Biblical Chronology
Part I


[All Rights Reserved by Daniel Gregg. See  Policy]
        This chronology of the bible is the only one in existence which  explains all the biblical facts, as we have them,  without contradiction or emmendation.  Biblical chronology is a one solution set of simultaneous equations, and this is that unique solution set.  Astronomy confirms this chronology at the (1) Creation, (2) the Flood, (3) the Exodus,  (4) Hezekiah's first year, and (5) the death of the Messiah.   (6) This is the only  chronology which naturally explains the Sabbatical and Jubilee years without a single forced interpretation and without contradicting any biblical text. (6)  It is the only chronology to account for Ezekiel's 390 years, (7) Ezekiel's 40 years,  (7) and the 450 years of Acts 13:20. (8)  It is the only chronology to account for exactly seventy broken land sabbaths between the entry into the land and the exile.   More exhortations.   The Notation  explained.  Color Codes Explained.

The Chronology

B.C.E Error Advance   Event  Reference Details
-4139.25 +/- 0 . Creation of Adam . More on Creation
. . +130.50    Gen. 5:3  Why 130.5 and not 130.0?
 -4008.75  +/-0.5 . Seth born . Why an error of +/-0.5?
. . +105.50  . Gen. 5:6 .
-3903.25 +/-1 .  Enosh born  . .
. . +90.50  .  Gen. 5:9 .
-3812.75  +/-1.5  . Cainan born . .
. . +70.50  . Gen. 5:12 .
 -3742.25  +/-2 . Mahalal'ayl born . .
. . +65.50 . Gen. 5:15 .
-3676.75  {+1.88 | -2.5} Jered born . .
. . +162.50 . Gen. 5:18 .
 -3514.25  {+1.38 | -2} Enoch born  . .
. . +65.50 . Gen. 5:21 .
-3448.75 {+0.88| -1.5} . Methuselah born . .
. . +187.50 . Gen. 5:25 .
-3261.25 +/-1 .  Lemekh born . .
. . +182.50-0.75c . Gen. 5:28 .
-3079.50 +/-0.5 . Noah born . The Noah to Arphaxshad Connection
. . +502.50-0.75c To Shem Gen. 5:32 Why the -0.75c?
. . +600.00-0.75c To  600th Year Gen. 7:11 .
-2577.75 {2.25 | -0.75} Shem born . .
. . +100.5-0.75c To Arphaxshad Gen. 11:10 .
-2480.25 +/-0.5 . Begin Noah's 600th year . .
. . +0.63 . Explanation .
 -2479.62  +/-0 . The Flood Gen. 7:11 Flood details
. . +0.37 . Explanation .
-2479.25 {+1,-0} . First Year following flood . .
. . +1.0 To Second Year After the Flood . .
. +/-0.5 . Begin Noah's 601st year . .
-2478.75  +/-0 . The Ground is Dry Gen. 8:13 .
-2478.593 +/-0 . The Disembarking  Gen 8:14  Why not 1656 years?
-2478.25 {+1,-0} . Second Year following flood Gen. 11:10 .
. . +0.25 . Explanation .
-2478.00 {+1.75 | -0.25} Arpakhshad born . Back to Shem
. .  +35.50-0.75c . Gen. 11:12 .
-2443.25 {+2.25 | -0.75} Shelakh born . .
. . +30.50-0.75c . Gen. 11:14 .
-2413.50  {+2.75 | -1.25} Eber born . .
. . +34.50-0.75c . Gen. 11:16 .
-2379.75  {+2.75 | -1.75} Peleg born . .
. . +30.50-0.75c . Gen. 11:18 .
-2350.00  {+2.25 | -2.25}  Reu  born . .
. . +32.50-0.75c . Gen. 11:20 .
-2318.25  {+1.75 | -2.5 } Serug  born . .
. . +30.50-0.75c . Gen. 11:22 .
-2288.50 {+1.25 | -2.75} Nahor born . .
. . +29.50-0.75c . Gen. 11:24 .
-2259.75  {+0.75 | -2.25} Terakh born . .
. . +130.00-0.75c To Abram's birth Explanation Why 130?
. . +205.0-0.75c To 205th Year Gen. 11:32 .
. . +140.0-0.75c  To Sarah's birth Explanation .
-2130.00 +/-0.5 . Abram born . .
. . +75.00-0.75c To 75th Year Gen. 12:4 .
. . +86.00-0.75c To Ishmael's birth (86th Year) Gen. 16:16 .
. . +99.00-0.75c To 99th Year Gen. 17:24 .
. . +100.00-0.75c To Isaac's birth Gen. 21:5 .
-2120.5 . . Sarah born . Back to Terakh
. . +127.50-0.75c To death Gen. 23:1 .
-2061.75 +/-0 . God Appears to Abram in Ur . Why not at age 75?
. . +430.00 To Exodus . .
-2056.25 +/-0.5 . Begin Abraham's 75th year  . .
-2055.50 {+0.75|-2.25 } . Begin Terah's 205th year . .
. . +0.25 To Abraham's leaving . .
-2055.375 . . Death of Terah  in 205th year.  . .
-2055.25  {+0.5|-1.5 }; 
. Abraham leaves Harran; End 75th Year Acts 7:4b; Gen. 12:1-4 Why at Age 75?
. . +24.5-0.75c To Isaac's Conception Explanation .
. . +10.0 . (Gen. 16:3) .
Next Page


