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Statement on Social Media

Daniel Gregg           
1956 Lodbell Point Road
Washington Island      
WI 54246               

Use this email if you want estimated shipping on an international order: Email. Please state which books you want and the quantity, and include your address! You can also use this email for general inquiries.

Youtube Channel

You can view all my videos on my video channel at​user/​torahtimes/​videos. Since youtube has decided to discriminate based political positions (i.e. censorship) which are incompatible with a free and open society, and since its parent company GOOGLE has decided to help communist China repress constitutional freedoms I have been seeking other avenues of communication: Right now I have taken some steps in that direction. I have abandoned the GOOLE and DuckDuckGo search engines for Onesearch Also, I have left FireFox for Brave. The next steps will be to consider opening a blog and imbedding private videos there which will resist censorship down the road. Eventually, I will have to set up an email database also.

Shipping Policies

See the Link on the Order Page.


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Statement of Faith
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The One Greatest Individuals Can Do For Freedom:

Leave the tech giants which are censoring the truth, and do not vote for anyone who censors the truth, either with money or at elections. If they have services you need, use them as sparingly as possible and seek alternatives. Do not feed the BEAST. And above all go where the truth is most spoken.