A Grand Unified Model of Creation

Creation was in 4140 b.c.e ± 0, and the Flood was in 2480 b.c.e. ± 0.    These  facts, based on the biblical text, mean that the earth is < 6200 years old, and the geological record of the Flood destruction is < 4500 years old.  The geological history of the earth begins with God creating an engineered foundational structure for the continents and seas.  Proverbs 8:24-30 describes the nature of this process as one involving wisdom or intelligence:

 When there were no t'homot1, I was brought forth; 
     when there were no springs3 abounding with water. 
     Before the hills were settled, 
     before the hills was I brought forth: 
     While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, 
     nor the first part of the dust of the world. 
     When he prepared the heavens, I was there: 
     when he set a compass upon the face of the depth: 
     When he established the clouds above: 
     when he strengthened2 the springs3 of the t'hom
     When he gave to the sea his decree, 
     that the waters should not pass his commandment: 
     when he appointed the foundations of the earth: 
     Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: 
     and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;
1. deep, of subterranean waters, Gn. 49:25, Dt. 33:13 [the deep that lies beneath], Gn. 7:11, 8:2; Job. 28:14; 38:16 (have you entered into the springs of the sea and in searches of the deep have you walked?) Ps. 36:7; Ps. 33:7 (he gathered as a heap the waters of the sea; he put in storehouses the deeps). 
2. The Hebrew word connotes "strength."  Could special enigeering be implied here, such that the crust is supported over the waters without breaking under the weight? 
3. Springs, as in water coming out of the ground
       Before the flood there was no  disorder or destruction in the rock systems of the earth.  The crust was designed to support life;  it channeled the rivers, springs and waters to the surface.  There were no fossils or bones buried in the earth;  in fact the God considers bones unclean and a defilement.  God did not create a defiled earth, but an earth that was "very good."
     In the orginal earth all the continents were connected together (Gen. 1:9) into one giant supercontienent with shallow seas, and a vast "deep" ocean around the perimeter.  That continent is usually called Pangea.  Here is one reconstruction.   Additionally, this giant continent was built up over this vast deep ocean (see cross section)  Notice the water under the  continental plate.  The continent was held up by what the bible calls "pillars" and "foundations."  Additionally, the water was connected to the surface through channels, to the inland seas, and to the bottom of the oceanic "deep" (Gen. 7:11).  This water was heated from below, and rose up through the channels in the crust to water the earth with a mist (Gen. 2:6).  The river systems of earth were also part of this system.  Their sources began with subterrainian water welling up from channels in the earth.  It was then possible for a river to flow in a circle, due to the flatness of some areas of the earth (2:13).  And besides the tributaries merging into larger rivers, the reverse could happen.  Rivers could split up into more channels (Gen. 2:10).  It is worth noting that designing rivers in this fashion is much less erosive of the landscape than post flood rivers, which wreck havoc on top soil.  The lack of violent rain also means that there were no local floods.
        In the Age to Come, part of this subcontinental water may be re-established, and this is hinted at by the waters emanating from the threshold of the prophetic Temple of Ezekiel 40-48.  These waters multiply, perhaps by being supplied from below in ever increasing amounts as the river flows away from the temple.   Whereever it goes, the waters become fresh.
        It is likely that, except for the region of Eden, the earth was empty (cf. Gen. 1:28), and except for the the local sea and air that the far off regions were empty also (cf. Gen. 1:22).  Genetic variation was still only buried in the codes of the basic kinds (cf. Gen. 1:11).  God brought the animals to Adam, and he named them (Gen. 2:19-20).  After this, life began to spread and fill the earth with its many variations as programmed by the Creator.
        Since the earth was watered by mists and water welling up from below, there was no violent rain, as we observe in thunderstorms today, with hail and high winds.  It is likely that earth's axis was not then tilted, and that it later went through radical swings at the time of the flood due to mass redistribution of the drifting land masses.  So different biomes, like a jungle and a desert could be only a mountain range apart.  The desert would have fewer "mist vents," and fewer water channels.  There could even be arctic regions near the poles, if we allow for the current hydrological cycle to operate over the vast perimeter sea, but to be kept in check by low mountains along the coast.  Any number of habitats could have been designed by God.      .
 The prime cause of the flood was the divine action of God in cursing the creation at the Fall of Man.  At this point the speed of light began to decay exponentially from near infinite values.  This explains why light now takes billions of years to reach us.  It also explains the high ratio's of daughter products to parent products in radioactive decay (which invalidates radiometric dating).  As the speed of light decreased, planck's constant increased, and as a result the larger atoms destabalized first in a quantum manner (in jumps).  This process became critical at the beginning of the flood when Uranium began to decay.  Polonium and other short half-life elements did not begin to decay until the end of the flood.  The evidence for this is the Po-halos in coalified wood.
