2: -0.064 C LG: 101m W: 1.735' AL: 27.6 AV: 17.9
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                               ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │   4     │
       TEBETH                      │Hanukah  │Hanukah  │         │         │
     │   5     │   6     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │Fast     │         │
     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │  23     │  24     │  25     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29 ↑   │
     │         │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                 │ DEC  4  │ DEC  5  │ DEC  6  │ DEC  7  │  
                                 │  261    │  262    │  263    │  264    │
   │ DEC  8  │ DEC  9  │ DEC 10  │ DEC 11  │ DEC 12  │ DEC 13  │ DEC 14  │
   │  265    │  266    │  267    │  268    │  269    │  270    │  271    │
   │ DEC 15  │ DEC 16  │ DEC 17  │ DEC 18  │ DEC 19  │ DEC 20  │ DEC 21  │
   │  272    │  273    │  274    │  275    │  276    │  277    │  278    │
   │ DEC 22  │ DEC 23  │ DEC 24  │ DEC 25  │ DEC 26  │ DEC 27  │ DEC 28  │
   │  279    │  280    │  281    │  282    │  283    │  284    │  285    │
   │ DEC 29  │ DEC 30  │ DEC 31  │ JAN  1  │
   │  286    │  287    │  288    │  289    │

Month: XI SHEBAT, AD 2025  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 4. Jub. Cyc: 39 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 1.005 A Q2: -0.657 F LG:  90m W: 1.008' AL: 20.8 AV: 16.2
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                                         ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │
       SHEBAT                                │New Moon │         │         │
     │   4     │   5     │   6     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  11     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  18     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │  23     │  24     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  25     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29 ↑   │
     │         │         │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                           │ JAN  2  │ JAN  3  │ JAN  4  │  
                                           │  290    │  291    │  292    │
   │ JAN  5  │ JAN  6  │ JAN  7  │ JAN  8  │ JAN  9  │ JAN 10  │ JAN 11  │
   │  293    │  294    │  295    │  296    │  297    │  298    │  299    │
   │ JAN 12  │ JAN 13  │ JAN 14  │ JAN 15  │ JAN 16  │ JAN 17  │ JAN 18  │
   │  300    │  301    │  302    │  303    │  304    │  305    │  306    │
   │ JAN 19  │ JAN 20  │ JAN 21  │ JAN 22  │ JAN 23  │ JAN 24  │ JAN 25  │
   │  307    │  308    │  309    │  310    │  311    │  312    │  313    │
   │ JAN 26  │ JAN 27  │ JAN 28  │ JAN 29  │ JAN 30  │
   │  314    │  315    │  316    │  317    │  318    │

Month: XII ADAR, AD 2025  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 4. Jub. Cyc: 39 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.348 A Q2: -9.000 Z LG:  66m W: 0.472' AL: 14.1 AV: 12.5
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                                                   ↑   │   1     │   2     │
        ADAR                                           │New Moon │         │
     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │   7     │   8     │   9     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │  23     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29     │  30 ↑   │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                                     │ JAN 31  │ FEB  1  │  
                                                     │  319    │  320    │
   │ FEB  2  │ FEB  3  │ FEB  4  │ FEB  5  │ FEB  6  │ FEB  7  │ FEB  8  │
   │  321    │  322    │  323    │  324    │  325    │  326    │  327    │
   │ FEB  9  │ FEB 10  │ FEB 11  │ FEB 12  │ FEB 13  │ FEB 14  │ FEB 15  │
   │  328    │  329    │  330    │  331    │  332    │  333    │  334    │
   │ FEB 16  │ FEB 17  │ FEB 18  │ FEB 19  │ FEB 20  │ FEB 21  │ FEB 22  │
   │  335    │  336    │  337    │  338    │  339    │  340    │  341    │
   │ FEB 23  │ FEB 24  │ FEB 25  │ FEB 26  │ FEB 27  │ FEB 28  │ MAR  1  │
   │  342    │  343    │  344    │  345    │  346    │  347    │  348    │

Month: XIII ADAR_II, AD 2025  6163 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 4. Jub. Cyc: 39 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 1.617 A Q2: -0.360 G LG: 105m W: 1.153' AL: 21.7 AV: 21.5
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
 ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │   7     │
     │New Moon │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │  14     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │Fast Est.│Purim    │
     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │  21     │
     │P.Shushan│         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  22     │  23     │  24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │  28     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  29 ↑   │
     │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
   │ MAR  2  │ MAR  3  │ MAR  4  │ MAR  5  │ MAR  6  │ MAR  7  │ MAR  8  │  
   │  349    │  350    │  351    │  352    │  353    │  354    │  355    │
   │ MAR  9  │ MAR 10  │ MAR 11  │ MAR 12  │ MAR 13  │ MAR 14  │ MAR 15  │
   │  356    │  357    │  358    │  359    │  360    │  361    │  362    │
   │ MAR 16  │ MAR 17  │ MAR 18  │ MAR 19  │ MAR 20  │ MAR 21  │ MAR 22  │
   │  363    │  364    │  365    │  1      │  2      │  3      │  4      │
   │ MAR 23  │ MAR 24  │ MAR 25  │ MAR 26  │ MAR 27  │ MAR 28  │ MAR 29  │
   │  5      │  6      │  7      │  8      │  9      │  10     │  11     │
   │ MAR 30  │
   │  12     │