        The notation used in this chronology was invented by the writer to facilitate quick chronological calculations without the need for graphical charts.  Originally, this entire chronology was created by graphical representation and chart measurement.  This  notation is the algebraic equivalent of the geometric representation.
         The meaning of b.c.e. to a number is that it is negative.  The meaning of c.e. to a number is that it is positive.  Do all calculations with this in mind.  Sometimes the negative sign is not present in a table or list, and sometimes b.c.e. or c.e. is not present, but the context clearly indicates which, so when proceeding to computations assume b.c.e. dates as negaive and c.e. dates as positive.  1.75 b.c.e is equivalent to -1.75.  1.75 c.e. is equivalent to +1.75.  Never  confuse an enumerated date with a decimal date.  An enumerated date does not end with a decimal.
        To convert a decimal date to an enumerated date, round the   number away from zero to the nearest whole.  Hence -0.5 becomes 1 b.c.e., and 0.5 becomes 1 c.e.; -0.00001 becomes 1 b.c.e., and +0.0001 becomes 1 c.e.;  Therefore, there is no year "zero."  Enumerated dates should never be converted back to into the decimal system unless the accuracy level is taken into account.  For example 4140 b.c.e. can mean anything between -4139.0 and -4140.0.  1 b.c.e. can mean anything between 0.0 and 1.0.  1995 c.e. can mean anything between 1994.0 and 1995.0.   Computations with enumerated dates can be in error up to 1 year.  For example 1996 c.e. - 1991 c.e. = 5 years, but if we knew that the dates in question were really 1995.01 and 1990.99, then the result is 4.02 years.
        The general interpretation of the decimal portion of a number is in the direction of its sign, hence 4139.25 b.c.e. = -4139.25 = -4139.0 + -0.25, means 1/4 year backward from -4139.0, which is fall of 4140 b.c.e., and 1995.5 c.e. = +1995.5 = 1995.0 + 0.5, which means 1/2 year forward from 1995.0, which is June 1996 c.e.
 The meaning of the Decimal part of the date

     For dates b.c.e.:


Decimal English Date  Hebrew Date Season
0.00 January 1 Kislev/Tebeth Winter
0.25 March/April Nisan 1 Spring
0.50 July 21 Shosh/Av Summer
0.75 Sept/October Tishri 1 Fall

    The decimal's {0.25 c.e., 0.75 c.e.} have a special interpretation in terms of the Biblical calendar.  The ending 0.25 means sunset beginning the first day of the first month, viz. Nisan 1 @ 0h, and 0.75 means sunset beginning the first day of the seventh month, viz. Tishri 1  @ Oh.
        The conventions for {0.25 b.c.e., 0.75 b.c.e.} are reverse of .c.e.  For dates b.c.e.  0.25 means the first day of the seventh month, and 0.75 means the first day of the first month.
        This notation allows long calculations without error.  When mixing B.C.E. calculations with C.E. calculations, viz. going across b.c.e./c.e., always assume the b.c.e. date as negative, and the c.e. date as positive.  For example to compute the age of the world, take creation 4139.25 b.c.e.  (fall 4140), and the present 1995.75 c.e. (fall, 1996).  The calculation is AGE = | -4139.25 - 1995.75 | = 6,135.0 years old!  Note: this is absolute decimal age, not an enumerated year!
        The standard civil year is fall to fall (Tishri 1 to Tishri 1).  The common religious year is spring to spring (Nisan 1 to Nisan 1).  To compute the enumerated standard civil year anno mundi, find the absolute value of the  difference between that date and creation (4139.25 b.c.e.),  and round up to the nearest whole.  For example = Nisan 1, 2000 c.e. = 1999.25 c.e. would be A.M. = |-4139.25 - 1999.25 | = 6138.5.  Round up to 6139 A.H   To find out which year this is in the sabbatical cycle, divide it by 7, truncate the whole number portion of the result, and multiply by 7.  A zero result is the seventh year, a nonzero result is the year in the cycle.  Viz. 6139/7 = 877,  which means that is a sabbatical year.  On the other hand the present year 6136/7 =  876.5714286; truncating yeilds 0.5714286; multiply by 7 yields 4.  So this year is the 4th year of  the cycle.  To find the Jubilee year cycle substitute 49 for 7 and repeat the calculation.  Hence 6136/49 =  125.2244893.  Truncate -> 0.2244893; times 49 -> 11.  Therefore, it is the 11th year of
the cycle.  If the result is 1, then it is the year of Jubilee.
        Age is always counted {0, 1, 2, 3, ... } years from either the moment of conception or birth. It is never counted {1, 2, 3, ... }.  For example, at birth age is 0.0, and is said to be 0 years until age 1.0, so that between 1.0 and 2.0 years the age is the 1st year.  The notation "c" means  conception moment, and "b" means birth moment.  To find the nth year of a persons life, add n  years to the moment of conception or birth. The result is the moment beginning the nth year, denoted by nthB.  The nth year lasts till year n+1, denoted by nthE ("E" for end).  For example,  Jack is conceived in 2000.00.  Therefore 1stB = 2000.00 + 1 = 2001.00, and 1stE = 2000.00 + n + 1 = 2002.00.  Always assume b.c.e. negative, and c.e. positive.  The formula for the Nth year is then: NthB = {c | b} + N, and NthE = {c|b} + N + 1.  The notation { x | y } is standard for "either x or y".
        Eras, judgeships, and oppressions are enumerated {1, 2, 3, ... }.  The beginning of the Nth year of an Era (c.e.), etc., is found by the following formula:.  NthB = EraB + N - 1.  Hence the beginning of the130th year of the world is: 130thB = -4139.25 + 130 - 1 = 4010.25 b.c.e.  The beginning of the 100th year from 4.0 b.c.e. is 100thB = -4.0 + 100 -1 = 95.0 c.e.  The 32nd year from 1963.06 c.e. (about Jan 22, 1964) is 32ndB = 1963.06+32-1 = 1994.06 c.e. (i.e. 1995, ca.  Jan 22).  The begining of the 40th year from 1631.75 b.c.e. is 40thB = -1631.75+40-1= 1592.75 b.c.e. [Always assume b.c.e. as negative and c.e. as positive.]

 The Error Analysis

The error analysis is in two formats +/-n, or {+n | -m}.  The second notation is used where the upside error potential is different from the downside error potential.  At astronomical synchronisms, the error is +/-0, between two synchronisms errors pile up until they converge.  Converging points are in bold type.  Errors can also converge between other accurately known dates, such as Isaac's birth.  Those who try to tamper with this chronology need to keep two things in mind.  First any change within the error parameter must be pursued until all its effects are known.  Second, the chronology is very close to the mean as it stands.  It is within what is known as the "standard deviation."  Therefore, changes can easily result in pushing a series of dates off the mean so far that the probablity of them being a natural data set, derived from natural conditions approaches unbelievability.

