When Christianity rejected the Torah, the Law of the Almighty, and particularly the seventh day Sabbath, it changed the resurrection day from the first of the Sabbaths after Passover to Sunday. It changed the timing to avoid the Biblical Sabbath, and it also changed the reason Messiah Yeshua suffered into a false gospel based on sacraments and believing doctrines at the expense of true repentance and faithfulness. At first these changes were reinterpretations of the existing Greek Text and misunderstandings of the Hebrew Torah. But later these reinterpretations were inserted into translations of these texts. The true faithful that kept the original truth were marginalized to fringe status by the Church, which over time allowed itself to be controlled by an Ecclessiastical Deep State of clerical bureaucracy, promoting false traditions, so that, it could attract the massses of the nations with its corrupted gospel. This corrupted Church persecuted the faithful and still persecutes the faithful.
The Church is chained to this Ecclesiastical Deep State. And this false ekklesia has been, and is becoming, and will be the whore of Babylon. It claims the legacy of Messiah, and dresses itself as a lamb, pretending to speak for Messiah, but it speaks the words of the serpent, even promoting an immoral value system.
The chart below gives the true chronology. There is much to say about it, but for this article I will focus on just one point, Matthew 12:40 and Luke 24:21. Read More...
Yeshua's Messianic Kingdom Comes Near!
Hardcover 2022
Welcome to Torahtimes! Here you will find the truth about all things dealing with historic biblical chronology, theology, and eschatology. The faithful in Yeshua all over the world are waking up to the fact that Christianity began to defect from the truth soon after Messiah Yeshua returned to heaven, and that over the last 2000 years it has by increasing corruption and subversion been tranformed into the Ecclessiastical Deep State and an enemy of the truth disloyal to the teachings of Messiah. It looks like a lamb, and has two horns, but its words are the words of The Serpent.
In Matthew 7:22, Yeshua warned us about the lawlessness of the many. The "many" are a majority who take the name of Messiah, but who are not faithful to him. There are three main points of truth the many have forsaken: the appointed times, the good news, and the kingdom. Everything falls into these three themes. The first theme is the change of Sabbath to Sunday, and Law into license. The second theme is the change of the Good News of forgiveness into a theological system of payment for sins. And the final theme is the coming kingdom of Messiah before Messiah returns in which all Israel will keep the Torah in the land. Meanwhile the apostate Church will still be looking to the rapture to deliver them without coming under the bond of the covenant, because they have forsaken the Sabbaths of the Kingdom, the Good News of the Kingdom, and the Kingdom itself.
The revelation of the truth begins with the fact that Christianity exchanged the Sabbath for Sunday. The book at the right begins with the passion chronology, and shows step by step how Messiah's holy day was changed. This work shows that he was raised from the dead on the Sabbath at dawn, and not on Sunday morning as alleged by the Church. Digging deep into the original languages it is proved that a proper translation of the resurrection day is, "The first of the Sabbaths." Step by step, this book logically demolishes this tradition and restores the truth by demonstrating scientifically the normal meanings of words and idioms in the original languages.
The Resurrection Sabbath supplies the key to solving Daniel 9 and other lost vistas of biblical chronology, which were lost because Christianity rejected the Law. Restoring the appointed times is a blessing just for their ability to explain biblical history and chronology.
The second theme to take up is the meaning of Messiah's death and resurrection. On this topic Christianity has tossed the truth deep down into a den of lions. The author started climbing out of this around 2003. Christianity generally teaches that Jesus "paid for our sins" in the sense that a debt is paid off to a creditor so that the creditor has no ending loss on his balance sheet. This is claimed both in a punitive sense and a positive sense, i.e. positive righteousness is deposited in the penitant man's account so that he is declared innocent.
The second theme addresses this. Christianity's teaching is forgiveness in name only. It is not actually forgiveness of the debt. It is payment of the debt to the Father. It is mob boss forgiveness. Get my bookie his money. I don't care how. Borrow it, or I will break your legs.