End of 2024 to 2025 Calendar Year

Month: I AVIV, AD 2025  6164 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 4. Jub. Cyc: 39 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.879 A Q2: -0.964 G LG:  83m W: 0.680' AL: 16.6 AV: 16.6
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
           ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │
     AVIV/NISAN│New Moon │         │         │         │         │         │
     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  14     │  15     │16-0-1   │17-0-2   │18-0-3   │19-0-4   │20-1-5   │
     │Passover │Passover │ Sheaf   │         │         │         │         │
     │21-1-6   │22-1-7   │23-1-8   │24-1-9   │25-1-10  │26-1-11  │27-2-12  │
     │7thULB   │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │28-2-13  │29-2-14  │
     │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
             │ MAR 31  │ APR  1  │ APR  2  │ APR  3  │ APR  4  │ APR  5  │  
             │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │
   │ APR  6  │ APR  7  │ APR  8  │ APR  9  │ APR 10  │ APR 11  │ APR 12  │
   │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │  23     │  24     │  25     │
   │ APR 13  │ APR 14  │ APR 15  │ APR 16  │ APR 17  │ APR 18  │ APR 19  │
   │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29     │  30     │  31     │  32     │
   │ APR 20  │ APR 21  │ APR 22  │ APR 23  │ APR 24  │ APR 25  │ APR 26  │
   │  33     │  34     │  35     │  36     │  37     │  38     │  39     │
   │ APR 27  │ APR 28  │
   │  40     │  41     │

Legend to the Calendar Charts

Line #1: Month #, Month Name, AD or BC and Year, Year of World
         Sabbatical Cycle 1 to 7. Jubilee Cycle 1 to 50
         Current No. of Jubilee cycle in progress.
Line #2: Q1: Yallop test value and rating 'A'-'B'
         Q2: Yallop test value for precedding day
           : and rating 'C'-'Z'. See main menu option 5
             for an explanation of ratings.
         LG: Lag Time, i.e. time between sunset and moonset.
          W: Width of Visible part of moon to observer.
             calculated in arcminutes by Hoffman method.
         AL: Arc of Light, topocentric degree measure between
             moon center, observer, and sun center, also
             known as Elongation.
         AV: Arc of Vision, |Moon Alt - Sun Alt|
Line #3: Longitude and Lattitude for calculations.
Line #4: Location. This defaults to Jerusalem unless I have
         specifically put in another location when known.
Line #6: Weekdays with Roman Numerals I-VII
Line #7: Day night cycle. ~~~~~ for day, ▒▒▒▒▒ for nights,
       : █████ for regular sabbath nights
       : and for annual sabbaths nights ██╫██
       : and ▀▀▀▀▀ for annual and regular sabbath days,	
Line #8: The up arrow ↑ marks when the new moon is sighted,
         shortly after sunset
       : The month name may or may not be shown in this row.
         space permitting.
       : Each day is delimited by │ from dawn to dawn according
         the day epoch used for the Temple ritual service.
         Sabbaths are clearly marked in the night before the day
       : Each day is numbered 1-29 or 30 sometimes with ♦ ▲ ↔
         or other sigla to mark a historical event.
Line #9: Scriptural or Traditional Holy Days are noted
         in years since they were instituted, i.e. 1700 BC
         will yield no holy days except the Sabbath
Last Lines: ↑ marks the new moon at the end of day 29 or 30
The Julian/Gregorian Parallel Calendar
 a. Roman Planetary Week Marked in Biblical Order
 b. Epoch from midnight to midnight for days
 c. 3 letter month name and day No.
 d. The count 1 to 365 or 366 of the day of the year.
    1 marks the day of the spring equinox/tequfah if the
    equinox falls before sunset.
Shavuot Counting
 a. In months I-III in the charts the days from Aviv/Nisan 15
    are counted.
 b. The numbers come in threes formatted #-#-#, so for Nisan 16
    the count looks like 16-0-1 or sometimes 16-1-1 if Nisan 16
    happens to be on the Shabbat. The first number is simply the
    day of the month. The second number is the number of complete
    weekly Shabbats encountered during the count, up to the total
    of seven (cf. Lev. 23:15-16). This number increments every
    time a weekly Shabbat is crossed. The third number is the day
    count from 1 to 50, and it increments by one with every day.		

                 Visibility/Non Visibility Ratings:
                   A: Easily visible
                   B: Visible under perfect conditions
                   C: Unlikely without optical aid
                   D: Will need optical aid
                   E: Not visible with a telescope
                   F: Not visible** q < -0.293
                   G: Not visible AL <= 8; AL < Danjon Limit 7 deg + 1 deg parallax
                   Z: The moon set before sunset.

**  Some of Yallop's 'F' ratings fail to be below Danjon Limit, hence
    I have added new rating G which explicitly compares AL to the Danjon Limit

Calculation of the Spring Tequfah (Equinox)

This program calculates the spring equinox in the following manner. In simple terms when the north going sun first sets due west or north of due west then that day is the spring tequfah.

In technical terms the azimuth of the sun is compared with 270 degrees (west) at the moment of sunset on the test date. If the azimuth is greater than or equal to 270 degrees then the day is determined to be the end of the old year and the beginning of the new.

This method is the most ancient method which was employed by megalithic observatories to determine the seasons. Since this observational method allows refraction to affect the result, the spring equinox is often a day before the modern geometrical definition of the equinox. The ancient equinox method may be observed. The modern geometrical equinox has to be calculated by complex calculations that were generally beyond the ability of ancient man before the modern age. When the Christian and Jewish Calendars departed from this method of determining the Tequfah, their respective calendars miss-calcualted the spring equinox by a week or more because their calculations of the length of a year were too imprecise.

This program pre-calculates the calendar, but it does so in a manner that simulates a purely observational method of determining dates. New moons are sighted by witnesses and the motion of the sun is observed to determine the seasons. There are no artificial rules, no postponements, no Rabbinical enactments. Since this calendar uses a purely observational method, it is the only calendar method that is good for calculation of Scripture dates. It is not a calendar method unique to this author. The majority of Jewish and Christian scholars will agree that the ancient methods are implemented here.