        Again, the initial events of the flood began with runaway radioactive heating at the top of the earth's mantle. As the earth's mantle heated up, the  presure on the water chamber increased.  This caused it to rupture ( See figure) flooding the earth.   As rock was eroded along the rift, the gap became wider and wider.  Eventually, enough weight was unloaded out of the rift that the floor of the deep sprang up and shoved the continents aside.  Continental drift was intiated, and continued until the water beneath was depleted.  By this time the land masses had so much drift enertia that when they ran aground on the floor of the deep, they compressed and thickened.  This raised the land masses out of the water.  For a more detailed description of the hydroplate theory, see  In The Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood.  For a discussion of some problems yet to be resolved, see  Discussion of Hydroplate Theory.
        Now when the plates hit the floor of the deep (after the water was depleted), they imparted a good deal of their inertial component to the oceanic plates.  This tends to pull material away from the ridges from which the land masses drifted.  This is partly why the sea floor spreads at the ridges.  The other reason is that the mantle is much closer to the surface under the ridges, and magma from that source wells up and expands.  This expansion pushes the ridges apart causing the sea floor to spread at low rates (less than 20cm/year).  This spreading effect is a left over effect of the flood, but it is not the cause of continental separation.  Also, there is no evidence of "convection currents" of molten rock in the interior of the earth.
        Another damaging fact against long term sea floor spreading, is the fact that sediments on the floor of the ocean are not deformed as they are on the continents.  If there had been more than a few hundred meters of movement in geologic time, we would expect massive deformities to occur in flat layers of sediment.  It is often claimed that Paleomagnetic anomolies show that the sea floor has spread over geologic time.  Actually, as the ridge rose off the bottom of the deep, it rifted paralell to the ridge axis, deep enough for molten magma to fill in the bottom of the fractures.  The tops of the rifts were still solid, and retained the preflood magnetic orientation, which was the same as today.  The bottoms filled in and cooled when the field had reversed polarity during the geomagnetic disturbance caused by rapid continental drift at the end of the flood.  Furthermore, alternating layers of sediments show reversed polarities going down into the rifts, as well as going away from the ridge axis.  How spreading produces this phenomenon is a mystery.  However, it can be explained by rapid field reversals in conjunction with the rapid deposition of the sediments.  That rapid reversal's do occur was demonstrated by Coe and Privot who found that the field had swung through 90° in the 7 days it took  a lava flow to cool.
        Another problem (mentioned by Brown) is the overlapping ridge axis.  In that case, the spreading hypothesis would have to postulate a subduction process right between the overlapping axis.  But there is no evidence for this.   We can explain this feature by saying that the as the fissure tried to propagate forward, it ran into resistence, but that the new fissure began parallel to the old one.
        The reversal patterns and current spreading rates are used to "date" the rate of continental drift by Evolutionists, who come up with some 200 million years.  We must notice that these dates are not obtained by radiometric dating across the axis of the ridge.  It is only based on the assumption that the observed spreading continued for 200 million years at current rates, when actually, the spreading has only been for 4500 years at current rates.  The cause of the spreading must be attributed to expanding magma at the ridge, and the transfer of the continent's inertial component to the sea floor when they ran aground.
        Brown proposes that the cause of the magnetic anomolies may be that deep in the rifts the quantity of solidified rock below the Curie point is greater than at the tops.  This gives a positive anomoly over the rifts, but a lower intensity of field over the crests of the rifts.  If the overall field intensity is interpreted as being x, and a measurement y, less than x, is obtained, then they assume that the reversed polarity of the rocks are cancelling out part of the x field to produce the y measurement.  But this would be invalid if the overall intensity did not subtract out the remnant magnatism of the "normal" rocks.  The only way to be sure that the low intensity rocks are actually reversely magnetised is to measure the direction of their field after cancelling out the effects of the earth's field.
        Another observation that needs to be explained is the offset nature of the ridge axis.  When the axis is realigned, then the anomolies are said to line up also.  This may be explained if we assume that the original fissure or crack that encircled the globe ran into resistances such that it was forced to propagate sideways for a space before resuming its forward propagation.  So far, so good, but what about the anomolies?  The plates would erode at the fissure, which was offset.  Then the bottom of the deep would rise in this offset pattern.  Drifting would initiate.  If we suppose that the rates of erosion and drift were symetrical about the axis, at least for the first 500-1000 km, and that as the ridge rose to the level of the present sea bottom, the  rock cooled below the Curie Point, so that it recorded the field direction at the time of cooling, then a matchable stripped pattern would be produced, even though it was never matched up in the first place!