The Most High truly forgives. He gave his Son not to pay himself the debt, but as a ransom for many. The death of Messiah is an indication of the suffering our sins have caused to both Father and Son on the human level, because while waiting for our repentance, the Most High has paid a terrible cost watching our sins destroy his creation. You can call it a king's ransom in suffering. This is the cost that sin has taken from the Almighty. The Son's suffering gives us a human window in on the totality of divine suffering. That's why the Most High let sin meet up with his Son, to lovingly instruct us on what sin does. To also demonstrate that strict justice is being cancelled in favor of the benevolent justice that is forgiveness. Messiah's suffering as a man is a divine-human measure of the divine suffering of the Spirit from the time that sin entered the world.
The Good News of Messiah was translated with the true good news in view.
Then there is the allegation that somehow the Most High's covenant of old with Israel has been annuled, and then a brand new covenant, requring no love of Messiah's Torah and no faithfulness to Him, has replaced it. But the truth is this: the covenant of old has been new-made. The covenant of old was renewed by Messiah, because it is an everlasting covenant. For this reason I spent many years studying Greek and Hebrew, and researching answers to hard questions and difficult translations. The result is a translation of the "New Testament" retitled, “The Good News of Messiah,” and the full title is “The Good News of the new made covenant of Messiah according to the faithfulness of Messiah to make new the covenant of old.” Torah observers are going to love the absolute fidelity of The Good News of Messiah translation. No corners have been cut with scholarship and no compromises have been made with so called translations produced by the Church. From major issues, such as rendering πιστις as “faithfulness” (vs. faith) and πιστεύειν as “to hold faithful” (vs. to believe) all the way to very minor problems such as “we being dead to transgressions” instead of "in transgressions" for Ephesians 2:5, The Good News of Messiah is by far the best and most accurate translation.
The Good News of MessiahPerfect Bound Edition
The Good News of Messiah deals with all the heretical problems that have plagued Christian cults, not only in the notes, but also at the translational level. False teaching about the Torah, justification, imputation, eternal torment, and anti-law passages are all corrected or sent to the dust bin with sound scholarship. The Good News of Messiah also translates the book of Hebrews in an appendix and with copious notes demonstrates its canonicity problems.
Torahtimes also produces youtube videos for the instruction of the faithful. So see my channel here: torahtimes channel
What do I take a stand for? Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel, the Almighty Son of the Almighty Father. His Torah (Law) was never changed or abolished. When we repent and turn away from sin, the Father forgives us our sins. And when the house of Israel repents and returns to the Torah and the timeline for Israel's exile runs out, then the Most High will return Israel to the Holy Land.
The Scroll of Biblical Chronology and Ancient Near Eastern History Seventh Edition, Vol I
Seventh Edition Vol. IChart Book
Two volumes provide the foundation for the third theme, the coming kingdom of Messiah, by first establishing the known historical chronology. The solutions to the riddles of biblical chronology are presented in these volumes. Volume I contains the most detailed charts in color with a multitude of events dated.
The Sabbatical years of Daniel 9 are laid out in both volumes, and so also the Jubilee years.
The charts show the Jubilee benchmarks lining up perfectly for creation, for the famine in Egypt, for the entry into the land, for Saul's blowing the trumpet througout the land, and for the aftermath of the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem, the fall of Nineveh and the end of Nebuchadnezzar's madness.
Volume I is a full color presentation of the chronology. The book is opened and then rotated clockwise 90 degrees. The charts are then read from top to bottom in that orientation like a scroll scrolling from page to page. There is an actual scroll of an older edition in my videos.
The Scroll of Biblical Chronology and Ancient Near Eastern History Seventh Edition, Vol II
Seventh Edition Vol. II
Volume II of the Scroll of Biblical Chronology and Ancient Near Eastern History explains in thorough detail the construction of the chronology in Volume I. The first 56 pages are all explanation. Then on pages 57 to 150 this volume repeats the chronology between the years 1632 BC and AD 34 in a sideways running format spanning the center of the book with repeating pages (on pages 57-150). The bottom third of these pages contains text with additional commentary to fully use all the space. Commentary continues on full pages 151 to 305.