Special Months of Historical Interest

The month of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Messiah

Month: I AVIV, AD 34   4173 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 1. Jub. Cyc: 8 Cycle No: 85
Q1: 1.501 A Q2: -0.493 G LG: 102m W: 1.068' AL: 20.8 AV: 20.8
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                                         ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │
     AVIV/NISAN                              │New Moon │         │         │
     │   4     │   5     │   6     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  11     │  12     │  13     │ 14♦     │  15     │16-0-1   │17-1-2   │
     │         │         │         │Passover │Passover │ Sheaf   │         │
     │18-1-3   │19-1-4   │20-1-5   │21-1-6   │22-1-7   │23-1-8   │24-2-9   │
     │         │         │         │7thULB   │         │         │         │
     │25-2-10  │26-2-11  │27-2-12  │28-2-13  │29-2-14  │
     │         │         │         │         │     ↑   │
   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                         ↑ │ MAR 11  │ MAR 12  │ MAR 13  │
                                           │  356    │  357    │  358    │
   │ MAR 14  │ MAR 15  │ MAR 16  │ MAR 17  │ MAR 18  │ MAR 19  │ MAR 20  │
   │  359    │  360    │  361    │  362    │  363    │  364    │  365    │
   │ MAR 21  │ MAR 22  │ MAR 23  │ MAR 24  │ MAR 25  │ MAR 26  │ MAR 27  │
   │  366    │  1      │  2      │  3      │  4      │  5      │  6      │
   │ MAR 28  │ MAR 29  │ MAR 30  │ MAR 31  │ APR  1  │ APR  2  │ APR  3  │
   │  7      │  8      │  9      │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │
   │ APR  4  │ APR  5  │ APR  6  │ APR  7  │ APR  8  │
   │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18   ↑ │		

The Month of Messiah's Birth

Month: VII ETHANIM, 2 BC    4138 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 2. Jub. Cyc: 23 Cycle No: 84
Q1: 0.394 A Q2: -0.699 F LG:  44m W: 1.252' AL: 23.7 AV: 8.8
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
           ↑   │  1♦     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │
       ETHANIM │New Moon │         │Fast Ged │         │         │         │
     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │
     │         │         │         │Y. Kippur│         │         │         │
     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │
     │         │Sukkot   │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  21     │  22     │  23     │  24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │
     │         │8th Day  │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  28     │  29     │  30 ↑   │
     │         │         │         │
   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
             │ SEP  1  │ SEP  2  │ SEP  3  │ SEP  4  │ SEP  5  │ SEP  6  │
             │  164    │  165    │  166    │  167    │  168    │  169    │
   │ SEP  7  │ SEP  8  │ SEP  9  │ SEP 10  │ SEP 11  │ SEP 12  │ SEP 13  │
   │  170    │  171    │  172    │  173    │  174    │  175    │  176    │
   │ SEP 14  │ SEP 15  │ SEP 16  │ SEP 17  │ SEP 18  │ SEP 19  │ SEP 20  │
   │  177    │  178    │  179    │  180    │  181    │  182    │  183    │
   │ SEP 21  │ SEP 22  │ SEP 23  │ SEP 24  │ SEP 25  │ SEP 26  │ SEP 27  │
   │  184    │  185    │  186    │  187    │  188    │  189    │  190    │
   │ SEP 28  │ SEP 29  │ SEP 30  │
   │  191    │  192    │  193    │	

The Month of Joshua's Long Day

Month: IV SHOSHANNIM, 1592 BC 2548 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 7. Jub. Cyc: 49 Cycle No: 52
Q1: 1.060 A Q2: -0.631 G LG:  92m W: 1.020' AL: 20.5 AV: 16.6
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.20 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Mt. Nebo, Jordan Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                                                   ↑   │   1     │   2     │
     SHOSHANNIM                                        │New Moon │         │
     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │   7     │   8     │   9     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │  23     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
│  ♦   ♦24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29 ↑   │
│              │         │         │         │         │         │
   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                                     │ JUL  3  │ JUL  4  │
                                                     │  90     │  91     │
   │ JUL  5  │ JUL  6  │ JUL  7  │ JUL  8  │ JUL  9  │ JUL 10  │ JUL 11  │
   │  92     │  93     │  94     │  95     │  96     │  97     │  98     │
   │ JUL 12  │ JUL 13  │ JUL 14  │ JUL 15  │ JUL 16  │ JUL 17  │ JUL 18  │
   │  99     │  100    │  101    │  102    │  103    │  104    │  105    │
   │ JUL 19  │ JUL 20  │ JUL 21  │ JUL 22  │ JUL 23  │ JUL 24  │ JUL 25  │
   │  106    │  107    │  108    │  109    │  110    │  111    │  112    │
     JUL 26  │ JUL 27  │ JUL 28  │ JUL 29  │ JUL 30  │ JUL 31  │
      113    │  114    │  115    │  116    │  117    │  118    │

The reason that historians and astronomers are unable to synchronize their respective disciplines for 2nd Millennium BC dates is because they have failed to take account of Joshua's long day. When this is done, the Egyptian Lahun Papyri dates align as well as Akkadian, Ur-III, Assyrian, Amorite Babylonian, and Chinese eclipse records. The simple explanation is that the rotation of the earth was locked with the sun at noon on July 26th, 1592 BC for 12 hours. This changes the tracks of solar eclipses and the side of the world lunar eclipses were visible on. Once that is factored into the astronomical programs eclipse tracks before this date are where they are supposed to be.

The spoils will go to the victorious --- anyone willing to really believe the Scripture. To the one who overcomes falsehood, both religious and atheist. The sun and the moon bear witness.