                                      The Declining Power of Post Flood Volcanos
                                                        Evidence that the plates are slowing down
                                      Twentieth-Century Earthquakes: Confronting An Urban Legend - Austin
                                                        Could Tribulation quakes be caused by man's drilling of the crust?
                                      Earthquakes in These Last Days - Austin
                                      Global Warming and the Flood- Vardiman
                                      Cooling of the Ocean After the Flood - Vardiman
                                      Evidence for a Young Sun - Davies
                                                        Non-fusion source of power
                                      Creation and the Curse - Stambaugh
                                                        Scientific implication of curse on nature. I would add that the curse
                                             probably includes the negative habits of pesky insects and
                                             dangerous snakes.  It is possible that insects did not eat
                                             insects before the fall.
                                      Out of Whose Womb Came the Ice?* (*Job 38:29) - Vardiman
                                                        Precipitation climate model for post flood ice-age.
                                      Tree Rings and Biblical Chronology - Lorey
                                                        Verifying 2480 b.c.e. limit on oldest living trees. Warning! The 4900 year old
                                             estimate for Methuselah is 400 years too old.  The location of the
                                             tree is kept "secret," so the claims that it is older than the flood
                                             cannot be verified.  However, the fact that it is close, is good
                                             evidence for the date of the flood.
                                      The Dating Gap - Lubenow
                                                        Between C-14 and K-Ar, i.e. 40,000 b.p. and 400,000 b.p.
                                      The Earth's Magnetic Field is Young - Humphreys
                                                        Including explanation of reversal's.
                                      The Mystery of the Earth's Magnetic Field - Humphreys
                                       Earth's Magnetic Age: The Achilles Heel of Evolution - Barnes
                                      The Greenhouse Effect and Pre-Flood Days - Cooper
                                                        Important data on current warming trend
                                       Ice Cores and the Age of the Earth - Vardiman
                                                        Of the Greenland Ice Sheet
                                       Excessively Old Ages For Grand Canyon Lava Flows - Austin
                                                        Comparing "old" dates of surface lava to "younger" dates of deep lava.
                                       Grand Canyon Lava Flows: A Survey of Isotope Dating Methods - Austin
                                        Radiometric Dating Using Isochrons - Akridge
                                                        A Parable:  mixing vs. decay.
                                       Were Grand Canyon Limestones Deposited by Calm and Placid Seas? - Austin
                                                        Support for the idea of flood water transport of lime.
                                       Beyond Neptune: Voyager II Supports Creation - Humphreys
                                                        Confirmation of Humphrey's Magnetic Field Predictions
                                       The Chinese Language and the Creative Hands of God - Nelson
                                                        Writing System reveals origins
                                       Flight of Migratory Birds - Gitt
                                                        From Alaska to Hawaii
                                        The Chemistry of Oil Explained by Flood Geology - McQueen
                                        The Paluxy River Mystery - J. Morris
                                                        Possible Evidence of Evolutionists Tampering with Evidence?
                                         Paluxy River Tracks - J. Morris
                                         The Paluxy Dinosaur/Man Track Controversy
                                                        An argument that all tracks are dinosaur. By Evolutionist Glen J.  Kuban.
                                                        Warning!  This site abounds with lies and falsehoods.
                                          Photo-Galery of Paluxy Tracks
                                                        Note: Eyewitness testimony of track destruction by Kuban!
                                                        Warning! This site teaches anti-Sabbath heresies.  If creationists
                                            should learn from the Sabbath, they should learn it is a day for
                                            remembering creation!  (Other heresies here include: denial of the
                                            sleep of the dead, denial of anihilation in the lake of fire, etc.)
                                         Up, Up, and Away! The Helium Escape Problem - Vardiman
                                                        Too much Helium for 4.5 by of Radioactive decay!
                                         Consequences of Time Dependent Nuclear Decay Indices on Half Lives - Rybka
                                                         The dangers of extrapolation
                                          Springs of the Ocean - Austin
                                                          Hydrothermal Vents.  Remnants of the Foutains of the deep?
                                          Amino Acid Racemization Dating Method - Gish
                                                           Produces dates discordant with other methods.