The Date of Creation

        The Creation of the world took 6 days (see Exodus 20:8-11).  The Sabbath commandment leaves no room for a gap theory of any type.  Yes the Hebrew of Gen. 1:2 probably does mean "became waste and wild," however, the gap theory rests upon two mistaken  assumptions.  First, that a long period of time is implied by "became," and second, that God would not begin by creating a waste and wild earth.  Granting that He did begin that way, the Scripture
tells us how long the whole process took: "For in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them" (Ex. 20:11).  And that includes, the sun, the moon, the stars,  the planet we can earth, and even light itself on the first day. "Day" can mean a period of time, but with "evening and morning" it always means the usual notion of a day.   So the only way to have a gap theory is to contradict Exodus 20:11.  That leaves the second assumption.  Would God begin with a waste and wild lump?  The Scripture does not say that He would not.  So why make it say so.  When He was finished He said it was "very good,"  and that is what counted.
        It is the usual practice of chronologers to begin counting years from creation.  Hence, the first year would be Anno Mundi 1, or A.M. 1, or A.H. 1 if they like Anno Hominum.  It might be preferable if all dates were true A.M. dates, however, as confusion and corruption are the bread  and butter of heresy, such is not the common practice of people.  Hence, I begin by explaining all dates in terms of the common era.  My use of the common era designation (b.c.e./c.e.) reflects a bias, however, it is not the bias that some may think.  The common era is simply inaccurate as
applied to the "birth," or "age" (A.D. = year of our Lord), of the Messiah.
         The longest regular eras in the Scripture are the sabbatic and Jubilee years, which relate to the land, i.e. the earth, and these always date from the fall to the fall.  This is the basis of the civil year, from which all regnal years are dated, all judgeships counted, and all oppressions are calculated.  As God set up the sabbatic system, it stands to reason that it synchronizes with creation, and that creation is hence in the fall.
         The only objection that can be brought against this is that the first month begins in the spring near the equinox.  Numbering the months from the spring is the basis of the religious year.  The reason for this to keep exactly 7 months (inclusive) between the spring and the fall festivals.  For, if the months were numbered otherwise, then the 13th month or II Adar would fall in August,  and the number of months from the spring to the fall would be variable.
        The Creation of the world was in 4139.25 b.c.e., that is the fall of 4140 b.c.e.  This date, of course, can only be completely verified by reading through the entire chronology and checking each step along the way, until a known historical date can be linked up with it (such as the destruction of the first Temple in 586 b.c.e.).  And technically one should read the chronology backwards, but this is boring and tedious, so I have written it in historical order.
         For the purpose of the first 3 days of Creation, we will define 1 day as one rotation of the firmament around the earth.  For an explanation of the firmament, see the Geocentric Home Page.
        Creation began at the fall equinox of 4140 b.c.e., which was at hypothetical sunset for 10/24/4140 b.c.e. (Julian date: 209585.15).  On the fourth day (10/27 light set to 10/28 sunset) the heavanly bodies were created.  The time just after 10/27 light set corresponds to the first new moon, making the fourth day of the week the first day of the month of Ethanim (Tishri).  This point also begins the first year of the sabbatical cycle, and the first year of the Jubilee cycle.
         It should be noted that all the planets were placed on the day side of the earth, so that  they were not visible at night (though possibly in the daytime, they were visible via the "windows of  heaven.")  If we assume that the first day of creation began with the fall equinox, then  the as yet  uncertain value for the exact precession of the equinoxes can be precisely calculated.  My calculations, based upon accepted data, place the equinox about 24 hours too early, but this may be within the acceptable error for the equinox for 6137 B.P. (before present).  Another explanation may be that during the long day of Joshua (if it was 24 hours and not 12 hours longer), that the sun's daily motion stopped, but that its path through the year did not.  This would then synchronize the equinox for the first of the day of the week in the fall of 4140 b.c.e.
       The calculated equinox was 10/23/4140 b.c.e. at 12h 51m 45s.  The sun was at 180 deg, 0 min, 0.00 sec ecliptic longitude.  It was Julian date 209,584.04, or 1.11 days before the beginning of the first day of creation.  This amounts to a total deviation of 1.094 degrees.  The yearly motion of the sun is about 1 degree per day.
         It is reasonable to assume that God created the world so that the axis of the planned location for the sun was parallel to the equator at  the  start, and that the monthly cycle began at the creation of the moon.  For God is a God of order and beauty.  Second, the odds of the monthly cycle beginning on the fourth day of the week is 1/7. Third, the odds of the terminator bisecting future panagea are no better than 1/4.  For we should  assume that "evening and morning" are from the viewpoint of man, who was to be created in Eden in the near east, and placed at the center of the land.
            Furthermore, on a round world, the official day might as well begin in the middle of the land mass.  To the west of the terminator, it would technically be "evening" (setting), and also to the east.  For evening is from noon to midnight.  So it was evening for all of the the land.  But for the point of Eden it was at sunset.
             Fourthly, the odds of the sabbatical cycle beginning in that exact year are 1/49.  So what are the odds of this arrangement happening by accident?  [1/29 * 1/7 * 1/4 * 1/ 49 = 1/39,788]  The odds are 1 in 39,788!  Now, all of this does not have to be true, but it clearly appears to be  the case from the chronology.  I must also say, that I did not go looking for this synchronism before I computed the date of creation from the Bible alone.  In fact, I did not find it until several years after I had arrived at 4140 b.c.e.  I would say that this kind of finding is the type of thing that one can have reasonable confidence in until a better theory comes along, if ever!
             Note: if we eliminate the uncertain equinox from the calculation, and do away with the assumption that the terminator must bisect the land mass, then the calculation becomes 1/7*1/49 = 1/343.