The Month of Israel's Entry into the Land

Month: I AVIV, 1592 BC 2548 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 7. Jub. Cyc: 49 Cycle No: 52
Q1: 1.314 A Q2: -0.309 F LG:  93m W: 0.992' AL: 20.9 AV: 19.3
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.20 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Mt. Nebo, Jordan Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
           ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │   4     │   5     │   6     │
     AVIV/NISAN│New Moon │         │         │         │         │         │
     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │ 14      │  15     │16-0-1   │17-0-2   │18-0-3   │19-0-4   │20-1-5   │
     │Passover │Passover │ Sheaf   │         │         │         │         │
     │21-1-6   │22-1-7   │23-1-8   │24-1-9   │25-1-10  │26-1-11  │27-2-12  │
     │7thULB   │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │28-2-13  │29-2-14  │
     │         │     ↑   │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
           ↑ │ APR  6  │ APR  7  │ APR  8  │ APR  9  │ APR 10  │ APR 11  │    
             │  2      │  3      │  4      │  5      │  6      │  7      │  
   │ APR 12  │ APR 13  │ APR 14  │ APR 15  │ APR 16  │ APR 17  │ APR 18  │
   │  8      │  9      │  10     │  11     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  
   │ APR 19  │ APR 20  │ APR 21  │ APR 22  │ APR 23  │ APR 24  │ APR 25  │
   │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  
   │ APR 26  │ APR 27  │ APR 28  │ APR 29  │ APR 30  │ MAY  1  │ MAY  2  │
   │  22     │  23     │  24     │  25     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  
   │ MAY  3  │ MAY  4  │
   │  29     │  30   ↑ │ 

Press any key to continue . . .


1.^The date of creation is 4139 BC (6161-2022 = 4139). This exceeds the date computed by Ussher (4004 BC) by 135 years (4139 - 4004 = 135). We may *simply account for the difference by two errors committed by Ussher. The first is that he counts the year Adam was age 1 as the first year of the world. This neglects the fact that a person is not age 1 until after he or she has lived a whole year. This accounts for 1 of the years of error in Ussher's chronology. The second error is that Ussher shortened the Judges chronology by 134 years by failing to realize that the 480 years in 1 Kings 6:1 did not take account of the years foreign nations oppressed Israel. Martin Antsey restored 114 of the missing years in the Romance of Bible Chronology, but neglected 20 years of a second Philistine oppression, which I have restored in The Scroll of Biblical Chronology. *The actual accounting is more complicated as Usshur in other places added some years where he should not have and took them away where he should not have. But the net result of these other errors is 0.

The Jewish date for the year AD 2021 is 5781. It is 379 years too short (6160-5781 = 379). The error can be accounted for as follows. 162 years were deleted from the Persian period. 60 years were deleted from the Terah-Abraham connection. 134 years were deleted from the Judges. 26 years were deleted from the Amaziah-Uzziah connection. This adds up to 382 years. 3 years too many were added to the Jehoshaphat-Athaliah period in the independent reign of Jehoram of Judah. 382-3 = 379. See The Sequence of Events in the Old Testament by Eliezer Shulman.

2.^It is my practice to disregard lack of new moon reports under two conditions: 1. inclement weather in Israel, and 2. lack of willing or sufficient observers in Israel. What remains are those cases where it is statistically unlikely that a new moon will be seen under good conditions. But sometimes observers do see new moons under good conditions. In those cases Q2 is followed by the letter C, which indicates this possibility. I judge this to be a good rule to follow until the Temple and Priesthood are restored and they are setting dates according to actual new moon sightings as reported in traditional literature and agreeing with Scripture. Following this rule will also go a great way toward reducing the stress of not knowing the dates as correct as we can make them in advance, and also allow a long range forecast without too many uncertainties. It is my ruling that if we are following the sighted new moon then at least in principle we are correct, and that if we end up incorrect by one day that this is an event that is sometimes expected and we should not be upset about it. It is just the way the moon is. It is the doctrine of the Rabbis that everyone must agree exactly and observe the exact same dates, and if you do not then you are rebelling against their authority. This is not so, and it is not Scriptural. The Catholic Church behaves the same way in respect to Easter dates. And because both Rabbi and Roman Priests love control more than truth and love, their calendars are corrupted by the principle of controlling everyone. That they succeed in this goal does not mean they are closer to the truth. So if you observe a day late or a day early and are faithful to Messiah, then we are still brothers and sisters. Also, if need be, it is allowed to use a local new moon sighting.

3.^Old Note Edited to remove last years dependent data


In the future, it may be that a restored Temple priesthood accepts reports from so far away due to modern communications and so determines the Temple services. Perhaps this will happen on a global scale in the Millennial Kingdom. I do not know the rules. In meantime, what was historically acceptable in the first century should be good enough for us. But this is not to say an expanded observation area will be unacceptable in the future.

I do not regard local observation of the new moon as unlawful in the circumstances nor feast dates dependent on local observation. However for the reasons just stated, I prefer centralized observation in Israel, and calculate accordingly. As long as the principle of a visible new moon is kept (Gen. 1:14) I do not regard this as a sectarian issue. This holds so long as those with a local observation preference in the exile do not censure us with a centralized observation preference and the reverse. When the exile ends these divergent preferences will disappear since the location will be unified.

The LDL (Lundar date line) is the boundary on a lunar visibility map between those who can see the moon and those who cannot. Typically, it is a parabola like curve, but by experiment it is not a smooth curve due to local conditions. It may be that this boundary goes down through Israel and that some west of it see the moon and some east of it do not. Historically, in this situation, reports taken from the west side of the LDL were accepted for the new moon within a reasonable distance of foot travel across the LDL, not more than 100 miles each way. The idea is that that someone had to see the new moon, and not everyone.

If the LDL is far to the west however, it may be argued that for the moon a local 14th of the moon on the west side of the LDL (lunar date line) is the same day as the 14th of the moon observed a day later on the east side of the LDL (the sameness of the solar day will differ). The situation is not unlike the IDL (International Date Line). Those just to the west of the line (New Zealand) observe a day earlier than those just east of the line (British Columbia) in respect to the Sabbath day. The point is that the IDL is based on the sun and the LDL is based on the moon. They therefore have different properties. The sameness of a lunar date should not be confused with the sameness of a solar day, that is the same lunar date may be on two solar days.