 Polonium Halos in Flood Rocks
                                           Pleochroic Halos Revisited-Part I
                                           Pleochroic Halos Revisited-PART II
                                           Pleochroic Halos Revisited-Part III
                                           Pleochroic Halos Revisited-Part IV

                                           Return to Narrative

                                           Are These Photographs of Fossilized Nephilim?
                                           Ancient Airplanes
                                           Ancient Batteries
                                           The Abydos Mystery- Ancient Vehicles
                                           The London Artifact: An Iron Hammer In Stone
                                           Fossilized Human Finger
                                           Anomalously Occuring Fossils
                                           Creationists Take Over Dinosaur Dig, Worst Fears Realized by Evolutionists
                                            New Zealand Plesiosaur caught by Japanese Fishing Ship
                                                             Walt Brown's Presentation of the Plesiosaur
                                             An Analysis of a Supposed Plesiosaur Carcass Netted in 1977
                                                              Again Glen Kuban attacks the evidence by overrating the protein analysis
                                                              which did rule out mammalian origin, and by claiming it was a Basking Shark
                                                              See Basking Sharks - WWW-board  for a rebuff to Kuban's
                                                               Basking Shark theory.
                                             More on Dinosaurs and Other Megafauna - Ica Stones depict Dinosaurs
                                             Fossil DNA in amber and implications for geological time



The two models

             The Creationist assumes that there exists an intelligent thinking personal being who made the Universe.  This being has capabilities or characteristics greater than or equal to  the highest form of being or life in the Universe.  The Creationist also assumes that this being cares about the well being of his creatures so that he informs the creatures that are capable of understanding about himself and his creation  and that he is actively involved in maintaining or restoring the creation.
            The Evolutionist assumes that there does not exist an intelligent thinking personal being who made the Universe.  He assumes that the universe came into being based on principles less than or equal to the highest form of life or being in the universe.  Other than the highest form of being or life that we can "see" there is no ultimate being who cares or who informs us about the world or who actively involves himself in either maintaining or restoring the world.
Other models

            There are undoubtably many other mixtures of theory that could be made on the origin of the Universe.  These are the two most popular models.   So they are chosen first.   We can only compare the merits of two models at the same time and arrive at a decisive result on which model really makes more assumptions than the other, and which model is parsimonious and explains the evidence the best.  These two models are also ideal for comparison because they represent the possible extremes.  Most other models can be derived from these two as combinations.  If one understands the merits and demerits of these two models, then one will be in a good position to judge the others.  For example, the theistic evolution model assumes that there is a being who cares, but that evolution occured.  The evolution occured assumption is addressed by the evidence when we discuss  the evolutionary model, and the being who cares assumption is addressed in the other model.  So we have no need to address theistic evolution for the theistic evolutionist to be able to evaluate his theory.
            The remaining models that are not combinations of these two, or which are not addressed in our discussion can be taken care of in this way:  At least one of the models above can be proven to be so probably true that all other models are unreasonable, because  the other models offer no such probalistic proof that comes close to the quality of the one that we will offer.  Probability is a mathematical measure of the parsimony of a theory.  If the assumptions are shown to be improbable by experiment and evidence, then it is termed an improbable, unplausible, or ridiculous theory.  If the assumptions are born out by the evidence then the theory is parsimonious.  You will also find that bad theories tend to multiply their speculative assumptions in order to save the first assumptions it made from the conclusion of improbability.   A good theory maintains a plausible first set of assumptions, and as new evidence comes along finds a lesser need to add or modify assumptions.