Astronomical Data: (output of aa.exe)

 Fall Equinox: 10/23/-4140  12h:27m

7. ETHANIM (Tishri)       TUE     10/27/-4140         30 days Jul: 209588.15
8. BUL (Marchesvan)     THR     11/26/-4140         30 days Jul: 209618.13
9. Kislev                           SAB     12/26/-4140         29 days Jul: 209648.12
10. Tebeth                        SUN     1/24/-4139          30 days Jul: 209677.12
11. Shebat                       TUE      2/23/-4139          29 days Jul: 209707.13
12. Adar                           WED     3/24/-4139          30 days Jul: 209736.15

     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)
     * Months in capital letters are Pre-exilic biblical names
     * All other month names are post exilic Hebrew-Babylonian
     * I have taken the liberty to replace 'Tammuz' with 'Shoshana'
     * since 'Tammuz,' (the the son of Semiramis, who styled herself
     * the 'Queen of Heaven,') should not by honoured by a month name.

7. ETHANIM (Tishri)     10/27/-4140 UT: 15h:41m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:41m DT: 32.302
8. BUL (Marchesvan)   11/26/-4140 UT: 15h: 8m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h: 8m DT: 32.301
9. Kislev                        12/26/-4140 UT: 14h:49m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:49m DT: 32.300
10. Tebeth                     1/24/-4139 UT: 14h:53m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 16h:53m DT: 32.300
11. Shebat                     2/23/-4139 UT: 15h:11m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:11m DT: 32.299
12. Adar                         3/24/-4139 UT: 15h:30m LMT: (UT+2hrs) 17h:30m DT: 32.298

      * UT = Universal Time | LMT = Local Mean Time | DT = TDT - UT
      * TDT = Terrestrial Dynamical Time (TDT = DT + UT)
      * The time is that of sunset on the stated date at Jerusalem

7. ETHANIM (Tishri)       AL: 18.1 AV: 11.3 AN:  6.6 D:  4.7 PR: <7
8. BUL (Marchesvan)     AL: 22.1 AV: 11.9 AN:  6.0 D:  6.0 PR: -4.7
9. Kislev                          AL: 25.3 AV: 14.3 AN:  3.8 D: 10.6 PR: -1.0 AMBpr
10. Tebeth                       AL: 17.4 AV: 11.0 AN:  6.9 D:  4.1 PR: <7
11. Shebat                      AL: 20.8 AV: 16.8 AN:  6.8 D: 10.0 PR: -3.5
12. Adar                          AL: 13.9 AV: 12.0 AN:  8.0 D:  3.9 PR: <7

      * AL = Arc of Light = Angular distance between sun and moon
      * AV = Arc of Vision  = Difference between sun and moon altitude
      * AN = Arc Needed for Visibility (altitude difference)
      * D = AV-AN (AV over or under that needed).
      * AMB = Ambiguous (New Moon uncertain when D<2.0 degrees.
      * PR = notes on circumstances of previous day

                  Sabbatical Year Cycle

   Year No. 1. begins: 4140 b.c.e.     Ends: 4139 b.c.e.
   Year No. 2. begins: 4139 b.c.e.     Ends: 4138 b.c.e.
   Year No. 3. begins: 4138 b.c.e.     Ends: 4137 b.c.e.
   Year No. 4. begins: 4137 b.c.e.     Ends: 4136 b.c.e.
   Year No. 5. begins: 4136 b.c.e.     Ends: 4135 b.c.e.
   Year No. 6. begins: 4135 b.c.e.     Ends: 4134 b.c.e.
   Year No. 7. begins: 4134 b.c.e.     Ends: 4133 b.c.e. Sabbatical Year

   Year No. 50. begins: 4091 b.c.e.     Ends: 4090 b.c.e.Jubilee Year

The Pre Flood Magnetic field

         The ancient world had a stong magnetic field, which since its creation, or shortly thereafter, has lost energy to the present day.  This is deduced from the measured decay in the strength of the earth's main magnetic field in the last two centuries.  The earth's magnetic field is produced by a free electrical current circulating in the core of the earth, but since this free current  tends to behave like a river current with its eddies, backwashes, and undertows, it cannot simply  be measured at one spot at one time to determine its strength.  Many measurements must be taken at many locations over the period of an "epoch," say about a year, and then statistical  analysis performed to eliminate the anomolies, or "noise" as Dr. Thomas G. Barnes calls it.  The result is that the total energy of the field has been decaying ever since man began measuring it.
         As the magnetic field is produced by a free current in the core of the earth, theory predicts that any movement of a large magnetized or charged mass through the earth's magnetic field will  produce extreme instability in the field, including rapid reversals.  Such instability was caused by (1) sudden movement of the continental hydroplates in the drift phase of the flood, (2) upward flows of mantle fluids, (3) collapse of the canopy.  The compression of the hydroplates also created magnetic anomolies.  Evidence for rapid reversals on the order of two weeks to seven
days was found by Robert S. Coe and Michel Prevot when they were researching thin lava flows (see, Earth and Planetary Science Letters.)  The field was found to have turned through 90 degrees in one lava flow while it cooled down.  See Creation Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 20- 23.  Dr. Russell Humphreys, Ph.d., also reports that Coe "has done it again."  As for other evolutionists, Coe reports "They don't want to believe it."  Coe, himself is not a creationist.

Earth's Pre Flood Canopy

         The Scripture speaks of a structure above the earth called the "windows of heaven,"  which has been equated with the "raqiya" or "expanse."  This is probably a mistake.  The raqyia is the whole "firmament" or structure in which the created universe is placed.  The heavenly bodies are in the raqiya or "expanse" as some translations have it.
The Hebrew word "raqiya" implies a beaten out metalic sheet or spherical dome.  Early theorists thought that the source of the rain during the flood came from the waters above this expanse.  We now know that the water came from under the continents (See Dr. Walter Brown, Ph.d., In The Beginning).  And Dr. Russell Humphreys has shown that the rest of the Universe was made out of these waters above (Starlight and Time).  So, as far as we know, a canopy is not necessary to explain anything at all.  The question, then, is whether to take the words "windows of heaven" figuratively for literally.  If we take it literally, then there may have been some sort of structure above the earth.  What would hold it up?  Perhaps some type of superconducting magnetic levitation.
        One thing is probably certain, though.  The earth's preflood atmosphere was denser than at present.