What is the definition of a schism? Or sectarianism? There indeed must be sects, because someone is right and someone is wrong. But are all differences schismatic? All differences are not schismatic or divisive. The Catholic Church and the Rabbis both decided that all differences from their respective opinions were schismatic. And therefore they bullied everyone else into conforming to their opinion. Eventually they adopted a false doctrine and became bullies about it also. Easter for the Catholics and a conjunction based calendar for the Rabbis. At first they were in the minority, but because of their tactics of making all differences matters of schism they succeeded in controlling the majority, the majority which fears name-calling.

Calendar for the 7th Month, 2022

Sighting in good weather is certain

Month: VII ETHANIM, AD 2022  6161 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 2. Jub. Cyc: 37 Cycle No: 125
Q1: 0.660 A Q2: -0.438 F LG:  63m W: 1.010' AL: 20.9 AV: 12.7
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                               ↑   │   1     │   2     │   3     │   4     │
       ETHANIM                     │New Moon │         │Fast Ged │         │
     │   5     │   6     │   7     │   8     │   9     │  10     │  11     │
     │         │         │         │         │         │Y. Kippur│         │
     │  12     │  13     │  14     │  15     │  16     │  17     │  18     │
     │         │         │         │Sukkot   │         │         │         │
     │  19     │  20     │  21     │  22     │  23     │  24     │  25     │
     │         │         │         │8th Day  │         │         │         │
     │  26     │  27     │  28     │  29     │  30 ↑   │
     │         │         │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                 │ SEP 28  │ SEP 29  │ SEP 30  │ OCT  1  │               
                                 │  194    │  195    │  196    │  197    │
   │ OCT  2  │ OCT  3  │ OCT  4  │ OCT  5  │ OCT  6  │ OCT  7  │ OCT  8  │
   │  198    │  199    │  200    │  201    │  202    │  203    │  204    │
   │ OCT  9  │ OCT 10  │ OCT 11  │ OCT 12  │ OCT 13  │ OCT 14  │ OCT 15  │
   │  205    │  206    │  207    │  208    │  209    │  210    │  211    │
   │ OCT 16  │ OCT 17  │ OCT 18  │ OCT 19  │ OCT 20  │ OCT 21  │ OCT 22  │
   │  212    │  213    │  214    │  215    │  216    │  217    │  218    │
   │ OCT 23  │ OCT 24  │ OCT 25  │ OCT 26  │ OCT 27  │
   │  219    │  220    │  221    │  222    │  223    │

Press any key to continue . . .

Qumran Calendar Refuted

In Matthew 23:1–3, Yeshua tells us to follow the interpretations of the Scribes and the Pharisees. But many claiming to obey the commandments do not want to listen to them, so they point out Yeshua's criticisms of the Pharisees. Then they proceed to interpret the commandments their own way, in radical contradiction to the Pharisees. Yeshua could have told the people to follow the interpretations of the Sadducees, but he did not. He could have told them to obey the directions of the Essenes or Qumran sectarians, but he did not. He could have told them to obey the dictates of the Rabbis, but he did not. All these other sects presumed to sit upon the seat of Moshe also. These other sects most radical reinterpretations and most dissentious divisiveness occurred with respect to calendar issues. If Yeshua had followed a Qumran Calendar, he could not have possibly uttered the words in Matthew 23:1-3. The Pharisees directed the people using a luni-solar calendar. Qumran directed the people to use a solar only calendar. Here is what he said, "The scribes and the Perushim have sat down on the seat of Moshe. All, accordingly, whatsoever they should have said to you, that do and be observing, but do not be doing according to their deeds, because they only say so, and they do not do so" (Matthew 23:1-3). 

It is obvious that Yeshua said the scribes and Pharisees promoted the commandments of men. But Yeshua didn't just make the charge, nor did he say that was only what they were doing. He pointed out what they were teaching that was the commandments of men. The Evangelists do not leave us in the dark where Yeshua differed with them. They dutifully record what the controversies were about. And they also indicate where the followers of Yeshua agreed with the Pharisees. They certainly agreed with them on the timing of the Sabbath, because the Sabbath disputes never involved timing. They always involved something more minor. We must understand that in any debative circumstance, the debate is between the party that has the whole truth and the party that has more of it than any other party, except the party debating with it that has the whole truth. Whenever a correction is needed, it starts with the party that has most of it already, and then corrections are made in relation to that party which lies closest to the truth. This is always the case in every polemic. Those who have the truth talk to those the most who have only corrupted it a little. Those sects that lie farther and farther from the truth get ignored more and more.

We can picture Yeshua and his teaching as the inner ring of pure truth, as the bulls eye of a target.  One ring of social influence just outside the bulls eye are the Pharisees. With them Yeshua interacted second most. The third ring outward is that of the Sadducees. Yeshua almost did not interact with them at all.  And outside the Sadducees ring were the Essenes (Qumran) and the Hellenistic Jews, those who had adopted Roman ways.  There is no record of any doctrinal or polemical discussion between Qumran and Yeshua in the Evangelists. They were on the proverbial "ignore these people list."

Yeshua is gracious to the Pharisees in saying that they have enough of the truth to truly be said that they have sat in the seat of Moshe, and so they should be listened to, and then he corrects them where needed. The Evangelists do not neglect to point out where they needed correcting. It is important that the Pharisees were not the only ones who claimed to sit in the seat of Moses. Qumran also did. The Sadducees also did. And the later Rabbis who changed the Pharisees calendar teaching also claimed to sit in the seat of Moses. What Yeshua is pointing out is that the Pharisees are the most correct about sitting in the seat of Moses. Not even the later Rabbis sit as well in the seat of Moses as the Pharisees. Israeli scholars tell us that the Rabbis doctrine evolved in reaction to the followers of Yeshua. They discarded and changed former practices in their efforts to fight against the good news.

Nowhere in the controversies with the Pharisees is there any mention of a dispute over the calendar. The Pharisees observance is referred to in the Mishnah, Philo, and Josephus. They observed the reappearance of the new moon to determine the month. They began the year with the spring tequfah (equinox), and they made sure that three feasts fell in the new year. They also made sure the year was not delayed for any other reason than that Passover would fall in the old year if it wasn't.