Methods of Evaluating Theories

            The Creationist theory claims that the Deity cares and that he informed us about the world.  Since the Deity cares, then we may expect the Deity to prove in the best way possible that he is the Deity and to certify his chosen information source by this proof.  The best form of proof would be for the Deity to (1) demonstrate that he is all-powerful, and the best way to do this is to show that he controls the future by (a) predicting it, and (b) making it come out the way he wishes  --- over and above any objections.   (2)  The second form of proof is to show that the natural world fits the Deity's description of how things got the way they are  --- which relates to 1a in the present, i.e. we show that the Creator predicts the way things are also.
            If the Creationist theory yeilds a null result from the above method, then this will be evidence for the Evolutionary theory, because the Creationist theory excludes the Evolutionary theory.  If the Creationist theory is not provable in the manner described, then the Evolutionary theory becomes possible.
            Now the evolutionary theory only becomes possible; it is not proved  if the deity of the creationist theory fails to come forward.  Therefore, the method of proof the Evolutionist will choose will be to show that the (1) natural evidence fits his theory best, (2) that the claims of a Deity's predictions of how things are or how they will be  are false, and (2) that things don't come out as the Deity wishes.

Underhanded Tactics

            Eventually the question of "religion vs. science" will come up.  If religion is emotion, feeling, or worship of the Deity, then we are going to leave that out of the scientific phase of our investigation.  Certainly conclusions in favor of the Creationist lead to implications that there should be good emotions about the Deity and that we owe the Deity some kind of credit for what he has done, but such obligations are not evidence for creation.   Obviously the bible is a necessary reference for the Creationist, because it (a) contains descriptions of the world and (b) contains predictions of what will happen to the world.  In as much as the bible contains descriptions and predictions, it must be considered a complete description of the creationist model (by the way the Bible is the only historical document that can qualifiy as a description of any creationist model --- certainly not the Koran or the Bagavad Ghavita,  or any other document.)  So to cry "religion" when the Creationist brings the bible forward to describe his model is simply to deny the Creationist the right to describe his model.  As long as the creationist compares the description of the bible with the actual evidence or the bible's predictions with the actual historical outcome, then his method will not be unscientific.
            Now it must be clear that we have here expanded the definition of science to include historical science -- i.e. the study of the past.  Pure observational science (known as the empirical method) can only deal with the present, not the past.  Both evolutionists and creationists need the historical sciences to even be able to talk about origins.   Since logic and reason can be applied to information about the past, then information from the past can be evaluated.  The evolutionist (believe it or not) uses written sources of revelation just as much as the creationist.  For example, the evolutionary paleoentologist trusts the writings of the evolutionary geologist, who, in turn, trusts the data given him from labs that specialize in radiometric dating.  So to say that the evolutionist does not depend on the historical validation of his sources and the reliability of the data presented would be falacious.  The evolutionist can challenge the reliability of the bible legitimately only by using historical scientific methods.  The creationist analogue is to question the evolutionists recorded data based on the same methods.  So both the creationist and the evolutionist depend on the historical reliability of their sources.
            In any debate with an evolutionist, one can expect to be scoffed at and ridiculed.  One can expect semantic games.  One can expect attacks on credentials.  One can expect to be lied to.  One can expect evidence to be misquoted, unverified, or believed because the majority believes it.  One can expect theistic evolutionists to make especially unfair attacks because they are caught in the middle, and some have switched sides.  The Creation Model predicted this sort of behaviour.  Mankind is going from bad to worse.  The Creation model predicts that this age will end in an organized rebellion against God in which the creationist position is suppressed.

Public Opinon and Authority

            It would seem that number of educated men on one side of the question or the other would be evidence for that point of view.  Since history is replete with counter examples of the rightness of the majority opinion, it follows that such evidence cannot argue either way.   Furthermore, the creationist position argues that rebellion against God will increase until the end of the Age.
Key Arguments for Evolution

    (1) Radioactive Dating methods show  that the earth is 4 billion years old, which gives enough time for evolution to occur.
    (2) The fossil record shows increasing complexity from lower strata to higher strata indicating that evolution has taken place.
    (3) Species regularly adapt to their environments, and the source of the ability to adapt is an increase in the genetic variability of the species.
    (4) There direct evidence of transition from ape to man, small horses to large, and from reptile to bird.