        The rain during the flood was produced by water squeezed out from under miles of continental rock at extreme presurre, so that its velocity was sufficent to rocket it 150-200 miles above the  earth's surface, where it subsequently, froze, atomized, and fell back to earth as rain.  In the process the [theoretical] canopy was sliced through exactly above the 40,000 mile mid oceanic ridge.
         The canopy itself was probably not in orbit.  It was stationary at about 55 miles of altitude,  where the temperature presently is about -130 F..   If the canopy were in orbit, calculations show  that its reentry would heat the earth atmosphere hot enough to vaporize all life.  On the other hand, if a stationary canopy   fell to earth from 55 miles, its terminal velocity would only raise its  temperature to a small fraction compared to falling from orbit.  This still leaves a few hundred degrees of heat to dissapate.  If the intial temperature of the canopy was between 5 and 10 K (close to absolute zero), then we would not have a heat problem.  We would have a cold problem. It is probable that the material it was constructed out of was superconducting at a much higher  temperature, say at -100 F, so the problem would be one of heat.  This heat was  dissapated by waters from below jetting up to mix with the canopy substance.  The waters from below were of vastly greater volume than the canopy substance, hence the heat problem is solved.
         This leaves the question as to what held the canopy (the windows of heaven) up.  The downward gravitational force of the canopy would have to be equalized, and held in place, and at the same time it would have to be kept from crashing into the earth via drift.  The only possible known mechanism for this is a powerful electromagnetic field.  The canopy would have to be superconducting, and it would have to have a free current in it such that its polarity opposed the  earth's magnetic field.  The net effect would levitate the canopy and also hold it firmly in place.  At present the substance of the canopy is unknown, but we predict that a suitable substance will be metalic, transparent, and capable of superconduction.
         Scientists at Livermore National Laboratory, in June of 1996 acheived a metalic state of liquid hydrogen, with greatly reduced electrical resistance, but it is not known at this time if it is superconducting, or if it will remain in the metallic state at much lower pressures, or higher temperatures.  Another possible substance is a higher form of ice.  There are at least ten known forms of ice.  Common ice is called Ice I, and the highest theoretical form is called Ice XII.  Each form of ice has its own unique properties.  Prediction: Scientists will continue to discover materials
whose properties come closer to the requirements of the pre flood canopy.  Prediction:  if no perfect substance is discoverd, creation scientiests will be able to design a suitable structure from composite materials.  Note: Carl Baugh implied that the canopy had to be metallic hydrogen, and that it was experimentally suitable.  This is a myth.  Metallic hydrogen had not even been produced in the laboratory when he said this, hence his statement was a wild guess.  The shame is that he represented it as a known fact.   However, his idea of a canopy is a good one.
         The magnetic field would cause the canopy to fall in a unique way.  It would continue to levitate while the waters below piled up and distributed over the top of it.  Since the waters shooting above the canopy would be atomized, it would pile up in fine ice particles (full of salt).  At   the same time, to conserve angular momentum, the ice particles would drift westward distributing themselves over the canopy until the weight was so great that it collapsed everywhere else releasing its load of cryogenic water, which warmed to normal temperatures on its way back
down.  At the poles, however, it was a different matter.  The largest sections of canopy, now cut loose, would tend to follow the lines of magnetic force converging on the polar regions, where the largest dumps of cryogenic ice and canopy substance would fall.  Only, this time most of the  descent heat would be compensated for by the continued dillution with the fountains of the deep. It would therefore fall at the poles in a freezing condition with high wind chill factors.
        The  function seems to be as the "windows of heaven," which implies that its primary function  was a viewing device for heavenly bodies.  It may have had some unique optical effects.  One potential problem that remains to be solved is maintaining it under high pressure, or removing heat, so as to maintain condictions at the right temperature and pressure.  One way to pressurize it is to squeeze it between magnetic lines of force.  It could be cooled via some laser cooling mechanism.
         As is usual in science, a host of unanswered questions are created for each new discovery.  The ancients would have not even worried about a cooling problem, since they didn't  even know enough to know that there might be a cooling problem.  Now we have learned that  there might be one.  The usual pattern of discovery, however, is to learn about the problem before the solution is found.  In the meantime, the "solutions" become the stuff of hard core science fiction and tenative hypothesis.  And then, today's science fiction becomes tomorrows realities.
         The advantage of  creationism, is that we have a divine outline to explore in the Scripture.  Untold discoveries have been made by following the scientific implications of theological  statements in the bible.  We have the advantage of being able to postulate as much initial design  and order in the universe as is necessary to explain what is observed today, and to give a  comprehensible explanation of the statements in the Scripture.
         Any theory, of course, must be tested by its predictions, and by a principle known as parsimony.  Parsimony means the "infrequent use of assumptions."  A good biblical cosmology,  will therefore, start with a small set of intial condictions (assumptions), and stick to the clear  statements of the text, while maximizing the results that follow based upon the application of  natural laws of physics.  A poor theory, ends up making assumptions along the way, which do not  accord with the laws of physics.  At the same time, divine intervention cannot be ruled out.  When
divine intervention occurs, though, it appears that God has a habit of telling us when and where He intervened.  A good case and point would be the trigger mechanism for the global flood.  Aside from that all naturalistic theories, including the naturalistic parts of creationist theories, cannot explain the causes of the first cause.
         Evolutionary theory, in the pure naturalistic sense, is not supposed to invoke unknown causes beyond the known laws of physics, however, it does anyway.  Case and point: the big bang.  Case and point: the energy to run the dynamo theories of the earth's magnetic field.  Case and point: the removal of metals from the seas.  Case and point: subduction zones in the tetonic  plate theory.  In the final analysis the evolutionist is the one who invokes the "miracle cause" most  frequently.  More and more evolutionists, of course, are beginning to recognize this, and are
therefore turning to mystical "new age" explanations for the origin of life.  Nevertheless, the parsimony quotient of their theories will remain poor, and the predictive value questionable at  best.
         Evolutionary authors tell us about terraformed science fiction worlds of the highest order  of design.  Some of them even have canopies.  Remember "Buck Rogers and the 25th century?"  Evolutionary scientists hold out hope that man will someday achieve such wonders, and all the while they miss the fact that our world is the disintigrated remains of a world that was designed and "terraformed" beyond their wildest dreams.