It should be mentioned that the later Rabbinic Calendar came into existence in the 4th century AD, and it was not the calendar of the Pharisees at the time of Yeshua, even if the Rabbis claim the legacy of the Pharisees. It actually took a lot of forceful persuasion by the Rabbinic authorities to get all the Jewish communities to eventually follow the Rabbinic Calendar. Even today, the Rabbinic authorities admit that the Pharisees' calendar was as I described it above. They say what it was, but they do not follow it. The reason they promote a different calendar is that they want to unify Israel under their authority. Because it was they who invented their version of the calendar. And they invented it so they could say "this is the Jewish calendar," and then claim the authority to teach everything else. Anyone who adopts their calendar is investing themselves in the reactionary teaching of the Rabbis against Yeshua.

But there was no dispute over the calendar between Yeshua and the Pharisees. The main body of Judaism had not departed from the truth then as much as it has today. There were frequent calendar disputes at the time of Messiah in other circles. They are mentioned in the sources. Calendar disputes always rise to the top of the agenda for debate right away because they are the most divisive and disunifying. So the resounding silence in the Evangelists on any calendar dispute with the Pharisees is the same as complete endorsement of the Pharisees position.

Since the modern Rabbis claim that the Pharisees' practice was the norm at the time of Yeshua there is no need to disprove the Rabbinic Calendar by persuasive argumentation. The Rabbis already admit it is wrong. We only need to cite their sources. (There is a point in saying how it differs from the Scriptural Calendar.) What is their excuse? They wanted to pre-calculate the calendar to unify Israel in the dispersion since they could not make observations in the land. The only problem is that traditions about avoiding certain dates for feasts corrupted this attempt. The Pharisees' calendar did not have this problem. And as mentioned above, the calendar is the most divisive form of false doctrine ever. By leaving their mark in the calendar, the Rabbis open the door for all other sorts of false teaching, and they mark those who follow them in this as under their authority, which is not the authority of the Pharisees.

Modern Advocates of the Qumran Calendar attack the Pharisees calendar because it adopted Babylonian month names in the exile. Their logic is to equivocate everything "Babylonian" with idolatry, and so on this basis dismiss the Pharisees calendar and to replace it with their own. But this kind of logic is unfair. Only one of the Babylonian month names is of idolatrous origin, Tammuz, and there is no evidence the Pharisees used it. The later Rabbis adopted this name for the 4th month. In fact, the exilic and post-exilic prophets use the Babylonian month names, so it must have been alright to use them. These books are in the canon of Scripture. Therefore, the equivocation of Babylonian month names with idolatry is infantile.

What is also overlooked in the Babylonian month names is that it would make no sense to use them if the Scriptural months had not been the same as the Babylonian ones. And indeed they were whenever they were cited in the prophets in an exilic context, and in Judea the methods were the same. Like the Pharisees, the Babylonians visually observed the first light of the new moon to determine the month. And in the earlier Babylonian calendar they used an equinox method for determining the first month almost the same as Israel. So the fact that they adopted names for the previously numbered months is tesitimony of similarity in calendar methods.

Modern heretics spend most of their time on bashing the opposition, and very little time on proving their own position except by logical fallacy. The fallacy of equivocating the opposition with idolatry is at the top of the list. You see this in people who spend all their time condemning Christmas and Easter when those times of year come around, and very little or no time at all on teaching the actual truth. Mark these people, because they are those likely to crawl out of one pit of false doctrine only in order to fall into another pit of false doctrine.

The Qumran Calendar is vulnerable to equivocation arguments, and some of them may actually be true. The Qumran calendar prides itself in ignoring the moon, and equivocating usage of the moon with idolatry and false doctrine. If the moon is evil, then why do their months have 30 days? Wasn't the period of 30 days derived from the moon in the first place? Why for instance did they not make the month 28 days, and then add a different number of between month days to justify it with the actual solar year? The reason why is that heresy is tailor made to be as deceptive as possible. You have to include some relation to the truth to deceive people.

The Qumran Calendar is Egyptian, and the Egyptians were idolaters. The Egyptian calendar also uses 30 day months. Scholars have even suggested that when the appearance of the new moon is mentioned in Qumran documents that it is an Egyptian method that is being used. The Qumran calendar also looks Roman. The Roman calendar has 30 and 31 days months. The Qumran calendar has four 31 days months. They try to deny these are 31 day months and call the extra day a seasonal divider. Now the fact is that the Romans were idolaters. So you see, the Qumran calendar is borrowing from idolaters. This is an equivocation argument. If, in fact the Qumran calendar is false, then it is certain that it was influenced by nations that used corrupt systems. The Qumran calendar can be charged with being Hellenistic, Roman, and Egyptian.

Advocates of the Qumran calendar argue that its mathematical symmetry proves that it is correct. But this appeal to the ideal is a Hellenistic idea. It is the idea that reality should conform to Platonic Ideals, namely all 30 day months, a 360 day year, and four seasonal days, divided exactly by 52 weeks, so that all feast days land on exactly the same weekdays every year. This is the same philosophy that promoted the idea that God cannot change in any way because change in something perfect can only be toward the imperfect. But this is a kind of idolatry of philosophical and mathematical nature. A beautiful idol is still an idol.

Advocates of the Qumran calendar argue that it requires no human observation, and therefore it is not subject to human corruption. But this is circular reasoning, and partly incorrect. Human observation is needed to figure out how to calibrate the calendar with the spring equinox. Furthermore, the whole calendar is the invention of a human apart from Scripture made at one time. So the lack of the need of subsequent human observation is no proof that the original implementation is free of corruption. Also the Rabbinic Calendar can lay claim to no need for human observation. It also is perpetually calculated without any human observations. The Rabbinic calendar is more free of human observation that the Qumran calendar! They have not made any observations of the spring equinox to correct the calendar for 1500 years! But the Qumran calendar people have to humanly check when the equinox is every year to make sure their calendar is on track. So you see, they only condemn human observation when they want to.