On page 37, I begin solving the problems of biblical chronology. First addressed is the “first year problem,” whether Adam’s age is counted 0, 1, 2... or 1, 2, ....
On page 51 the puzzle of the link between Terah and Abraham is solved and the solution explained. On page 57 I address who died in the wilderness and on page 59 Israel’s population is calculated using the firstborn figures in the book of Numbers: 3.3 million. The growth rate and family size is also calculated for Israel during the time in Egypt. On page 65 the necessary space for a camp of 3.3 million people is calculated, and the necessary width of the passage through the sea.
On pages 68-76 I explain the reign of Nebuchadnezzar along with a thorough analysis of VAT 4956. On pages 78-88 the reigns of the Herods are explained. On pages 88-93 the reign of Tiberius is explained and the relating coin evidence from the Antioch mint.
On pages 95-105 the births of John the Baptist and Yeshua of Nazareth are detailed. There is a thorough explanation of the priestly divisions here also.
On page 106, the Exodus year is confirmed by astronomical calculation. Astronomical calculation is also applied to David’s flight to Nob on page 111.
Beginning on page 112 the calculation of Daniel 9 is laid out. Erring theories are also thoroughly refuted. Eschatological elements are also dealt with.
The matter of Joshua’s Long Day is covered on pages 129-134. On pages 140-150 I cover the duration of Messiah’s ministry and the years in which it took place.
On page 153 a chapter on the 400 year cipher. On page 165 a chapter on the 430 year riddle. On page 175, the 1 Sam. 13:1-3 Jubilee cipher. On page 177, the 390 years of Ezekiel explained. On page 183 how to count Sabbath years. On page 187 Jewish commentaries and sources on the Sabbath year. Josephus on the Sabbath year (pg. 191). The Wadi Murabbat Contracts (pages 197-202). I explain Seder Olam, the Churban, and how the Jewish year of creation was derived. On page 211 the relevance of the Zo'ar Tombstones is taken up.
On page 217, the significance of the El Lahun Papyri is explained for the Middle Kingdom. On page 230, I explain the role and place in history of the Hyksos Pharaohs. On page 235 the chronology of the Judges is straightened out and the opinions of those who would shorten it are refuted.
On page 250, the complexities of the Kings of Judah and Israel are dealth with in a systematic and organized fashion, from No. 1 Saul to No. 44 Zedekiah. The resulting chronology is shown to be almost exactly what pre-Thiele chronologists concluded.
On pages 272-278 the 70 year periods are detailed. On page 279 I go into the chronology of the Persian kings and their relations to Nehemiah and Ezra. And then in the final pages is an explanation of the chronology of Messiah’s death and resurrection.
The third theme concerns the coming kingdom, which Christianity has rejected. Based on these two volumes I am working on a third volume on eschatology.
And the main point will be this: there is an Age of Restoration for Israel that lies between the present and the Tribulation. I estimate it will be three Jubilees before we reach Messiah's second coming. During this time Israel will be transformed into a relative utopia and the nations into a post apocalyptic horror story.
The beast is rising, and will put Jerusalem under siege. There is a harvest for Jewish Israel, but Messiah will defend his city and stop the beast. The house of Israel will return to rebuild a devastated land and the house of Judah and Israel will prosper.
Nation will fight with nation and kingdom with kingdom until they begin to leach off of Israel's blessing and prosper again. At that time the beast will revive and deceive the nations and destroy apostate Christianity which no longer serves its purposes, and the Most High will allow this to happen because they will no longer be serving him. All who have not sought the kingdom of the Most High in a timely manner will perish along with apostate Christianity, but a remant will save their souls choosing martyrdom through being faithful to Messiah.
This is all before the second coming. And the Tribulation is just a last test for Israel, which will be protected in a place prepared, while the nations will in the end suffer the vengance of the Most High after they have killed all the faithful remaining in them.
This third theme counters the rapture theory which is a deception meant to replace the Age of Restoration.