 130th: An Example of an Enumerated Date

This is an enumerated date.   Its decimal range is date.00 to date.99999.  In this case 130.00 to 130.99.

Why not 1656 Years?

    The total years to the Disembarking are |-4139.25 minus -2478.593| = 1660.657 years. The 1656 years usually calculated is the theoretical minimum.  The probablity of the minimum being the case is less than 1/49 = 1/262,144 (allowing four choices in the birth year, 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 for 9 generation gaps).  Otherwise, the writer of the texts had to engineer the numbers contrary to reality.  We shall see later that the writer did engineer the numbers quite skillfully to keep simpletons from being in too great an error.  But, He did it in such a way as to preserve the complete reality of the situation!

 Why 130.5 and not 130.0?

   First, contrary to other chronologies, each son was born sometime in the stated year, not  on the exact birthday of the father.  Hence Seth was born 6 months into Adam's 130th year in this  chronology.  In the end, all deviations from the middle of the stated year cancel out, leaving a fraction well within the standard deviation.  For a possible objection to this method, click here.

     Conception Reckoning

Second, from the Astronomical Syncronisms, and sabbatic and jubilee periods, it is evident that conception reckoning of age was instituted by Enoch four generations before the flood.  It also appears that this custom, started by Enoch, with his son grandson Lamech, was continued as far as we call tell until the bondage in Egypt.  It necessitates including 9 months of gestation (0.75 year) in the age of each person.  The probable reason for the institution of conception dating was to testify against the practice of Abortion, which no doubt was practiced in
the last few generations up to the flood.

An Objection

It might be objected that it is stated that each patriarch lived so many years after the birth  of his son.  Adam lived 130 years up to Seth's birth (accutally 130.5 for our purposes).  But he lived 800 years after that, for a total of 930.  -4139.25+930 = -3209.25 = 930thB; But Seth was born in -4008.75, so -4008.75 + 800 -1 = -3209.75 = 800thB; 800thE= -3208.75, but since 800thB < 930thB < 800thE we have proved it within the limits.

The Flood


        The year of the flood is confirmed by an astronomical synchronism of 4 30 day months  in a row between the 2nd and 7th months.  Originally I had the flood in 2484 b.c.e., because I had assumed that sons were born exactly at the birthday of the father, which is unlikely unless the biblical writer cooked up an artificial scheme. But I knew that there had to be a synchronism for this year.  I looked for it briefly several years ago and failed, but not for lack of a good synchronism.  It was for lack of a program good enough for 3000 b.c.e.  I ended up having to write the program myself based upon code supplied by a JPL scientist.  The resulting program proved to work all the way back to creation as well, which is about a thousand years beyond the certified parameters of the code.  The same results
can be verified with other astronomical software, but it is a painstaking process.  For the program I wrote, of which the principles are described in the Sabbath Resurrection, can grind out a year's worth of new moons in about 30 seconds on a lowly 386.
         Astronomy produces two possible years that will work with the Scripture, 2481, and 2480 b.c.e, for the date of the flood.  I did not know which year it was until I started to study flood  chronology in detail in David L. Cooper's book, Messiah: His first Coming Scheduled.  It turns out  that 2480 is the correct year:

             Ziv                       29 days              Second Month
             Sivan                  30 days              Third Month
             Shoshana           30 days              Fourth Month
             Av                       30 days              Fifth Month
             Elul                     30 days              Sixth Month
             Tishri                  30 days              Seventh Month

Astronomical Data from aa.exe:

                         All the New Moons of the Year

1. AVIV (Nisan)          TUE  4/11/-2480           29 days Jul: 815704.16
2. ZIV (Iyyar)                  WED  5/10/-2480           29 days Jul: 815733.17
3. Sivan                          THR  6/ 8/-2480            30 days Jul: 815762.18
4. Shoshana                    SAB  7/ 8/-2480            30 days Jul: 815792.19
5. Av                               MON  8/ 7/-2480           30 days Jul: 815822.20
6. Elul                             WED  9/ 6/-2480           30 days Jul: 815852.18
7. ETHANIM (Tishri)        FRI 10/ 6/-2480            30 days Jul: 815882.16
8. BUL (Marchesvan)      SUN 11/ 5/-2480   29 days Jul: 815912.13
9. Kislev                  MON 12/ 4/-2480           30 days Jul: 815941.12
10. Tebeth               WED  1/ 3/-2479            29 days Jul: 815971.12
11. Shebat              THR  2/ 1/-2479              29 days Jul: 816000.13
12. Adar                  FRI  3/ 2/-2479               30 days Jul: 816029.14

     * Months begin at sunset on the day listed (not the day before)

         The first dated event of the flood year is the entry date into the Ark.  It was the 17th day of the 2nd month (Gen. 7:11-13).  It was also on that same day that the flood began.  The 17th day of Ziv was a Sabbath, i.e. sunset 5/26/2480 b.c.e. to sunset 5/27/2480 b.c.e.  For God had told them that He would send the flood in seven days time (Gen. 7:4).  The entry into the Ark,  therefore, becomes a double picture of salvation rest.  For in the Sabbath we find refuge from the cares of the world.
         Now the time from the entry into the ark till it rested on the top of the mountains of Ararat was 150 days.  The counting must be done inclusively.  The 17th day of the 2nd month is the first day, and the 17th day of the 7th month is the 150th day (Gen. 8:4), viz. 5/27/2480 to 10/23/2480, or Julian day 815750 to Julian day 815899  [815899 - 815750 + 1=150].  The ark came to rest on a Monday.
         Then the text mentions that the mountains became visible on the first day of the tenth month, which would be 1/4/2479 b.c.e., a Thursday (Gen. 8:5).  Then we are told "At the end of  forty days ... Noah sent a raven out" (Gen. 8:6-7).  Do the forty days date from the resting of the  ark or from the sighting of the mountains?  Consider the case of the dove.  A dove is otherwise known as a pigeon.  Noah's purpose was to find out if the waters had "abated."  The Hebrew word implies be slighted, lightened, shaken, or trifled.  If the mountains were already visible, then it would be obvious that this was the case; but more importantly, "The dove found no place to set her foot ... for the waters were still upon all of the earth" (Gen. 8:9).  Now a pigeon does not just fly around like a crow or raven.  Three-hundred miles is nothing to the average adult pigeon.  "The annual Belgian concours national, a race of about 500 miles from Toulouse to Brussels, was inaugurated in 1881, .... The velocity attained at that time was about 1250 yds. per minute, but this was soon surpassed ... [with a winner at] 1836 yds. per minute" (Encylopedia Britanica, 11th Edition, pigeon flying).  If any mountaintops were visible (really they would be small islands at first) for a hundred miles, the dove would have found a place to set down.  If the dove did not see anything, rest assured the eight people on the ark didn't either.
         Hence, the text should be read,