Key Arguments for Creation

(1a) The bible accurately describes the world.
            i.  A world wide flood can explain the fossil and geological records.
            ii. Archeaology regularly confirms that the biblical record is accurate.
(1b)  The bible certifies ifself as accurate by making predictions that come true.
            i.   The coming of Christ was predicted 483 years in advance.
            ii.   The bible predicted the rise of Greece and Rome  to Superpower status before the fall of the Babylonian Empire.
            iii.  The bible predicted the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple.
            iv. The bible predicted the demise of Tyre.
(2)  Supernova dating methods show that the universe is no more than 7000 years old.  Evidence at the 95% confidence level for light speed decay shows that light need no more than 7000 years to arrive at earth.  Light speed decay also predicts an increase in planck's constant and and increase in the rate of radioactive decay in the past.
(3) The fossil record shows evidence of hydraulic sorting of species from those with high density and lower habitats to those with lower density and higher habitats which correlates to a world wide flood.
(4) Species adapt to environments based on genetic variability present from the beginning.
(5) The fossil record shows no historically reliable transitional forms.

        The Evolutionist argues that the visible universe and life on earth came into existence by chance.  The creationist argues that the God of the bible designed the universe and life on earth.  There is much evidence for the creationist assumption.  Everything that appears to be designed, whose origin we witnessed, actually was designed by a surperior intellect.  Usually that would be people who engineered something useful.  On the other hand, there is no object that appears to be designed, whose origin we witnessed to in fact be by random chance.  Therefore, the evidence supports the creationist assumption that a design requires a designer.  Since all the appearances of designs whose origins we can discover turn out to be in fact designed, it follows that the probability of an appearance of a design that we do not know the origin of, is most probably desinged by a surperior intellect.
        Furthermore, suppose that the Evolutionist can come up with that rare example or two of something that "appears to be designed," whose origin we know to be random chance.  The very fact that such examples would be "rare" in comparison to appearances of design, which turn out to be designed,  shows that the probability of the Evolutionist being right in unkown cases is still extremely low.
         There is a question as to what "appearance of design" means.  A good definition would be any object whose capabilities are greater than the individual parts of the object.  Capabilities would be ability to move in a non random fashion or do something useful.  The evolutionist might press us for a fully measureable definition of "appearance of design," (i.e. he might want us to quantify it), and he would argue that possible inability to quantify the design component of an object (apart from its parts) in a universally applicable way would mean that our argument about design was inconclusive, because our definition of "design" might not be measurable all the time.
           But in order for the evolutionist to argue that objects,  which appear to be designed by a designer,  come about by random chance, he must first be able to distinguish between the concept of design by a designer, and design by random chance.  I would then submit that if the evolutionist cannot quantify the difference between the two concepts, that then his preceeding objection to our argument would be inconclusive because if the two concepts exist (as assumed by the evolutionist), but are unquantifiable, then the evolutionist has no basis for insisting on measurement of the concepts.  In otherwords, if he insists that we quantify "design," then we insist that he quantify it before he uses the concpet to deny that it came about by a desinger.
        So, we are back to square one.  The available evidence supports the need for a designer for every design.  What design is, I leave to human experience and intellect to grasp.  For such capabilities in people are in the ultimate sense "spiritual" things, which are part of "thought" and "consciousness."  And I suspect that physical things which submit to measurement and spiritual things are in different categories.  This brings us to the root of the philosophy of naturalistic evolution:  the evolutionist only believes that all  realitiy is composed of matter.

Rock Strata.

         lack of  soil layers
        ripple marks, footprints, and polystrate fossils.

    lack of soil layers:

        The Evolutionist argues that sedimentary rocks, i.e. the layers of rocks laid down underwater composed of sediments settling out of water, are produced quickly, but that their are large gaps of time between each layer on the order of millions of years.  The Creationist argues that the entire sedimentary geological column was laid down under water with only so much time between layers as to allow for a shift in current with a new sediment load, or a change in tide.  What does the evidence have to say about these assumptions?
        It has been observed that any exposed surface in the biosphere above water or under water, over time, attracts colonization by life forms --- at the very least lichens which slowly decompose the hardest of rocks into soil.  It is also observed that the boundaries between layers of sedimentary rock are entirely lacking in the vast majority of cases any soils or signs of colonization by life.  It would seem with millions of years between layers that one might expect evidence of life's mark on the surface of the layer.  But the evidence is lacking.  This would support the creationist contention, then, that the layers were all laid down too quickly for life to thrive on the exposed surface.
       The evolutionist will reply that the surface of the old layer of sedimentary rock was scraped clean by erosion just before deposition of the next layer, so that every layer  lacking evidence of life in the million+ year gap had its surface eroded just before the new layer was quickly produced.  This, of course, is an additional assumption, and at that an ad hoc assumption.  Since the creationist does not have to make this assumption, the creationist theory satisfies the parsimony criteria better.
        Besides noting the additional assumption, we must ask if it is reasonable.  Let us suppose that x% of sedimentary layers show no evidence of soil or colonization by life forms in the top layer.  Let us suppose that we check all the landscapes that were covered by historical floods that left sediment to see if the soil layer is still there.  Let us say we find y% of the landscapes were scoured clean before deposition of sediment.  Now if x = y, then the evolutionist has evidence for his assumption.  But if x >> y (x is much greater than y), then the evolutionist not only has an additional assumption, he has a poor one.  I suspect that when this reasearch actaully comes to light that the result will be x >> y.

     ripple marks, footprints, and polystrate fossils:

            Obviously if a fossil in one layers extends to another layer, the whole sequence must have been laid down at the same time rapidly.  These fossils are called "polystrate," (many strata).  Trees are typical polystrate fossils because their long length allows them to bridge many layers at once.   Sometimes sedimentary surfaces have ripple marks from the water that laid the layer down, which argues that they were not exposed to erosion for any length of time.  The presence of footprints would also argue the same.

Radiometric Dating

        Certain Radioactive elements decay into other elements over time at a given rate.  The most popular is Potassium to Argon.    By measuring the amount of argon and potassium in a sample, one can extrapolate backward over time using the rate to determine the time when the argon content would be zero.   The validity of the method depends on three assumptions (1) No argon was present when the rock with the potassium was formed. (2) The rate of decay from Potassium (K) to Argon (Ar) has not changed. (3) No argon or potassium was added or subtracted from the rock system between the time of formation and the time of measurement.
        Obviously, if these assumptions hold, then Evolution must be true and Creation wrong.  The Question is, then, what does the evidence say about the assumptions, i.e. is there evidence in their favor?  Remember that the better theory will make fewer assumptions.  In this case the Evolutionist had made three assumptions, and the Creationist has made only one: i.e. at least one of the Evolutionist's assumptions is incorrect.  So the score is three to one.
        Now what does the evidence say?  The only possible test of radioactive dating methods is to date a rock of known historical age to see if the historical age agrees with the radiometric age.  Barring this, the evolutionist's assumptions are untestable.  So what happens?  When lava flows of known historical age are radioactively dated, the radiometric date is in excess of the historical date by many orders of magnitude.   The vote of the evidence, then, is "no confidence" in all cases except Carbon-14 dating.  And since the half-life of C-14 is 5700 years, too little carbon remains after 12 half-lives for it to be useful.  That is, C-14 is always inconclusive  for dates greater than 60,000 years.  Furthermore, C-14 is historically verified (with a lot of fuzziness) only back to 2000 b.c.e.  That means, that what we said about the other methods must be said about C-14 dates between 4000 and 60000 b.p. (before present).
        So, when the Evolutionary apologist brings us radiometric dating, it is proper to ask him for a list of "control" experiments to validate the method he is using --- i.e. a list of radiometric dates that agree in age in rocks of known historical age.  Otherwise, the claims of the apologist are based on mere speculative assumptions.  Should such a list be provided (I doubt it can be) then care must be taken to make sure the list truly represents the evidence, by (a) using the blind method  -- the testing lab must not know the source or that the sample has a historical date, and (b) making sure the the list was not created by selectively weeding out many discordant dates.  (Radiometric dating might be accidentally right sometimes, and we would not want to weed out all the dates except the accidentally correct ones).    Finally, (c) since discordant dates do occur as addmited by the evolutionist, a statistical analysis in order to determine the confidence level of the "correct" dates by factoring in the "incorrect" dates.
        Now it is not up to the creationist to perform such tests!   Such precautions (a)-(c) are merely good science, and should be done by those claiming validity for radiometric dating.

        References: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~plaisted/ce/dating.html.  This is the best technical discussion of radiometric dating that I have found so far.   Another site  http://www.parentcompany.com/creation_explanation/cx8f.htm
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