Qumran calendar apologists also appeal to the Genesis deluge to prove their calendar. They divide 150 days by 5 months and arrive at 30 days for every month. They then claim that 2 seasonal days at the end of months 3 and 6 are not counted in the 150 days. Does Genesis support only 30 days months? No it does not. It is well known that the moon cycle can produce 5 month periods consisting of four 30 day months and one 29 day month. 150 days may then be calculated by counting both the 17th day of the 2nd month and the 17th day of the 7th month. And such a 5 month period occurs exactly in the right place in the year of the deluge in 2483 BC. So the Qumran Apologist's claim that Genesis proves all months are 30 days is shown to be inconclusive.

In Genesis 1:14, the two lights are the sun and the moon, and moon is made for appointed times. So it says in Psalm 104:19. The Qumran advocates appeal to non-biblical revelation, such as the book of Jubilees, which omits the moon from setting appointed times in Genesis 1. It has actually been shown that Jubilees alters the Hebrew text to this effect. And this is what cults do. They add. They delete. And they redefine.

The Qumran calendar Apologist has no logical proof of his calendar over against Messiah's endorsement of the Pharisees. They fail with equivocation. They fail with Platonic ideals. And they fail with the Genesis proof.

They also fail to correctly read the Evangelists "first of [day] of the Sabbaths" for the resurrection day. It is quite evident that Qumran waits until after the seven days of unleavened bread to even begin counting 50 days. So their first Sabbath is well after when the Evangelists record that it occurred. The Evangelists show that the Leviticus 23:15 counting of Sabbaths began with the very first weekly Sabbath after the first day of unleavened bread.

Matthew 28:1 states that it was on the "later of the Sabbaths at the dawning on the first of the Sabbaths" that the empty tomb was discovered. And this was during Passover week because Yeshua was only in the grave three days and three nights. The Qumran calendar teachers propose that Messiah was crucified on a Tuesday. The next weekly Sabbath is not their first of the Sabbaths, nor is the next one! Because they count from Sunday following the last day of unleavened bread. The Pharisees counted the first of the Sabbaths right after Passover, because they began to count 50 days on the 16th of Nisan, the day after Passover. The seven Sabbaths all fall within the 49 day period leading up to the 50th day. Rabbinic Judaism later got rid of Sabbath counting. The watershed was when Aquila created Targum Onkelos. It was a reactionary change to the followers of Yeshua who counted Sabbaths just like the Phariseees. So they got rid of the Pharisees counting of Sabbaths.

The Pharisees were not perfect. But they represented the status quo and the biblical norm of Yeshua's day. Yeshua said to listen to them and follow their rulings. If you want to simplify things for people, you pick what is well known to the public that is most correct. You endorse it with the provisio, "unless I or my chosen emissaries correct it by saying otherwise."

Yeshua's mission was not just to rescue the house of Yehudah, but also the lost sheep of Israel. Since there were sects in Judaism at the time of Messiah, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes, Yeshua gave them a heads up on which one was the most correct, a starting point, or a default position. If one is to disagree with the Pharisees, then one must do so upon their foundation in Torah. This is not the foundation of the later Talmud or Maimonides or the Rabbis that came after Messiah.

Yeshua came to rescue the house of Israel, and this rescue also means rescuing them from misunderstandings of Torah. If one considers the positions and arguments of the sects, either the Sadducees or the Essenes (aka Qumran Yahad), then one will realize that their arguments are based on ambiguities or redefinitions. By introducing variant interpretations they managed to confuse Torah. This is what cults do. They redefine terms. Qumran redefines common Hebrew terms such as HODESH and TEQUFAH, which mean a renewing of the moon and an equinox or solstice point in normal Hebrew. These redefinitions enable them to place their calendar beyond contradiction by the Torah. Because if these terms are reinterpreted then the normal interpretation cannot contradict them. But the result is not a confirmation of the truth of their teaching. It is only proof that their teaching is circular reasoning. The assumptions are made to generate the results they want. The assumptions are never questioned.

Because of the ease of redefining terms, Yeshua dialogued with the Pharisees, and gave a general endorsement of their positions, telling those who were not scholars in the seat of Moshe to follow their rulings.

There is a smoking gun contradiction to the Qumran calendar in 2 Chronicles 3:2, "And he began to build in the second day of the second month, in the fourth year of his reign." In the Qumran calendar, the 1st day of the 1st month is always Wednesday, and the month is always 30 days long. This means the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th day of the month are also Wednesday. Counting forward, we find the 30th day on a Thursday. Then the first day of the second month is a Friday. And the 2nd day of the 2nd month is Sabbath! So if Solomon were using a Qumran Calendar, then work on the Temple would have begun on the Sabbath! So the Qumran Calendar is false.

Now the 4th year of Solomon was 1019 BC, and the 2nd day of the second month according to the biblical calendar was on a Sunday. Here is the calendar for that month:

Month: II ZIV, 1019 BC 3121 A.M. Sab. Cyc: 6. Jub. Cyc: 34 Cycle No: 63
Q1: 1.733 A Q2: -0.262 E LG: 109m W: 1.400' AL: 23.8 AV: 21.5
New Moon calculated for longitude: 35.17 and latitude 31.77
Location of calculations: Jerusalem Author: Daniel Gregg

        I        II        III       IV         V        VI        VII
                                                             ↑   │1-3-16   │
      ZIV/IYAR                                                   │New Moon │
     │2-3-17   │3-3-18   │4-3-19   │5-3-20   │6-3-21   │7-3-22   │8-4-23   │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │9-4-24   │10-4-25  │11-4-26  │12-4-27  │13-4-28  │14-4-29  │15-5-30  │
     │         │         │         │         │         │2nd Pass.│         │
     │16-5-31  │17-5-32  │18-5-33  │19-5-34  │20-5-35  │21-5-36  │22-6-37  │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │
     │23-6-38  │24-6-39  │25-6-40  │26-6-41  │27-6-42  │28-6-43  │29-7-44  │
     │         │         │         │         │         │         │         │