           And came to rest the ark in the seventeenth day of the seventh month upon the mountains of Ararat.  And the waters continued to abate  even to the tenth month.  On the first day of the tenth month were seen the tops of the mountains.
         But it happened at the end of [the] fortieth day that Noah opened the window of the ark
which he made (Gen. 8:4-6).

         Now in Gen. 4:3 it says at the end of days, meaning the Sabbath day at the end of the days of the week.  Here, we have a similar construction, "at the end of the fortieth day."  Only here, the word "day" is singular, and hence the numeral is to be construed as ordinal.  It, was thus just after the 40th day from the grounding on Ararat, and like Gen. 4:3, this also was the Sabbath. One counts 40 days inclusively from the 17th day of the 7th month to the 26th day of the 8th month (12/1/2480).
         The next day is 12/2/2480, which was the Sabbath day.  On this day, Noah sent out a Raven, which went in and out.  The Raven was not sent out for any particular purpose other than  to give it its freedom.  Seven days later, on the 5th day of Kislev (12/9/2480), it was again the Sabbath, and he sent out the dove, which found nothing.  So Noah waited another seven days till Kislev 15 (Sabbath, 12/16/2480), and sent the dove out in the morning.  It was gone until the evening.  If this antediluvian dove was a good pigeon, it could have searched for the world record of up to 1000 miles to find a mountaintop Island.  The Olive leaf it found was the result of the uprooted root ball of an adult tree imbedded in the mud on one of these "Islands."  It had started growing again as soon as this tangled mess had
poked through the receeding water.
         The next Sabbath was 12/23/2480 b.c.e., the 19th of the month of Kislev.  This time the dove did not return.  Twelve days later they saw the tops of the mountains themselves, on Thursday 1/4/2479.  On Monday, 4/2/2479, on the first day of Aviv, the ground was dry.  And on the 27th of Ziv, the 2nd month, the first day of the week 5/26/2479 2b.c.e., Julian date 816115, they left the ark.

Sabbath      5/27/2480         Flood Begins              Gen. 7:4, 11-13
Monday      10/23/2480       Ark Rests                   Gen. 8:4
Sabbath      12/2/2480         Raven                        Gen. 8:6-7
Sabbath      12/9/2480         Dove                          Gen. 8:8-9
Sabbath      12/16/2480       Dove                          Gen. 8:10-11
Sabbath      12/23/2480       Dove leaves              Gen. 8:12
Thursday    1/4/2479           Mountains seen         Gen. 8:5
Monday      4/1/2479           Ground is Dry             Gen.  8:13
Sunday       5/26/2479         They disembark         Gen. 8:14-17
Sabbath                               Noah build's an altar   Gen. 8:20-22

        Now, it should be noted that the chronology serves to show that the seventh day now  called the "Sabbath" is indeed the correct day of the week from creation.  For the creation week astronomy confirms it, and the flood chronology confirms it.  There is another year, 2473, which  might also work with the chronological data.  It also will confirm the Sabbaths.  The problem with 2473, however, is that the Jubilee cycle would be broken up, and the dove is first sent after the mountains are seen, so that she would have a place to set her foot.
    The actual overall length of the chronology is fixed by the sabbatic and Jubilee periods and the flood astronomical synchronism.  The continued counting of the gestation period, here, allows us to match the synchronism without contradicting the biblical text.  Also the overall length of the chronology is exactly the same as traditionally computed.  For the time   added before the flood is exactly compensated for by the time subtracted after the flood throught the use of conception dating, and a few other minor adjustments.  We allow 9 months, or 3/4 of a year for each gestation period.

The Noah to Arphaxshad Connection

    The date of creation is dependent on the sabbatical and jubilee cycles and the individual datums of each life span being within standard deviations.  It also lines up the the lunar cycle beginning on the 4th day of the week, and the equinox for the fall.  The flood is determined by Astronomy to be either 2481 ro 2480 b.c.e., and this is narrowed to 2480 by the events on the weekly cycle.  The flood began in the spring after the equinox, so that the first year after the flood would begin in the fall, as all era's are computed on a Tishri basis.  This means that Arphaxshad must be born within the second year after the flood.  Hence we pick -2478.00 {+1.75,-0.25}  This allows Shem to be 100.5 years old when he is born.  The potential errors here come from some gratuitous assumptions, the largest being that "after the flood" means after it began, or after the flood waters were upon the earth, which was complete by the 150th day, and not after they got off the ark.  This contributes +1 to the error.  The -0.25 error reflects the fact that Arphaxshad could have been born as early as the first day of the second year, and the extra +0.75 (1+0.75=1.75) relects the fact that he could have been born as late as the end of the second year after they got off the ark.  Hence, Arphaxshad was born absolutedly within the limits.  The date we picked is targeted as close to the statistical mean as we can make it.