   │   SUN   │   MON   │   TUE   │   WED   │   THR   │   FRI   │   SAT   │
                                                               │ APR 30  │  
                                                               │  32     │
   │ MAY  1  │ MAY  2  │ MAY  3  │ MAY  4  │ MAY  5  │ MAY  6  │ MAY  7  │
   │  33     │  34     │  35     │  36     │  37     │  38     │  39     │
   │ MAY  8  │ MAY  9  │ MAY 10  │ MAY 11  │ MAY 12  │ MAY 13  │ MAY 14  │
   │  40     │  41     │  42     │  43     │  44     │  45     │  46     │
   │ MAY 15  │ MAY 16  │ MAY 17  │ MAY 18  │ MAY 19  │ MAY 20  │ MAY 21  │
   │  47     │  48     │  49     │  50     │  51     │  52     │  53     │
   │ MAY 22  │ MAY 23  │ MAY 24  │ MAY 25  │ MAY 26  │ MAY 27  │ MAY 28  │
   │  54     │  55     │  56     │  57     │  58     │  59     │  60     │

So Solomon ordered the project to begin on the 2nd day of the month, which was the first day of the week, and this is a logical time to begin a project. The first day of the week is the proper day to begin an important project, just as the Almighty began to create the world on the first day of the week. In the Qumran Calendar, this day is always a Sabbath, no matter what year it is supposed to be in. So even if I am incorrect about 1019 BC, which I am not, the Qumran Calendar is going to contradict 2 Chronciles 3:2 no matter what.

Messiah knew that the house of Israel would not have scholars educated enough in Hebrew to see through the deceptions of Jewish cults. He therefore, gave the house of Israel the starting point with his command to follow the interpretations of the Pharisees vs. the cults who also claimed to sit in the seat of Moses.

As I said, the Four Evangelists contain no polemical interaction with Qumran. Speculations abound that the man with the water jar was an Essene, because men would never do a woman's job except an Essene. But this simply was not so. It is a strategic lie. There were men distributing water as ordered in Jerusalem. And Nicodemus (Nakdimon Ben Gurion) was the master of water distribution during feasts in Jerusalem. It is certain that he employed men to do it.

There are four verses in the book of John that indicate the Passion chronology is according to the Pharisees calendar and that which was used by the Temple. These are John 18:28, 18:39, 19:31, and 19:42. These all indicate that the crucifixion was on the day the authorities in Jerusalem regarded as the preparation day for the Passover, and the day before an annual Sabbath (John 19:31). It is well known that Qumran had no influence over the calendar used at the Temple, or by the Jewish majority. This is because they listened to the Pharisees. In fact, at Qumran, the sectarian writings reveal that they were in conflict with the Jerusalem authorities over the calendar.

So, in order to make the situation ambigious and claim that Yeshua followed an Essene Calendar, it is necessary to claim that the Essene Calendar just happened to fall on exactly the same dates as the Pharisees' calendar OR to assume a contradiction between John and the other three Evangelists. Either way they propose it, a little knowledge of the Qumran calendar will show why this does not work out.

In the Qumran Calendar, one rule for starting the year is to first find the spring equinox. Then locate the Sunday after it. And then Wednesday of that week will be the 1st day of the 1st month. Another rule is to take first Wednesday on or after the spring Equinox. The first day of unleavened bread dates for AD 29 to 34 are as follows:

              Qumran             Phariseees
AD 29         Wed Apr 13/ 6      Tue Apr 19
AD 30         Wed Apr 12/ 5      Sab Apr  8
AD 31         Wed Apr 11         Wed Mar 28
AD 32         Wed Apr  9         Tue Apr 15
AD 33         Wed Apr  8         Sab Apr  4
AD 34         Wed Apr 14/ 7      Thu Mar 25
AD 35         Wed Apr 13/ 6      Wed Apr 13

So we see that whatever method of starting the year Qumran uses, the dates usually do not line up at all. To explain the four verses in John, Qumran calendar advocates would have to commit to AD 35. And the problem with this year is that it contradicts Luke 13. Messiah gives a parable that his ministry would be four years, and not five. Yeshua was immersed in the Jordan by Yochannan in the summer of AD 29, which was the 15th year of Tiberius. And he began his ministry at the Passover of AD 30. Four years are complete in the spring of AD 34, and not AD 35.

Qumran advocates might try to rescue themselves by claiming that John only records the Pharisees Calendar. But why would John record an alien calendar that he did not follow and fail to record the obstensibly true calendar? The end result of this thinking is to tear down the inspiration of Scripture, that what it presents in narrative is the true and correct account. In Scripture it is never the practice of the writer inspired by the Spirit to make false statements in narrative. It only occurs in quotations.

While the Evangelists did not enter into any polemic with Qumran or the Essenes, it appears that Paul did in the book of Galatians. There are several clues. Firstly, he is critical of a sectarian calendar in Gal. 4:10. Also, In Gal. 3:20 Paul writes, "But it is not the Mediator of One." The Qumran cult called itself the YAHAD, which is a derivative of the word "one" meaning "Unity." The word one has been used for many different cults, e.g. Unitarians.

If we takes Messiah's words seriously to consider the Pharisees the best representatives of correct interpretation amid all the competition in the first century AD, and we test the Qumran claims that the Pharisees calendar somehow contradicts Scripture and find those claims to be false, e.g. Genesis Deluge Account, then it will become evident that it is unnecessary to differ from the interpretations of the Pharisees.

We should take our cues as to what it is o.k. to differ with them on from the corrections in the Evangelists themselves. Issues having to do with excessive ritual purity and hand washing would be at the top of the list. But as far as the calendar is concerned, it is not even on the radar.