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More Exhortations

     It is the only chronology to place the birth of each son within the stated year and not at the beginning of the stated year.  It is the only chronology that recognizes the possibility of conception dating of ages.  This chronology relies only on the Massoretic Text, the Samaritan and Greek versions being rejected.
         This is a chronology, which if taken seriously, will cause a revolution in archeaology, ancient history, and biblical theology.  It is a chronology which comes to the aid and assistance of a down trodden people, a people who are persecuted for being Jews, yet believing in the Messiah.  It is a chronology that will be rejected, not for scholarly reasons, but because of fear, tradition, and the fact that the Church and the world will not like its results or implications.  But it is the truth.
      This is a chronology which must be studied and verified to be fully appreciated.  Yes, you must do some subtractions, some additions, and a lot of looking up of biblical texts, and some checking of Greek dictionaries when we discuss a few mistranslations.   Yet God put a whole lot of numbers in the Bible for a good reason.  Do some work and find out why.  It took me fifteen years to figure it out.  It will take you a month, if you are diligent.  So be patient.
      Some chronologers make theological assumptions, and then cook up a scheme to fit the assumptions.  Others study chronology for its own sake.  And others yet, because objective study of it appears to confirm truths they already hold.  This is the case with this chronology.
     There was a time when I had only a partial solution, a time when I had no confidence in the whole, and a time when I could not in good conscience say what I have just said above.  This chronology is, however, not the end of the issue.  There remains a vast amount of beneficial work to be done.

Why 130?

Abram's birth must be figured from the fact that he left Haran when his father died at age 205    (Acts 7:1-4; Gen. 12:1-4).  Abram was 75.  Therefore Terah was 205-75 = 130 at Abram's birth.

 Why not at Age 75? (Acts 7:2-4a; Gen. 12:1-4a.)

         This is the departure point for the 430 year sojourn (Gal. 3:17; Exodus 12:40-41 1 ) The Acts passage makes it clear that Abraham was called out of Ur, and God hereafter speaks of  bringing him out of Ur.  It is therefore, not proper to date the sojourn from the departure from Haran.  The 430 year computation is:  -2061.75 + 430.0 = 1631.75 (1632 b.c.e.), which is the time of the Exodus.  This date for the departure from Ur is derived by adding 430 years to the Exodus (1631.75).  However, this does not determine the chronology.  The chronology is determined by  the 400 years from Isaac to the Exodus.  Martin Anstey, and David L. Cooper error greatly at this point by dating the 430 years from Abram's leaving Haran.  For the sojourn had begun when they  left their homes in Ur, where God had first called him.  Cooper and Anstey   suppose that the 400 years of (Gen. 15:13)2 dates from the feast that Abram made when Isaac was weaned.(Gen. 21:8), which they suppose was 5 years after his birth.  But in fact the prophecy said "Thy seed shall be a  stranger in a land that is not theirs ... four hundred years."  That leaves out 5 years of Isaac's
being a stranger in a land not his.  They thereby add five years to their chronologies throwing everything out of phase with the sabbatical periods, and created not one, but two falsehoods, (1) that the sojourn did not begin from Ur, and (2) leaving out 5 years of Isaac's sojorn.  Abraham left  Ur on the 15th day of the 1st month, "the selfsame day" as the Exodus.

 1. This text is also badly rendered, but the KJV linked here is the best.  The phrase "who dwelt in Egypt" does not refer to the whole time.  Rather, we should punctuate it as in the Companion Bible, "Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, (who dwelt in Egypt), was four hundred and thirty years.
    2.  The text is poorly punctuated or mistranslated in most bibles.  The proper rendering is, "Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, (and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them) four hundred years;"

    Seth was born in the 130th year of Adam, but we do not know exactly which part of the 130th year, so the reasonable thing to do is to pick the most probable point in the year, half way through, which will minimize the error.  Since Seth could have been born at the beginning or end of the year, the error is 130.5 - 0.5 or 130.5 + 0.5, i.e. +/- 0.5 year.  All other chronologies assume that the 130th year means that Adam was 130.0 years old when Seth was born.  This assumption is as unreasonable and unecessary as it is wrong.  First it is stated that Adam lived 130 years and then he had a son.  This can only mean that Seth was born between 130.00 and 130.99 on an absolute scale.  It is also unreasonable to assume that every son was born when the Father turned exactly the age stated that he had lived.  The effect on the other chronologies of ignoring this is to loose about 10 years down to Abraham.  It would be an extreme improbability if so many fathers had their sons at the very beginning of the stated year.  Nevertheless, the error paramaters include that remote improbability.

Why at Age 75?

    When he was 75 Abraham continued his sojourn from Ur by leaving Haran after the death of his father.  Acts 7:4 states clearly what is strongly implied in the Hebrew text, i.e. that his father died first, and then he promptly continued the journey to Canaan.

Years after an Event
        Genesis 11:10 says that Arphaxshad was born two years after the flood.   Therefore, we must wait until the year after the flood begins before counting the first year after the flood.  The flood event began in the second month on the 17th day, and they were already abating before the first day of the seventh month (Gen. 8:2-4).  Gen. 7:17 limits the flood itself to the flooding event, meaning the time that the waters were actually increasing.  Therefore, we may assume that the waters began abating after the first 40 days.  Therefore, at the turn of the year, on the first day of the seventh month, it will be one year after the flood.  The 0.37  corresponds to the time between the 17th day of the second month and the 1st day of the 7th month.


        The figure 0.63 year represents the time from the beginning of Noah's 600th year to the beginning of the flood.

        I allow 1/4 of a year to pass into the second year after before Arphaxshad is born.  All possibilities are reflected in the error parameter.

        Add 24.5 years to go from the end of Abrahams 75th year to the middle of his 100th year.

Color Codes Explained
         The orange color cells trace the path through which the chronology is primarily constructed.  For example a date will be in orange, and then this is followed by an amount to add to that date (also in orange).  The result is the next date in orange.  When the added amount skips a large period of time, the cell to the right will direct you to the result.
        For the kings, dark purple is the beginning of the reign of a king of Judah, and light purple would be that king's accession year.  Dark blue is assinged to the the kings of Israel, and light blue to their accession years (if any).

Updated 11/2/1997
9/1/6137 Anno Mundi.  

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